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Multiple Settings Searching for a Little Bit of Everything (or Anything?)


Faith Prevents the Fall
Hello all! I'm Agrim and I'm really looking to start a few roleplays. I have lots of things I like to roleplay, and among them, I don't really mind which we do. I'm honestly just looking for a compelling story that makes me unable to wait to reply. I'll first go into some administrative stuff and then I'll get into the roleplay goods.

~I'm semi-lit to literate when it comes to RPs. I ask though that during times of high dialogue between our characters that we can keep our posts shorter, 1-2 paragraphs short. There's nothing more annoying for me than if your character says something but it doesn't matter what mine says in reply because you've already gone 5 more paragraphs ahead. One liners aren't necessary, there's always new things to be thinking and feeling, but our characters have to be able to interact. ya know, back and forth like.

~All roleplays I do are romantic. If romance isn't your thing I'm sorry but this is not the thread for you.

~Speaking of romance, I prefer MxM, I will do MxF (myself playing male), and I will only do FxF if we're doubling (and I really only double if I'm doing fandom).

~As of right now, I'm really craving that angst. People who hate each other to lovers, everything in the world keeping them apart, preposterous (not impossible) factors coming into play to make their lives harder. They can't meet and just be in love, that's way too easy. I'd like a diet soap opera please!

~I cannot do modern day slice of life role plays. That is way too similar to my own life and that is not the reason why I'm here.

Alright! Now that we have that out of the way, I've got, as I've said, the role play goods. I have romance tropes that I enjoy, settings I like, the literal one fandom that I ALWAYS want to role play and a few short character bios. Feel free to peruse and let me know if anything interests you!

Romance tropes:
-Arranged Marriage
-Freaky Friday (body switching)
-Fake dating

-Ancient Rome/Greece
-Futuristic (with all the robots)
-Dimension hopping

The one fandom I always want to role play is: Harry Potter. If I thought I could hook you all in with just asking for HP RPs I would try that. For HP RPs I always prefer canon/oc where my partner plays Neville Longbottom for my male oc. If we double, I'll play absolutely anyone you want and we can do mxf, mxm, or fxf, or any other pairing type. I love to turn up the angst in these and have many an idea if you're interested.

I'll include some of my characters in a spoiler so this post doesn't take up a ton of space. If you look through them, you will see, that yes, I have a particular type of character that while I may change the flavor and add some different toppings... they're all quite similar. I like what I like okay? lol.
Name: Arthur Kennedy “Art” McCross

Birthday: November 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Irish/Romanian
Languages: English, Romanian, a little bit of Irish
Personality type: A
Personality: He can be cocky and sarcastic, and has sometimes been known to have anger issues, but he can be weak under the thumb of authority unless he has someone backing him up. He has a wicked sense of humor and is fiercely loyal when finding someone that he considers "worth it," though those people are far and few in between.
Appearance: He has orange curly hair that frames his face and reaches his shoulders (it’s longer than in the reference gifs) and dark brown eyes. His skin is pale (pink undertones) and covered in freckles. He stands at 5’9 and is well built, his upper body strength quite apparent.

Fun facts about Art:
-He is terrified of snakes
-As he gets angrier, his Irish accent becomes increasingly more difficult to understand.
-He often swears in Romanian because it's more vulgar and he can get away with it.



Name: Christopher Michael “Chris” Tate

Birthday: January 18th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: English/Chinese
Languages: English
Personality type: B
Personality: Not many know much about Christopher, as he’s deeply private and often keeps to himself. He’s not a loner; he has friends (though not close) and talks to his peers, but rarely does he allow them to scratch the surface of his personality. What they see is a straightforward and blunt guy who’s polite enough but for all intents and purposes, is apathetic to the world around him. Under his outer shell lies an intense, passionate side to him. Christopher is a very empathetic person, even if it doesn’t quite show. He can relate to people easily, despite their situation, making him a good person to go to if advice is needed (and this person was close enough to know this side of him).
Appearance: Christopher is tall, standing around 6’1, and somewhat lanky, though he does have a little bit of muscle. He has black hair and dark brown eyes that in some light seems the same shade as his hair.

Fun facts about Chris:
-He enjoys painting and reading
-He’s a huge sweet tooth
-Learning languages is one thing he’s bad at grasping, which is why he never learned Chinese from his mother growing up

Name: Jamison Abdul “Jamie” Amari

Birthday: May 25th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Arabic (born and raised in Ohio)
Languages: English, Mandarin, French, Arabic
Personality type: A
Personality: Jamie isn’t really a big talker, actually, he much prefers to listen, or even better, silence. He doesn’t do extremely well interacting with people, so he just generally avoids it when he can. He’s a very logical person, excelling in math and his favorite subject, physics, in school. Just knowing random facts is his general MO and he’s got a wide variety of interests. Sometimes Jamie can appear to come off as unattached and distance, but that’s just because he doesn’t really know how to get close. He does have a kind streak though, when someone needs it the most, he’s there to help, no questions asked.
Appearance: He is averagely tall, standing at 5’11 and is averagely built. He has dark green eyes and long brown hair that he usually keeps up to keep it out of his face. His skin is olive toned and his face usually has slight or no stubble (a lot less than in the ref pictures)

Fun facts about Jamie:
-He enjoys romantic comedies
-He majored in Mechanical engineering in college and went on to get a master’s degree in AI and robotics
-He smokes pot somewhat regularly

Note: Anthiot is usually used in fantasy settings
Name: Anthiot Godfrey

Nickname: Tony (Is rarely called this)
Birthday: September 14th
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: (fantasy)Krytan (realistic)American (french heritage)
Languages: (fantasy)Common, Krytan (realistic) English
Personality type: Mix of both (A slightly more)
Personality: Anthiot can be described as a humble man, one who likes to keep out of the spotlight and do what he needs to do. He is quite loyal and very religious (not to be confused with intolerant). He does his best to see the good in others, though tends to be weary towards strange or suspicious individuals. Anthiot may sometimes seem perfect to others, but really, he is just quite good at keeping his flaws to himself. He has many doubts about himself and his capabilities and when left alone, he finds it all too easy to dwell on them. He is usually strong willed, though quite gullible to mind tactics such as manipulation. He can sometimes come of as unsocial or standoffish, but in reality this illusion comes from his serious nature. When the timing is appropriate, he doesn't have too much of a problem in letting loose a little.
Appearance: Anthiot has orange-brown light hair that is short and slightly spiky in the front. His eyes are light green and he’s incredibly tall (6’4). He’s pale and has harsh permanent scarring over his right eye.

Fun facts about Anthiot:
-(fantasy) He was a Commander of an army
-(realistic) He was a Major General in the U.S. army
-It’s rare to see him angry, but most hope they’re never ‘lucky’ enough to see it happen

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