Searchin' for a Romance RP


Magic Eight Ball
Hi there! So I've been craving a romance role play recently and thought it wouldn't hurt to post a thread on here. I will make this as simple as possible. (: if you're interested, reply to this or shoot me a PM.


1. No one liners please. I generally reply with a decent paragraph (5-7 sentences) but I can always write more if you'd prefer.

2. I would rather play female, but I'm up for playing male. Otherwise we can double.

3. If we are engaged in the role play (meaning we are replying within a matter of minutes), please let me know if you're getting off.

4. No love at first sight.

What I'm craving:

Imaginary friend x Maker (I have a few plots for this)

Boarding School (w/ an odd pairing or fantasy-type thing)

Stranded on an island

Famous band member x fan ( One Direction or a made up)

Harry Potter (oc x canon, present)

Teen Wolf (oc x canon)

The Walking Dead ( Daryl x oc )

A zombie apocalypse

Ghost x Human (I've never done this before but it sounds interesting)

Within your guidelines these are what I'm interested in writing as well! In most cases I would like to double up, if possible.

Imaginary friend x Maker

I've actually really loved this idea and have wanted to write on it for quite a long time so I'm SUPER interested in this!


Always fairly fun~Stranded on an island

I like the idea of trying it, for sure. I've actually never written one of these.

Ghost x Human

I have a ghost that I would LOVE to get out and write so I'd adore writing this with you.

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