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Searching for a Few Partners!!


New Member
Hey there! I'n Renil (they/them pronouns please), and I'm obviously in search of some role-plays. It's been some time since I have, so I hope you don't mind a little rust. I like talking, so first I'm going to talk about some of what you can hopefully expect from me, a bit of what I'm looking for from a partner, and then a bunch of stuff about genres and whatnot.

So to begin. I am 20 and have been writing, in general, for 8 to 9 years now. I kind of switch between role-playing and solo-writing, and recently I've only been solo-writing. I want to get back into it! Back when I used to role-play often, my introduction posts would be 800+ words, and my general posts about half that. I usually tried to reply once a day, however sometimes due to work or other factors it'd take a little longer. I'm not really good at rapid fire posting, but if that'd something you'd be interested in I could try, however it'd probably be at the cost of some quality and detail of work. I enjoy playing multiple characters and LGBTQ+ characters. I typically stick in the fantasy and sci-fi genres, however I do branch out occasionally. I've also begun to have a liking for aesthetic moodboards and the like, and there will be times I'll make one for role-plays I'm really inspired for.

Also as a general warning, I have diagnosed depression and a general anxiety disorder. Sometimes it contributes to my reply times, but I tend to try to let you know when I'm starting to feel like it's going to affect me.

From you, I expect at least a good, meaty paragraph per post. I expect interest and decisiveness, but with room for compromises and new ideas. I expect contributions in and out of character; I refuse to be the only one making forward action happen, or be the only one suggesting new ideas to incorporate. I expect you to tell me any limits or triggers you have, just so I am well aware and so I don't accidentally make you uncomfortable.

I'm going to try to provide as much information as possible as to what I role-play, so I'm going to provide a list of thematic elements I enjoy, some pairings, some fandoms, and some plots I have.

I play characters of all genders, however right now I'm feeling like playing male characters. I also role-play all pairings, whether they be mxf, fxf, mxm, or against non-binary characters. Most of my characters tend to be either pansexual or asexual, in case you're curious.

Most of my plots are fairly gender neutral, however some aren't, mostly because they were written for a thing with a specific pairing already figured out and I was too lazy to go through and make it neutral. Plots can be played with, and suggestions are always welcome.

I love being randomly send intros. Absolutely love it! So if you want please just send me an intro or link me to a thread (with maybe a couple of notes about setting/what characters you'd be interested seeing played against yours?) and I would love you forever.

Theme List:

romance | comedy | fantasy | supernatural | fandoms | arranged marriages | multiple interviewing stories | gray morality | decisions with no good outcomes | historic | steampunk | sci-fi | aliens | world building | assassins | demon hunters | pirates | post-apocalypse | warring factions | thievery | dragons | secrets | opposites attract | enemies turned lovers | lovers turned enemies| character development | characters from all walks of life | rebuilding | hope | dystopia | forbidden love | curses | exploring | the unchosen one(s) | more to come as soon as i think of them

Demon x Angel

Angel x Fallen Angel

Angel x Human

Fallen Angel x Demon

Fallen Angel x Mortal

Demon x Human

Vampire x Human

Vampire x Demon



Hunter x Basically any mythological creature

Naga x Anything

Elf x Mortal

Elf x Drow

Elf x Anything

Drow x Mortal

Fairy x Elf

Fairy x Mortal

Fairy x Anything

Prince x Princess

Prince x Thief

Princess x Assassin

Assassin x Thief

Assassin x Assassin

Assassin x Target

Thief x Guard Captain

Mermaid x Mortal

God x Goddess

God/Goddess x Mortal

Demi-God x Mortal

God/Goddess x Priest/Priestess

Demi-God x Priest/Priestess

Priestess x God

Dragon Riders

Arranged Marriage

Alien x Human

Alien x Alien

Vampire: the Masquerade (am still learning about the World of Darkness as a whole, am most familiar with V:tM though playing Bloodlines)

Mass Effect

Dragon Age

The Keisha'ra

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Percy Jackson series

Inheritance Cycle

Hunger Games

Assassin's Creed

The Books of Pellinor


Game of Thrones

Elder Scrolls (specifically Skyrim, however I have some Oblivion knowledge)

Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

Jurassic Park & World

Ark: Survival Evolved

Pokemon and Ark: Survival Evolved Crossover
Modern (can add fantasy) - Forbidden Love in a world where monarchies are still in power

Character A is the crown prince of a kingdom, groomed since he was a young age to take the crown. He’s everything a crown prince and future king should be, and throughout his life has given up many opportunities at individualism because of it.

Character B is a noble woman of the same kingdom as Character A. She’d not of common birth, however she isn’t of incredibly high standing either, and is on the lower rung of nobility. Wild and free-spirited, her parents worry about ever marrying her away, as she tends to scare off most suitors with her uncontrollable manner.

