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I was a dead alabaster badass
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I'm gonna be using this baby forever so ignore the post count - it's staying.
If for whatever reason I dont reply to your message, I'm likely dealing with some mental health stuff
I'll be revamping this soon since I kind of come across as a bitch..

  • - I tend to struggle with burn out from time to time, but I will always come back. Feel free to give me a nudge
    I try to post at least 3 times a week, however due to my job, sometimes work really brings me down, plus its a 24 hour shift pattern so sometimes I'm just plain exhausted
    - I am 18+
    I don't do smut however, but I'd prefer if you were 18+ too, just for safe reasons
    - I really prefer characters to be realistic to the plot and world. Mary-Sues etc are generally instant turn offs. Your character can be unique but they still need to be realistic
    - I write as much as I'm given
    Give me a 1000 words, and I'll damn well try to match that
    I understand everyone has off days, its just kinda deflating to write a small novella, and get a ten minute response. ,
    Tit for tat
    roleplays are more interesting with something intense to grab around and run loose with
    Addiction, depression, betrayal, angst, mental health issues (Done respectfully!) - Gimme.
    I'm happy to respect boundaries however, but I love for characters to be three dimensional! Growth! < 3
    - On that note
    If you're gonna include your character having an eating disorder-
    Please be respectful
    I'm in recovery for bulimia myself and am low key tired of characters dealing with made up version of what they truly are
    i starved so I could be pretty ...
    Get out.
    - Please help me plot
    It's a two way street -- Please help -- will mean a lot
    - Typically I dont play canon, but I can from time to time
    I just find it difficult to explore a character that has already been fleshed out, if you want to do canon, that's fine by me, I just prefer OC Characters.

    On that note however; I have no issues with doubling, tripling, and creating a whole cast of side characters!
    I have no issues at all with pairing gender - LGBTQ+

    Lets chat - Feel free to just chat with me anytime, I'm more than happy to get to know my partner more

    Want a Spotify playlist for our RP - give me a few hours

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Random plot ideas
Will name them some other time
Will also probably rewrite them at some stage, since these are terrible splurts of inspiration.
Never publish a first draft

Never the type that your mum was happy for you to bring home. Yet, he’s the life of the party, the spirit in your mixer, the centre of whatever attention was held elsewhere before he entered the room. Destined for something great- always. He knew it. You knew it. The dog knew it. And so did the rest of the world.

It was a blink of an eye when the world ate up The Twists, a quartet, blasting unique songs of miadventure and bad nights out. Ideal music to rebel against that of which was expected - a true honest retelling of teenage life. And everyone ate it up.

Money. Sales. Hit. After hit. After hit. An overnight sensation; of course a few more years until their sound crossed the ocean.

With such a strong catapult, it wasn’t a surprise that not all of the boys managed to find something to cling onto. The none stop life brought along all the risks and pressures one might take; with the added benefit of undiagnosed health conditions, the bands front man and lyrical genius found himself with a white nose

Plot varies depending on the setting

We all know superheros exist. Whether we want them here or not. You might be jealous of then. You might be grateful. You might not consider that their powers, gifts, mutations, might not be something they wanted. At least when it gives them the responsibility to save the world.

Take Shaun.
An unfortunate guy, or girl depending on the pairing, with a talent for sound manipulation. Now you might be thinking that's some private OP spy stuff but you'd be wrong. Shaun can't change sounds frequency, but he can change its volume. Its a whole mess, ans maybe it just might come in handy when the time calls

They were certain he wasn't back. They were adamant. The Boy Who Lies? Yet, for some, there was an undercurrent of belief. They prepared. They were ready.

This would be an out-of-Hogwarts RP, whether its other students or adults! Its easily adaptable for the day the Ministry is attacked and Voldemort takes over, or to a band of witches and wizards who begin to fight back, perhaps not directly part of the Order of Phoenix (Or perhaps they are!)

Great friends are supportive ones. Cheering at your Quidditch games. Helping with last minute homework. Watching your back. Keeping your secrets. Honouring your choices. Getting the same tattoos - Its just what friends are for

This would be one about students being recruited for Voldemort's cause before the First Wizarding War. Impressionable students (for the sake of story, all Slytherins - its just easier when everyone is in the same House, interactions are easier). Some from Dark Career backgrounds, others not. Its a story about pressure, regret, a search for purpose! All interlaced with a school life - think The Half Blood Prince, dark but its life carries on. In this story, all would end up siding with Voldemort - regardless of whether they dip later in their life, abandoning him later down the line.

There's an old saying, 'History is doomed to repeat itself'. Perhaps it wasn't always true, yet old tales give place for a rule of three. Always in threes. With rumours of attacks, a growing werewolf population, the world felt uneasy. Then the break out happened.

It's a simple new start for a daring new trio (again same House, its just easier). A new evil in the world. BUT now with added stigma. It's a Post Voldemort world and with Death Eaters having been publicly outed, there's a lot of infamous family names. Our daring trio will take up the mantle of the new Golden Trio and fight against evil - will they succeed, or succumb like so many before them?
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Hi! Are you still looking for an rp partner?

I think I have a couple interesting OCs you might like, based on what I've read in your post :)

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