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Multiple Settings Searching for a partner I can mesh with (Closed)


Κύριε, ἐλέησον
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Howdy! I'm a guy of 19 years and as of late I have felt the itch to role-play with somebody.

To put it simply, I am less interested in the actual details of the role-play than the actual person I will be writing with. This is what I weigh the most, so I really do hope that we both can find similar interests and preferences. Otherwise, I'd consider myself very flexible in regards to plot and setting.
I live in Europe, my timezone is UTC +1, and I should have a lot of time on my hands to write in the coming months.

My preferences:
  • Please be over 18 years.
  • I like to plan things out with my role-play partners: plot, characters, setting, etc.
  • I do not have any triggers or anything of the sort. Do you? We can talk about it.
  • I can play multiple characters.
  • I want you to contribute your own ideas to the role-play, at least sometimes. I'm very open to receiving suggestions and ideas. Feel free to speak out!
  • Role-play in third-person and past tense.
  • No god-modding.
  • Quality over quantity. I'd rather you move the role-play along and give me something to work with if it means getting a shorter reply. Write with passion and don't be passive! I would still prefer to have at least a few paragraphs per post.
  • Good grammar and spelling. I won't nitpick, though. We all make mistakes, and sometimes I too can make some slip-ups.
  • Please, do not ghost me. If you wish to leave, tell me so plainly. I do not bite! Alternatively, if you want to introduce changes to the role-play if you start to lose interest, let me know!
  • For romance, if that's your thing, I only do MxF. For platonic plots I can do anything.
  • I want you to reply at least once a week. I can post multiple times each week if you can do more, however. If you will be away for a long period of time, please, notify me ahead of time. What matters to me is consistency.
  • I would really like somebody who is open to OOC chatting.
  • I can role-play either on this site or on discord, although I would prefer to do it here. OOC chat is fine anywhere.

Maybe you and I like the same things? This could perhaps help you gauge me in return, and so I will provide a some examples of things I read and watch.

Shows and movies:
Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, Blade Runner, Planetes, The Bridge on The River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, Das Boot, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Metropolis, Treasure Planet, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Deus Ex (2000), Kenshi, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls (chiefly Morrowind), Homeworld, Command & Conquer, Fallout + Fallout 2, Dwarf Fortress

The Master and Margarita, Dune, Rendezvous with Rama, Solaris, The Incal (technically a comicbook), Foundation (still on the second book)

Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Enigma, Klaus Schulze, The Alan Parsons Project, Camel, Jean-Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd


When it comes to fandoms, I'm quite open to the prospect of picking one for a role-play. However, simply due to the sheer amount of IPs, you're going to have to ask me if there's one on your mind. Maybe I'm familiar with it, maybe I am not. But to see what I am generally interested in you can refer to the section above. Do keep in mind that I will only play with OCs and would want you to do the same. In other words, I'm fine with playing in these settings but not as established characters.

Original Settings/Plots:

If making something original is more appealing to you, then I am happy to go along with that. Truthfully, I'd prefer that over any fandom RP. I'm quite familiar with worldbuilding and love to create characters. As stated in my preferences list, I need you to present your own ideas and wants for this role-play if we are to make this work. I'm open to just about anything except maybe school or super hero plots. Hopefully we can figure out the rest in chat.

Want me to provide some plot ideas? I have a few ready, but we can just as well come up with something else together or change these ones up:

The Quiet Apocalypse
Heavily inspired by the premise of The Long Dark. Following a coronal mass ejection and geomagnetic storm, all of the Earth has gone silent and its electrical grids knocked out. Stuck in the northern Canadian wilderness in winter with no hope of escape, two survivors must struggle against mother nature and her wrath. Faced with hunger, treacherous humans, predators and the ever-growing cold, they must carve a way to survival and struggle against the fading hope or be left as food for the crows.

Enemies of the State
Stuck in a labour/POW camp, cooperation and craftiness is the only thing keeping these prisoners away from the clutches of death. Forced to endure punishments, starvation and exhaustion, many have already succumbed. How much longer will the others last until a way to freedom presents itself? It lies just out of reach, past the rows of fences and the looming guard towers.

Greetings From Ganymede
A way to the solar system has opened. Thousands flood to the stars to seek their fortune in this new frontier. But wherever there is money to be made, there too exists crime. Jupiter's moon Ganymede has become a hub for traffic bound for the inner and outer planets and as a gateway to the moons of Jupiter. Among growing corporations and new industries, the colonies of Ganymede provide a perfect start for prospecting people, good or bad. This idea can either serve as a more relaxed hard-sf slice-of-life or be more crime-focused. The choice is yours!

Have plots of your own? I'm all ears!

I am primarily looking for someone respectable who is in it for the long-term and writes with a passion. I would also really want appreciate it if you were open to OOC chat. I am adaptable and flexible to most things, so the idea is that we come up with something together and are open about our wants. I'd like for you to be comfortable with me in return. If you have any questions about me or ideas you would like to share, just shoot me a message! :)

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