Character A has been recently engaged to a women whom his parents chose, which is customary. She is royalty of another kingdom and their marriage would bring a good alliance. At the party announcing and celebrating the engagement, which of course Character B’s family was invited to even with their lower noble standing, Character A and Character B meet and there is some instant chemistry between them. He’s fascinated by her wildness, by her utter disregard for how things are done, and she’s wondering what’s hidden behind the perfect prince he’s forced himself to be.

This meeting starts a string of secret meetings and a forbidden romance. He keeps finding new ways to get her to the palace, trying to sneak in as much time with her as he can, coming to realize that he can be a prince and a person, and that as a person he would very much be unhappy with his fiancee, even if he knows it’d be good for his kingdom. And she’s wondering what will happen to her; after all, there is a small chance she could become queen through this, and she’s not sure whether she would want to be leashed into such a role.

As Character A’s wedding day gets closer, both of them are forced to make a decision that will change both their lives.
Modern (can add fantasy) - Beauty and the Beast inspired

Character A is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He’s a sweet man, always doting on Character A with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he’s up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon, Character A’s father is confronted by Character B, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen Character B’s face, as his henchmen usually do his dirty work, but everyone knows his name and cowers in fear appropriately. Character A’s father owes Character B a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, Character B offers a trade – the man’s beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or Character B will come for him. When Character A’s father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. Character A moves in to Character B’s mansion outside of town the following day. From the moment Character A arrives, Character B is on his best behavior, lavishing her with gifts – a library wing for her, a pretty garden filled with the finest, imported roses – jewelry, and so on. Gradually, Character A comes to see that Character B isn’t a horrible person, behind closed doors, but the circumstances of their arrangement (and the terrible crimes he commits as a crime boss) make it difficult for her to fall in love with him as he’s fallen in love with her. Each time Character B proposes marriage, Character A refuses. Character A becomes terribly homesick and begs to be allowed to visit her father. Character B allows her to leave him as long as she returns to him within a week’s time. While Character A is away, Character B is attacked by a disloyal bunch of conspiring underlings. When Character A returns, she finds Character B wounded and left for dead in his home office. She realizes in this moment that she does love him and if he recovers she’ll marry him. Her quick actions save his life and once he is well enough, they marry.

Optional Twists:

Dark Twist: Once Character B recovers, Character A willingly becomes part of the crime business. Together they seek revenge against those who betrayed Character B.

Romantic/Angst Twist: Once Character B recovers, Character B gives up his life of crime, since he’s assumed to be dead and he and Character A run away together, with the condition that Character A can never return home to her family.
Modern Fantasy - Human x shapeshifter

Character A has always loved nature. Even though they live in an urban area, they find the time to walk to the local park every day and spend a few quiet moments enjoying the greenery and animals around them. They always relax on the same wooden bench and lately have been noticing the animals seem to have grown accustomed to their presence. In particular one beautiful, curious crow. It keeps its distance, but always appears so intelligent and sharp, watching intently with its ebony eyes.

One day Character A brings a small bag of trail mix as an offering to their new feathered friend. The crow caws happily and devours the assortment of raisins and nuts. The following day Character A returns with a snack and the crow is there, this time with a shiny twist of metal in its beak. When the treats are scattered along the ground, the bird drops the paperclip - a gift - at Character A’s feet.

This ritual exchange carries on until one day, the crow doesn’t show. Character A is heartbroken, missing the therapeutic one-sided talks and charming company of their wild friend. Character B appears, seemingly out of nowhere and sits down on the wooden bench beside a visibly distraught Character A. Wordlessly, Character B hands Character A a small metal trinket, a perfect addition to Character A’s collection. Is the gesture enough to reveal the truth about Character B? The shapeshifter had been their crow companion the entire time.
Modern Fantasy - Human x shapeshifter

While driving home on a quiet backstreet, Character A spots a wounded animal on the side of the road. Having a soft spot for suffering creatures, Character A pulls over and scoops the animal up into the backseat of their car. Character A drives home with the good intention of nursing the poor animal back to health, unaware that the animal (Character B) is really a shapeshifter. After making a comfortable place for Character B to sleep, Character A heads off to bed. By morning, Character B is feeling a bit better and they shift back into their human form just as Character A enters the room to check up on them. Character B tries their best to explain what’s going on without terrifying Character A. According to shapeshifter law, Character B now owes Character A their loyalty and must stay with them until the debt is repaid.
Modern Fantasy - Hunter x creature

Character A is a hunter who travels the country in order to extinguish supernatural threats. When Character A gets news of yet another small town being terrorized by a murderous creature, they pack up their things and make haste to the next destination. Character A settles into town quickly and gets to work investigating these mysterious, grisly deaths. Despite Character A’s best efforts, over the course of several weeks, they keep coming up short of catching the culprit, unaware that Character B is watching their every move.

