Search Of The Youth Stone (Part 1 of the pirate RP)

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint
Search Of The Youth Stone

Working on the docks takes much work. You cannot mess up or you will be fired but when a crazy pirate comes and looks for a crew to help him find the youth stone. Will that fill the empty hole in your life. To join a crew of men(or women) to sail the seas on a ship called The Black Night. Saying no to this once in a life time thing is not in the picture. Say good bye to all that you love. Your soul now belongs to the captain of The Black Night and your first order is to find the youth stone.


All RpN rules apply.

Cussing is okay.

Keep it rated PG15 please.

If you have read everything

put 'Pirates life for me' at the

end of your Character sheet.

Male and Female characters welcome.

No sexual content.

Have fun.

Only one to two characters per person.

3 Docks where the Captain will pick you up:

1: (Located in Dublin Ireland) Dublin Port- This port is one of the best known around. Its nice and clean. Its collected and put together. Most rich people live here. They get their money from the port. That most famous of families owning parts of the ports. No female workers. Only Male.

2: (Located in Medway England) Port of Medway- This port is an average port. Its not to dirty and not too rundown its perfect. It has just the right about of workers most being male. Some female workers are there. Mostly fishermen own this port.

3: (Located in Amsterdam Netherlands) Port of Amsterdam- This port is rundown and cruddy. It has a bad reputation and hardly any workers. The workers that are there are mostly women. Barely any men. This port is not all that clean and the city owns it.

Character Sheet:


Full Name:

Nick Name:








Personal Belongings:

Purpose On The Ship:

Criminal Record?:




Port Number?:


My Character Sheets:


[white hair]

Full Name: Christopher Vane

Nick Name: Captain Chris Night

Age: 28

Birthdate: October 31

Sex: Male

Weight: 150

Height: 6'0"

Weapons: Blue sword

Skill: Swords man

Personal Belongings: Gold, Ship, Sword

Purpose On The Ship: Captain

Criminal Record?: Thief, Pirate, Murderer

Occupation: Pirate

Personality: Chris is a hyper upbeat type of person. He is fun and crazy. Most stories that go around about him say he his crazy and not all there in the head.

History: Chris don't have a past and if he did he cannot remember. There is stories about him dying and coming back and others about going insane and loosing memory but he cannot remember anything.

Other: N/A


[black Hair]

Full Name: Jackson Ross

Nick Name: Jack

Age: 22

Birthdate: September 1

Sex: Male

Weight: 140

Height: 5'11"

Weapons: Sword and pistol

Skill: Riffle man. Great Shot.

Personal Belongings: Locket with a picture of a girl, sword, pistol and small about of gold.

Purpose On The Ship: Has no future at home.

Criminal Record?: None

Occupation: Fisher

Personality: Jack is a happy person. He hides most of his emotions with a smile and keeps to himself.

History: He grew up in Ireland with a family of 6. Mom and dad,3 sisters and one brother. He begin to work at the ports when he was 16 and stayed working because his father fell sick and couldn't work.

Port Number?: Number One

Other: He loves someone but she is high up in royalty so there is no hope.

Persons at Port 1:



Persons at Port 2:


Persons at Port 3:




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/pirate_girl_by_malice_rejoins-d322oog.png.a8f3312b9a3fe0b3e61257f3d3bace80.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/pirate_girl_by_malice_rejoins-d322oog.png.a8f3312b9a3fe0b3e61257f3d3bace80.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Rosie o' Donnell

Nick Name: Rose

Age: 27

Birthdate: October 4

Sex: female

Weight: 100

Height: 5'9

Weapons: two machetes

Skill: very talented swords-woman

Personal Belongings: clothes, money (nothing else really)

Purpose On The Ship: Wanted to prove that women could do this too

Criminal Record?: murder, arson, theft

Occupation: pirate

Personality: bubbly, hype, easily exited, not very easy to upset, outgoing

History: was beaten by her own father, who considered her useless, but she wanted revenge, so she became a pirate, and he was her first kill, she wants to prove that women are not useless, in fact very capable and useful..

Port Number?: 1

Pirates life for meh:3


Full Name:

Raven Phantom Blair

Nick Name:







31 October




67 Kgs




Katana and scythe


Her scythe is her greatest weapon

Personal Belongings:

Nothing of great value, except a 'collar that she always wears. This collar has a chain connected to it which she normally wraps around her neck while working, but it can be used as an aid during battle.

Purpose On The Ship:

She wants to travel as well as learn new skills and meet new people, and she wants to prove to her brother that she isn't a weakling

Criminal Record?:

She's a silent killer, and a pickpocket.


