Scroll of Heroes and Malfeas Spoilers.

I'm adding both of those to the list of books that I really want. :D
If they've stopped shitting down Jack Norris' throat, I'll read the thread again. If not, the folks there can choke on their thread.
If they've stopped shitting down Jack Norris' throat' date=' I'll read the thread again. If not, the folks there can choke on their thread.[/quote']
For the most part thankfully they have. The WW forum was more sympathetic. Course Chung isn't particularly liked on that forum so no surprise.
If they've stopped shitting down Jack Norris' throat' date=' I'll read the thread again. If not, the folks there can choke on their thread.[/quote']
I was equally irritated with that. I skipped over the rants and tried to get over it. But its endless it seems. I'm glad if its over now, but that was the major contributor to why I started this thread. I have the book too, so ECR users don't have to put up with the hate going on over there.
No one has asked questions. But here's the basics,

Mortals get spiffed up a bit with their own caste-like groupings. Warrior, Priest, Savant, Criminal and Broker. Then there are professions inside the classes that give mortals extra dots in some abilities.

Merits and Flaws are mostly the same, some of the old flaws and merits were merged into newer ones. Some have changed drastically though. Like Child really blows to take now, same with Ward.

The book has information about created races, people of the air, dunes, earth, sea and even djala. They are really interesting and I would not mind playing them now that more information is available.

Then we have the god-blooded and all that fall under that heading. They don't seem to have an essence cap except at character creation. They also have specific merits and flaws covered in that chapter. Overall its interesting, but similar enough to first edition that those familiar with the previous rules don't have to change so much that its a problem.

My favorite part has to be the first chapter that has adventure seeds for mortal games. Looking over them they're fairly neat and give plenty ideas of exalted games too. But I really like fluff more than crunch.
Indeed, but I recall they mentioned the ST should probably cap that in most games unless they don't care.

Actually, Mary, could you tell me about the comics in the book? People were talking about the first and last one a whole lot.
The comics are pretty amusing.

The first comic is about a mortal healing Panther. she's totally in love with him, made him a sign, and is general talking about how she thinks he's so dreamy and cool. He's also tied to the bed, almost Psycho style. Doesn't look like she'll be releasing him anytime soon.

Then before chapter four is a comic about Faka Kun in her home djala village, its basically a reference to the comics. she's gotta leave and find Demetheus to have a conversation.

the last one is the same kid and same shop from a comic in the Sidereals book. The flamboyant Eclipse caste (I want to call her pearl?) Walks in with a crystal caster, dragon king technology and the kid reveals it as a fake. Why people like it is the first line he's asking if he knows her, like he did in the comic with May Blossom.

All the other ones are kinda filler and crappy. Less substantial.
Quchu said:
StarHawk said:
They don't seem to have an essence cap except at character creation.
Wait. As in, like, God-Bloods with Essence 4+ is possible?
It is indeed possible. Though it says STs may want to place a cap of 3 it is not impossible to get more.
What I'd like to ask about one of the merits. Root of the Perfected Lotus. What does this do, exactly? Does it grant you a Terrestrial Martial Arts charm as an Enlightened Mortal, or what? Considering it's listed as a cost of 1, that seems too much, but if all it does is allow the character to take Terrestrial Martial Arts...that seems like a 'merit' that is essentially unneccessary, or a needless additional limitation to such characters, if such is necessary beyond the already existing rules and requirements for attaining such.

Otherwise, what has been done with mortal Essence pools? Have they returned to the 1E method, or is it still the 10 times Essence score shown in other 2E sources? What about the various Godblooded? Do they have varying Essence pool sizes?
I like how some of the flaws have been rewritten. Child is very harsh now, better than just being a young child, you also suck at things. Ward is also increasingly difficult, and plays a part in every session if your ST allows it. Some new neat charms:

Carouser gives a character +2 socialize while at a party.

Esoteric Craft allows a character to start with what would normally be restricted (examples include Craft: Fate or Craft: Necrotech)

Prodigy is different now. Its not gaining extra favored abilities, now it lowers the experience cost of selected favored and caste ability! It also grants a one die bonus on this ability. 5pts per ability though. Gets expensive quickly.

Brutal Attack makes strength useful in attacking. For those high in strength less so in dex they get this and use STR to hit for melee or M.A.

Favored Weapon seems really interesting to me. The character has a favorite weapon, when the are using that one weapon they get +1 accuracy and defense. If they try to use anything else they get -1 accuracy and defense.

Improved Join Battle is much like the DnD feat of improved initiative. Adds 1-3 dice to your join battle.

Special Sense is very neat, don't know if its new, but it gives options for things like Echo Location, Essence Sight, spirit sight, telepathy, thermal sight, vibration sense, or weather sense.

Those are the ones I noticed. Also noticed there are no god-blooded specific merits and flaws, they're all covered in specific mutations. Makes them much handier in my opinion.

As for Root of the Perfected Lotus, it does cost 1 point, requires enlightened essence, essence 3+ and MA 5. It allows the character to learn the charms. The character must still buy the charms as per normal, and still must learn with a sifu, but the merit allows them to say they're already initiated.
@Skafte The page looks fine for merits/flaws/mutations.

Child: it's a five point flaw that makes the character younger than starting characters. You loose -1 from primary and secondary attributes (down to 7/5/4), you get dropped by four ability dots, you can't go above 2 in abilities without bonus points. You also suck at talking to adults and gain a two die penalty to social actions vs adults.
Oh I love that Child is now an actual flaw instead of just being a short young person there are actual drawbacks!!
StarHawk said:
@Skafte The page looks fine for merits/flaws/mutations.
Child: it's a five point flaw that makes the character younger than starting characters. You loose -1 from primary and secondary attributes (down to 7/5/4), you get dropped by four ability dots, you can't go above 2 in abilities without bonus points. You also suck at talking to adults and gain a two die penalty to social actions vs adults.
That's incredibly harsh. You gain 5 BPs and lose the equivalent to 12-16 (not counting extra drawbacks that don't directly reduce your traits).
You can decide to be a child and not gain BP from it. There, no issue.

Favored Weapon is horrible. It's like taking a specialty, only more limited and with penalties. Who'd want that?
Brickwall said:
Favored Weapon is horrible. It's like taking a specialty, only more limited and with penalties. Who'd want that?
People that want to specialize further of course. Sometimes people just love their weapons; i'd even make a houserule to give a strong intimacy to the character to his weapon.
Just remember the most important rule of character creation: if you don't like the flaw, don't take it!
@Brickwall You only have penalties if you're not using that weapon. Some people are okay enough with it that it remains a merit.

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