Option 1: Character B is a supernatural creature, the same kind as the killer, but innocent. They approach Character A and offer to hunt down the killer together.

Option 2: Character B is the killer and tries to throw Character A off their trail (by seduction).
Modern Fantasy - Merperson & Human

According to sailor legends, merpeople are beautiful and benevolent beings who guide lost ships to harbor and bring great fortune to kind fishermen who empty their nets for a chance to hear a merperson’s song. The song of a merperson is an ethereal treat that few people at sea (and even fewer on land) have the privilege of hearing, but those who do are said to be blessed for the rest of their days.

Character A is a merperson, born to a merman and a sea witch. Cursed by wicked blood, Character A’s song is doomed to bring misery and death to anyone who hears it. Though it is not their fault, Character A has been forbidden from singing to anyone (human or merperson) for as long as they live. Unable to sing freely like their seafaring kin, Character A is an outcast and believes they will never know the joy of changing a human’s life for the better. Always lonely underwater, Character A secretly travels to the surface in the hopes of finding companionship. Merely speaking to a human couldn’t hurt, they suppose. One afternoon, Character A encounters Character B strolling along the shoreline, pitching small pebbles into the surf. Fearing rejection from the first human they’ve ever seen, Character Athinks to swim away but Character B spots their shimmering tail and calls out to them. They keep their distance from one another as they speak, one on land and one at sea, but are too intrigued to part ways. As it gets dark and the air becomes cold, both must take their leave of the beach. Uncertain if Character Awill ever see another human, Character A hastily promises Character B that they will bring them treasures if they come back. Character B is uncertain if its wise, but they agree to return. True to their word, Character A brings a valuable trinket from a shipwreck far below in simple exchange for Character B’s company. As the days pass and Character B continues to return, it seems that Character A has finally found a friend. All will be well, as long as they don’t ever sing to Character B.
Historic, intended Victorian (can add fantasy)

Character A is fortunately matched to be married to Character B, a wealthy aristocrat of higher ranking than the patriarchs of their own family. Though publicly reputed to be charitable and of high moral character, Character B is a boorish, cruel person behind closed doors. Character B’s sibling, Character C, is sympathetic about Character A’s undesirable union and one dreary evening they confide that this is not Character B’s first marriage; they’ve had to endure their sibling’s awful behavior since they were young and they strongly suspect that Character B was responsible for the demise of their first betrothed. Character A and Character C bond over their shared disdain for Character B and they ultimately conspire to put an end to Character B’s wickedness.
Historic (can add fantasy) - Pirate & Captive, PoTC-esque

Character A is the child of wealthy man living in a seaside town; they’ve always been afraid of the sea, yet oddly fascinated by it. When Character A was a child, the ship they were sailing on was attacked by pirates and they were barely able to escape. Although the lure of the sea has always been there, Character A has since refused to ever board another ship. Several years after their brush with pirates, in the dead of night, a suspicious ship sets anchor a little ways away from shore. Pirates make landfall and begin to pillage and plunder the town. The militia stationed in the town are quick to react and a fierce battle breaks out. With the perfect distraction created, the captain of the ship, Character B, heads for the most opulent-looking manor.

Character B breaks in to Character A’s home and begins to raid Character A’s late mother’s jewelry. In an attempt to stop Character B, Character A steals one of their father’s swords and holds the pirate at sword point. Since Character A has never had any kind of training, they are easily overpowered by Character B. Upon taking a closer look at Character A, Character B decides that they are worth far more than any bejeweled trinkets. So Character B offers a proposition; in exchange for ending the bloodshed and leaving port, Character A must come aboard Character B’s ship as a captive. Character A is terrified, but they are kind-hearted and wish to protect their town, so they reluctantly agree. So now Character A must face their fears and leave their life behind. How will they fare and what will their relationship be like with Character B?
Medieval Fantasy - Human x werewolf (Red Riding Hood inspired)

Everyone knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But do they? What they don’t know is that the wolf was not a wolf, but a werewolf instead. One that knew the secrets of the old witch that lived in the woods. The one who lived peacefully, but practiced magic and threatened to extinguish the werewolf race. So the pack leader, the Big Bad Wolf, killed her, made her disappear. But the huntsman, the witch’s son, sought revenge and got it—finishing the pack leader for good. But this only created a larger blood feud, sending the whole pack out to get the huntsman and his family. With the huntsman’s only daughter in the middle of this war, Little Red, as they call her, the pack will stop at nothing to get their final revenge and end the war. But when Red and one of the wolves fall in love, what will become of them?
Sci-Fi - Time Travel

Character A is on a weekend camping trip with friends in the mountains. They spend the first afternoon exploring the gorgeous scenery, walking the trails and carving new paths near their campsite. One spot in particular catches Character A’s attention, a cave. The group peek their heads inside, but are reluctant to go further without their flashlights and drag Character A along back to camp with empty promises that they will return the following day. Character A has dinner with their friends, but is unable to get their mind off of the interesting discovery. After the group has gone to bed, Character A decides to sate their unwavering curiosity, grabbing a flashlight and a bottle of water to head out to the site of the cave.

