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Multiple Settings Searching for a partner; Romancing ~ (Anything) / (FD double?)


may chaos take the world.
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi there!

I’m looking for a partner who might be interested in a potentially long-term RP.

I’m particularly interested in romancing mxf, no matter the genre. If its about a fandom it depends, but we could discuss further in private chatt. Im open for doubles in that case.

About me:

I’m 26, male​
I’m a really nice, tolerant, and open-minded person in real life.​
I try to reply at least once a day, and if I have more time, I’m happy to respond several times a day.​
I don’t write one-liners; you can expect at least 2+3 paragraphs from me, with somewhere around 200+ words depending on the situation. I enjoy writing in detail and creating immersive stories together.​
I'm very comfortable with writing ooc. Open for some chat in general, since thats how i get to know you better to adjust things if needed. Besides that i like little chit-chats.​
Oh and i don't feel comfortable chatting with minors, sorry about that..​

I hope this gives you a little insight into who I am!

If you’re interested, I’d be super excited to hear from you! And if not, thank you so much for taking the time to read through this post! ^~^
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