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Multiple Settings Searching Again after a long break~


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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



Thank you for clicking on my topic! If you're reading through this then I'm guessing that just like me, you are looking for an RP partner and are ready to brainstorm some good plots or even just go with the flow. Either is good if it makes a good story. Let's start with the basics that are probably important.

First of all, nice to meet you! I'm Nona! I am 24 years old and work as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer (So sometimes I might be busy with deadlines at certain times but I will let you know). I'm Irish, so my timezone is GMT. Timezones shouldn't be too much of a problem though as I tend to check my messages and alerts a lot. While I do work full time I should still be floating about here fairly often.

I can play any gender, I'm pretty flexible in that way so no worries. I love having multiple characters too if the plot needs it. I normally prefer multi paragraph replies. Single paragraphs are fine though, if you want something fast paced ^^

I tend to mirror reply lengths out of habit, the more you write, the longer my reply to you is (this isn't on purpose, it just sort of happens naturally haha so don't worry if you can't do the same, as long as the reply has substance that I can work with I'll be super happy :D) As I said, my absolute minimum would be one paragraph, I don't have a maximum really if you're in the writing flow go for as long as you need to, but I don't expect a novel length reply from you so don't force it if you don't need to :) I'm very open to both long replies and more fast paced shorter replies

If you chose to quit our RP for any reason, please just be honest and say rather than disappearing, I won't be offended, sometimes plots fall flat, maybe you loose muse, maybe our writing styles differ too much, Who knows? I'd just rather know rather than bothering you by poking you for a reply when you have no interest anymore.

I love OOC chatter, the best plots come from just having a good talk together and nothing gets me more hyped for a plot than getting to share my ideas and excitement with my partner!

Also for those who aren't big on romance, that's fine! I'm a big ol' sap for it but some of the best RP I've taken part in didn't involve any! So don't think I'm trying to force you to include it, I'm platonic relationship friendly haha.

Topics/Genre I'm interested in:
- Modern
- Slice of life
- Drama
- Romance
- Sci-fi
- Post apocalyptic stuff
- Space travel stuff in general
- Fantasy of any kind

I prefer original plots. Sorry :'D (That being said I've been in a couple of fandom AU, they just had no canon characters in them)

Anyways~ If you are interested please PM me and together with our lovely noggins we can brainstorm some plots or if you have a plot already that you are really craving to do we can talk it over. I'll happily share and talk about plots in PMs! I just don't have plots in this master post as I don't want people to feel limited to just whatever plots I put up!

(I'm just opening a new thread for this to keep things tidy~)



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