Character A feels increasingly lightheaded the deeper they delve into the cavern, but they press on. The feeling eventually overwhelms Character A and they reach out to steady themselves on the cave’s interior wall, waiting for the sickening sensation to pass. When Character A is again clearheaded, they turn back to leave the damp, dark space and head back down the short trail to camp. Character A is shocked to discover they cannot find the tents or any sign of the fire that had been burning brightly at the site. Panic sets in as they frantically retrace their steps. They work in slow circles trying to find their friends and calling out, but there is no answer. Exhausted, Character A sits down and falls asleep.

Character B is in the midst of their morning routine when they come upon a sleeping Character A. Startled by their unusual clothing and appearance, they gently wake Character A to ask if they need help. Character A relays the previous night’s events and although confused, Character B takes them into their care and promises to aid them in finding a way back to their group. What will transpire when Character A figures out they have travelled in time? Will Character B believe them? If unable to return, will Character A and Character B develop a relationship?
Any Time-Period - Assassin x Assassin

The government has always kept assassins, under the pretense of being able to better enforce the peace with such a force to command against rebels and lawbreakers, however it was more to keep their hold on their control. Character A is a member of his guild, and is one of the best, however after a job where they learn a little too much about the government's dealings they get a death warrant placed on their head. They escape and in a twist of events ends up taking refuge with Character B, who is an independent assassin that the guild's been hunting for years, the two decide they're going to dismantle the guild by themselves.

- I'd love to try this in a Victorian Steampunk or Futuristic setting.

- I prefer Character A.
I currently need a few more posts to PM, so I guess please post here. Unless I can respond to PMs sent to me, in which case you can do that too.
I love your second human x shapeshifter idea! I'm currently on my phone so I can't type out an awful lot, but if you would like to do that one with me, I'd be more than happen to do it!

I would also be interested in any of the alien, angel, fallen angel or demon and human pairings.

Hello there, I like your style. I stopped reading about your interests when I found out you like "The Keisha'ra" because it's so hard to find people who are into that! I'm absolutely ecstatic to have found someone else who likes it and I would love to hear what you have in mind for it. Please keep in mind that I have not read the last book, Wyvernhail.
Your HumanxCreature plot sounds awesome! I particularly Option B of that idea. If you're still interested, shoot me a PM!
RPing with you looks fun. I'm interested in a handful of your prompts. If you're still searching, I'll drop you a PM.
These are going to be a little brief, cause my kitty decided my arm was the comfiest place to sleep, so I currently have one hand. xD ;;

Sirius1023 said:
I love your second human x shapeshifter idea! I'm currently on my phone so I can't type out an awful lot, but if you would like to do that one with me, I'd be more than happen to do it!
I would also be interested in any of the alien, angel, fallen angel or demon and human pairings.
I'd be up for that plot! Mind sending me a PM and we can get planning? c:

Verdi said:
Hello there, I like your style. I stopped reading about your interests when I found out you like "The Keisha'ra" because it's so hard to find people who are into that! I'm absolutely ecstatic to have found someone else who likes it and I would love to hear what you have in mind for it. Please keep in mind that I have not read the last book, Wyvernhail.
I too have not read the last book (it's... somewhere on my reading list) so that's no problem! Mind PMing me and we can get some planning done? c:

angrymonkeysmash said:
Hello! I'm interested in the modern forbidden love plot. ^^
Mind sending a PM my way? c:

MrMopp said:
Alien/human or pretty much any of the fantasy RPs is good with me.
Cool! PM me and we can figure stuff out? c:

SoraHikari said:
Your HumanxCreature plot sounds awesome! I particularly Option B of that idea. If you're still interested, shoot me a PM!
I'd prefer if you sent me a PM, cause I still need a few posts before I can. c:

DuskerTem said:
Hi, I'd love to do a demon x angel RP. It's been a while since I've done that.
Awesome! I might have a suuuuuper old plot idea somewhere. Either way, mind PMing me so we can discuss? c:

Aster said:
RPing with you looks fun. I'm interested in a handful of your prompts. If you're still searching, I'll drop you a PM.
I am still looking! PM away please!
It seems you're pretty popular xD I like a lot of your plots if you're still looking? Especially the shape shifter and assassin ones.

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