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Search for RP Partners! <3



Hello and welcome to my search thread


Hello, I'm Kimi and I live in England (I said the country to give you an idea of time-zones) Anyways as you may have guessed I am looking for someone to RP with, I am 16 years old and I do have school so I will not be on 24/7 but I will try to reply at least once a day although I understand if you cannot reply everyday as people have hectic lives. If I am going to be away for a while I will let you know, also it would be nice to actually talk with my partner instead of just Rping as it helps if there is some sort of chemistry.

I can do around one to two paragraphs on average and I will never give you a one-liner so I expect to not get any in return. I understand that sometimes people are super-busy so if you don't have time/ can't reply then I understand. But if your going to be away for more than a week I would appreciate some notice beforehand.

Honestly I am up for anything but romance, if you really want to then I am okay with romance being involved in the plot as long as it isn't "Insta-love" or "Smut" or where it's the main plotline but I don't mind when it develops over time. When it comes to gender I typically play female (as I feel like that's just easier for me) but I don't tend to mind especially if it's a case of a specific universe/fandom/world,  I don't mind whether you would like to RP on forums or PM.

My absolute deal breakers are; 

  • Smut
  • Furry role-plays
  • Constant one-liners
  • Being afk for 2+ weeks with no reason or warning
  • Mary Sue's
  • Terrible spelling and grammar

~ My Plots/Ideas/Worlds/Fandoms ~


Fandoms i'm interested in rping -

( * = craving it and I don't mind whether you want to do OC or Canon but if your interested in a fandom say so and we can work out the details :3 )



Harry Potter*

Walking dead

Miss peregrines home for peculiar children*

Maximum Ride*

Teen Wolf

Game of Thrones

Stranger Things*

Ideas/Plots/Worlds -

:School Plots:

Muse A attends a boarding school overseas. It seems like a pretty cool place. The upperclassmen are exceedingly friendly, not like Muse A would’ve expected. It’s actually eerie. Each freshman is assigned an upperclassman as a mentor. Muse B is Muse A’s mentor. Curious, Muse A does a fair amount of snooping around and they uncover the sinister plan of the administration: brainwash students steadily over time. (We would decide what exactly we want the brainwashing to be, I have a few ideas for it. So like what the teachers plan actually is.) I don't mind which Muse you want to be.

Students for neighboring same-sex boarding schools sneak out of their dorms past curfew and meet up for some fun at a secret spot. New students must be initiated into the group before they are shown the location of the hangout. One night, an initiation goes horribly wrong and the students all become witnesses/accomplices in the murder of a teacher. The students vow to keep the awful crime a secret between them. Will paranoia and guilt crack the group over time? (Would be two of the teenagers from the group. Or we could double up on characters)

:Realistic & Supernatural Plots:

Muse A is a drafted soldier who was wounded in one of their first battles, only to wake up in a town on the other side of the border after scavengers mistook them for one of their own. In order to survive they must begin a subterfuge, masquerading as a soldier from the other side, and somehow manage to fool Muse B, the person who’s been caring for them since they were saved. When the town is invaded by their own side, they’re faced with a decision: protecting their saviors or rejoining their country.

(Muse B could know about the secret and try and help protect them.)

Muse A is a  hunter who travels the country in order to extinguish supernatural threats. When Muse A gets news of yet another small town being terrorized by a murderous creature, they pack up their things and make haste to the next destination. Muse A settles into town quickly and gets to work investigating these mysterious, grisly deaths. Despite Muse A’s best efforts, over the course of several weeks, they keep coming up short of catching the culprit, unaware that Muse B is watching their every move. 

Option 1: Muse B is a supernatural creature, the same kind as the killer, but innocent. They approach Muse and offer to hunt down the killer together.

Option 2: Muse B is the killer and tries to throw Muse A off their trail (By befriending/teaming up with them.)

Option 3: They are both hunters and decide to team up

Feel free to suggest your own plots/fandoms/ideas! :)
//slowly raises hand/

Ah, hello!

Hah, I think I'd be interested in joining you for Stranger Things, Supernatural, or that last Supernatural-esque plot in your list, if you'll have me? My only stipulation is that I don't play canon characters. Other than that, though, I don't think I have anything else you need to know. I typically write upwards of two paragraphs, I consider myself at least Semi-Lit, and I am fairly active. Usually a reply every day, if not more, though sometimes I do falter, aha. I can play any gender or sexual orientation, though romance is more of a 'if it happens, it happens,' type deal. I prefer PMing, but anything works, honestly. Oh, on the subject of timezones, I am Mountain Standard Time/MST!

Hmm, I believe thats all you need to know, but if there is other information you'd like, or perhaps you'd want an example of my roleplaying/a character sheet, just let me know. 

Howdy? I would be up for a Stranger things or Supernatural-type roleplay and I'm happy for us to PM. From what you said i'm happy to rp with you so want me to send you a PM? (And obviously if you want an example of my roleplaying or a CS sheet i'm happy to provide)
smut isn't allowed on the site anyway so that's one pet peeve no one will violate for you X3

But I can do a Harry Potter roleplay if you like!!!  

How does this rp idea sound?! -(OWO)-

You're a magical creature trainer and I can play a few of your greatest creatures :3

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