Simple dock worker


She is a very reserved girl, but the second you say something she doesn't like she will lose her cool and start a fight that doesn't end without a little bloodshed.


She wan't looked after by her parents and neither was her brother, so they ran away. Eventually her brother became a pirate but said that she had to stay on the docks because pirating wasn't something a girl should do. She found out that her brother was killed in a drunken brawl three years later.

Port Number?:



Her right eye was removed as a punishment when she was once caught after killing someone. Now she wears a black eyepatch which is normally covered by her long fringe

Oh and...... Pirates life for me


Oh yeah, and obviously under personal belongings she has clothes.... Should I add that too? 
Oh, and I added two more nicknames.... I hope that's alright

Full Name: Samuel Davis

Nick Name: Bones

Age: 24

Birthdate: August 12

Sex: Male

Weight: 145 pounds

Height: 5' 9"

Weapons: two knives and a pistol

Skill: Speed and stealth. Is good at using his knives.

Personal Belongings: A pendant that once belonged to his deceased brother and a little bit of stolen money.

Purpose On The Ship: He wanted to escape the angry constables and townsfolk.

Criminal Record?: He's been arrested a numerous amount of times for stealing and getting into street brawls.

Occupation: Fishmonger

Personality: He can be very evasive and withdrawn from everyone else. When riled up, he can be very aggressive, but is usually calm and collected. Bones is also cunning and smart, despite the fact that he was never properly educated.

History: At an early age, Bones and his older brother were abandoned by their parents. They were surviving on their own out on the streets for years. When Bones was 15, his brother was killed, which forced him to fend for himself. In order to survive, he had to become a fishmonger's apprentice. Bones began to steal money and jewelry in order to make a few extra bucks here and there, which he still does now.

Port Number?: 2

Other: Pirates life for me :)

Full Name:

Rachel O'Malley





Birth date:

19 March




62 Kg


5 ft 9


Throwing Knives in her boots



Black powder pistol


Extremely wise, tells the future, very good at climbing and is flexible.

Personal Belongings:

Long Black thigh high fold over boots, Divine throwing bones, crystal ball, Journal.

Purpose on the ship:

To finally be able to be and express herself, Loves the sea. Oracle on ship. As well as ordinary worker.

Criminal Record:

Accused of witchcraft. Thievery.


Fortune teller, Pirate.


Extremely wise and spiritual, Gets very exited around the sea. I soft, helpful person, don't scare her, make her worry or get on her bad side.


Was adopted into a religious family. Was abused, ran away at 14. Lived on streets telling fortunes.

Port number:


yo ha yo ho Pirates life for me


Full Name:

Shaye Tiga

Nick Name:





10 July








Rifle, two revolvers, a sword and a whip


Beast taming and acrobatics

she's very fast and agile making her a hard target or opponent

Personal Belongings:

Multiple cages with a variety of animals, both domestic and wild. She has quite a bit of coin and of course a livable amount of clothing. She has a locked chest with the key kept around her neck on a chain.

Purpose On The Ship:

She was bored and needed the adventure.

Criminal Record?:

Not that makes her stand out amongst the others.


Circus worker and beast tamer


Tigers not one for the simple life of a wife, she loves being the star of a show and isn't afriad to go toe to toe witht eh big bad pirates of the sea to earn that spot light. She doesnt believe in a god and couldn't care less if a member of her crew was murdered more than she is bothered by seagulls, which is not very much. She cares greatly for her animals and is always expanding her collection of loyal beasts.


She has nothing secretive about her past, she grew up with the circus and had way witht the animals. Ever since she could remember she has been either in charge or caring for the animals and thats the way she likes it. Her acrobatic abilities in the circus got her a healthy income as they travelled about but otherwise she has stayed with her animals wherever they go.

Port Number?:

2 though the circus has been at each port.


Pirates life for me



Full Name: Rachel Radford

Age: 19

Birthdate: January 13

Sex: Female

Weight: 110-115

Height: 5'5

Weapons: Cutlass

Skill: Sword handling, cooking

Personal Belongings: sword, clothing, a couple pots and pans she stole from her last job

Purpose On The Ship:

Criminal Record?: none

Occupation: previously she was a cook, but was fired now works as a dock worker

Personality: She is cynical, outspoken and headstrong. She believes that her opinions matter and she is more than willing to voice them, its what got her fired from her last job.

History: She left her parents house early and without a plan, but managed to find work as a cook in a inn in Medway. She left home because her parents were trying to force her into a marriage she didn't want, and the best way out was to simply leave. She grew up with two brothers and is kind of a tom-boy.

Port Number?: 2

Other: A pirates life for me


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