Story Scribblings of a SpamBot


I like to write, of course, and I also do a lot of one-shot things or random starts that never seem to go anywhere.

I'll be nice and share a few here.

Feedback is always appreciated. 
The city was often a lively place filled with entertainment. In this day and age, anyone could easily find luxury if they had the money. Like anywhere else, if you weren’t born into a rich family, you will find that your life is an uphill struggle. All of the best jobs are given to those with a little bit of status. The poor are lucky to even keep a meal on the table every day, assuming they could even get that much. There were a lot of poor or homeless people roaming the streets. Most of them, as one might expect, are treated like dirt by the higher class citizens, who are always bickering over whether or not someone should step in and take out the trash.

Over the past thirty years, the world has evolved a lot; cities became metropolises filled with so many sights to behold. Technology had reached its limits, day after day new things were being discovered, no longer did humanity rely on a lot of what they had been use to for so many years. Robots, hover cars, you name it. It was all here. Even those who could not afford the best of the best were able to find some enjoyment out of technology. Most of it was discarded old models, and some were newer models and things that have been stolen.

But not everyone was lucky enough to enjoy all of these luxuries.

It was a new day, a new age and this city, known only as Zee, was the very example set out there for the rest of the world. This city was supposed to be a paradise. A paradise for the rich, that is. Anyone who did not have the money to live in the inner city, where all the action was, would be forced to live on the outer parts, which were more neglected.

“Almost done, my friend,” A mechanical voice spoke out, to nobody in particular, belonging to a feminine robot. A naughty robot that should not be out and about, and going behind her master’s back no less. “Once I finish your final touches, we will run away together. Isn’t that nice? I have always wanted to see the outside world.”

Her name was C-00-0082. One of the prototypes of a robot made to serve humans created, and to be discarded once the design is perfected. She was not meant to enjoy luxuries.

She called herself ‘C’, as it was a mouthful and made her feel a little more than a simple machine. Living in a world where humans were dominant was the only thing she has ever experienced. All of those old movies where robots and technology became superior, they all seemed like a dream now. The only thing she has ever wanted to experience was a little bit of freedom.

Slowly, she turned the wrench in her hand. Though she had no skill with such a tool initially, she was a quick learner, humans were easy enough for her to mimic. Her creators had made sure that she was quick to pick up even the most difficult skills. And when she wasn’t sure of how to go about something, she was good enough at pretending like she had. It was a trait she had picked up on her own. Something rare for a robot such as her, often considered to be a relic, and because of that it was a trait, one of many actually, that she kept to herself.

For the past few weeks, she has only had a small taste of what it was like free to be. She was built to have superior skills such as cleaning, building things, and her ability to take abuse well. Her master was abusive and made sure he got his money’s worth. Day after day, C was abused by hum. He was a wealthy man and was pretty well-known here in the city as a successful business man. Naturally, his attitude was that someone like him deserved to be pampered. And he did really make her pamper him; her duty was to make sure he didn’t have to lift a finger at home. So she had run away.

He was still looking for her. If she did not finish soon, she could be spotted, he might find her. This project was not something that could be rushed. However, she needed to work a little faster otherwise getting caught was inevitable, especially at this hour of the night. Nobody was going to stop her now. She had come too far to allow her work to go to waste.

This was probably the only real luxury she had in her life.

Setting the wrench down once she was finished with it, she examined her soon to be companion. It was a dog, or, well, it was supposed to be a dog; the only resemblance was that it had four legs like a dog. She made it out of whatever she could find, and was going to name it ‘Spencer’ after the man who allowed her to use his tools from time to time.. Even in its unfinished state it was a masterpiece. She was pretty proud of herself, but it was still too soon to celebrate. Every part of her wanted to just jump for joy, but unfortunately that would draw attention.

C continued to work in silence.

She was so close. Every now and then, she would look over her shoulder to make sure that she had not been spotted. Who knew what would happen if she was caught out here at this hour. Her paranoia would often catch shadows, and wonder if it was her master lurking nearby. She did her best to ignore them. Her determination was made of steel, and she was hell bent on finishing this project of hers.

After another half an hour, she had finally completed Spencer at long last. There would be a smile on her expression if her programming and function would allow it. Running her fingers along her new friend’s back, she let out an eerie giggle.

“I have done it.” She said as quietly as she could. “Now, let’s go.”

Spencer came to life as soon as she added one small finishing touch. It let out a mechanical bark, ran around in a circle, and then stood in front of C. The look that Spencer had in its eyes brought an odd feeling to C, which she assumed was a mere emulation of the human emotion ‘happiness’.

C stood up and walked back a few feet. She took a look at her creation once more, proud that she had managed to build such a thing. This broke all sorts of rules and she was well aware of that. She was now a disgrace to all slave robots, no matter what make or model. But somehow that information made her feel pretty damned good. She didn’t care that she would now be seen as a disgrace; she had done something for herself so she did not see herself as someone strong. Disgrace was the furthest thing from her mind. She saw herself as someone who had motivation. Even if her master would come around the corner now, she was satisfied.

And now, she was going to flee the city. She wanted to make a new life for herself with Spencer at her side.

C had searched around the city a lot of times, trying to find ways to get past the guards at the gates. There was an internal navigation system coded into her programming. It came in handy. One day she had discovered a weak point in one of the fences. She could use Spencer to get through it, thanks to his ability to dig through even some of the hardest materials. His claws were sharp, pointed, and his front legs able to move them fast like a jackhammer, only much quicker. She could not wait to see this in motion, hoping that everything would work properly.

The only problem was that it was on the other side of the city. It required her to go out into the open. If her master was out searching, he would most likely find her. The sooner she got moving, the better chance she had of reaching her destination before the window of opportunity closed. She was determined to flee.

Her determination was what drove her to go on the move, Spencer at her side, sticking to the alley ways and back streets as best she could.

The sun was coming up by the time she got to the East Gate. Guards stood everywhere, searching any vehicle that wished to go in or out of the city. This was the perfect chance for her to try out some more of Spencer’s features. Getting past security was not going to be easy, and her mechanical friend was going to be a huge help. She looked down at him, gave the word, and then he was off. She watched as he disappeared into an alley way, near a few of the guards.

A few seconds passed, and then a loud noise sounded. Spencer had fired the cannon in his mouth at a building. The guards were on it instantly. She had only a few seconds before they would spread out again, so she sprinted toward the weak section of the wall. Spencer appeared next to her a few seconds after.

“Hurry…” she said to her friend, watching him dig as quickly as he could.

Once Spencer was finished, she followed him through the tunnel. Thinking of what might be on the otherwise was both exciting and terrifying to C –the closest thing to excitement and fear she could feel anyway. This city had been all she’d known her entire life. If she had any human emotions, she would undoubtedly be trembling. She could not believe that she was free. Finally there were no more rules, no more master, just Spencer and C out to face the world, whatever was left of it. It was a very satisfying thing.

However, the other side had greeted her with a dismal sight. Everything was barren, dead, scarred from war. She looked at Spencer, who seemed to not even notice. He appeared to have a destination in mind judging by the way he kept moving.

C followed him, trusting he would lead her somewhere where they could find a bright future.

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