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Searching for 1x1 Romance/ Drama/Mystery RP partners!


Romance lover
Hello! I've been craving some romance, and drama! If you like my ideas or have ideas yourself, feel free to Pm me, or comment below! My list is always open!

I Just want to clarify before anything that, and can't play guy's well, so I'm looking for someone who can play a Male character.

1. No FxF please.

2. My rules are Simple and short. I don't really want any one liners. I understand That writers block happens, But please tell me if something comes up and you don't understand anything. I'll help!

3. And lastly, try to have good grammar. It doesn't mean that everyone has to be perfect, mistakes are mistakes, and everyone makes them. I just mean. u cant do tis stuff.


I don't know about you, but I've been very inspired to do a murder mystery! Maybe something like Scream? The Romance, drama, Bloody murder, but twists that make your head spin. I'm really wanting something like that. If you have any ideas, feel free to PM me!

If your not into Horror, I have plenty of Romance / slice of life / Drama ideas as well!

*The run aways- two family's forbid a relationship between them. So the couple in love end up running away together to start a life on their own as their parents desperately search.

* Prince X servant or Prince X Peasant

* Forbidden romance *Like Romeo and Juliet* (You know, Both towns are fighting, They forbid the two from different family's to see each other. Ect ect)

* Singer x fan / singer x bodyguards

* School trip gone wrong- on the way home from a 3 day vacation, the bus blows a tire in the middle of no where forcing them to camp out. With no phone signal on a deserted highway. Everyone must work together to stay alive. (Find food, water, stay warm, make a shelter.) But that's hard when something is trying to stay alive itself, and begins to hunt down one student after another.

*An arranged marriage- any time period, something with drama between the couple, tension over the fact that they are getting married when they really don't want to. But they have to fake their love to prove to people that they are 'happy'.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, or if you are interested in any of the ideas. I look forward to Roleplaying with you!
I'm interested ! But I'm still new to the site so I don't believe I can PM you ):

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