Other Screams of Joy {Feedback welcomed!}


“That’s one small step for man.”
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I used to be so happy here.

I remember we used to play here all the time.

I loved day care.

So much.

I always loved to draw with my friends.

The man was very good at drawing with us.

He had a lot of paintings.

Now I only see darkness.

It’s hard to breathe.

I don’t know if I’m dead.

I want to die.

Go to heaven with the angels.

The man didn’t let me though.

He didn’t let us.

It’s like I’m wearing someone’s face.

I don’t know who’s.

Maybe this is what heaven is.

Was I a bad kid?

I’m sorry mommy and daddy.

I hope I wasn’t a bad kid.

Maybe the others are in heaven.

And I am in hell.

I hope mommy and daddy still loves me.





Greetings there listener! Your probably wondering what this audio recording or tape is doing hidden in a bed room? Well that question will be answered soon.

First things first, my name is, Hugo Malignant Död, I’m the arts and crafts teacher for a day care building called,’Sunshine heaven’. I have two kids and a wife.

Well I used to have a wife and a kid.

People are very familiar with the freak accident taking place right In front of the day-care. The man who crashed his car into my beloveds car, was drunk. Once I was notified of the incident and went to see their body’s, I couldn’t even recognize them.

Their faces were almost gone. And my sweet angels faces were ripped to pieces. Oh how I miss them so much.

Well, after a couple of days, the court decided that since it was a drunk driving accident, he would not face time but have to pay a fine.

Oh how I cried and mourn the deaths of my family, it’s just me and little Jack now, oh how I hate jack so much, he was so damn loud, he cried so much, I wish I can just….just put my hands on his neck and choke the life out of him. God I would trade him for any kid, even a dumb one heh.

So anyways, back to the important stuff…that man deserved to go to jail…….so instead, I took everything he took away from him. It was easy killing the kid, she always loved to be draw and make crafts with her bratty friends, just make sure no one’s around and lure them in a private room. And just kill them all. God how I’d love to do it again, their screams and cry’s and begs were music to my ears, I love peeling their faces out of their body’s.

And you going to ask, how did you hide them? Well that’s when I have a little book, a book of the devil to be exact, or devils. I used to think there was only one devil but there a multiple to be exact.

But I haven’t summoned a devil or a demon or whatever the fuck you call them. I just did a spell, a spell to make you stronger and quicker and so much different. But the deal is I have to have some offerings for it to work, that’s when the deal comes in. Haha!

So, I offer a couple of body’s. Set the spell up, and ta-da! Boom! I keep them in the mortal realm, just to mess with them more. They’re probably wondering why they aren’t with god or whatever the fuck they believe in. They’re just going to have to cry about it, wondering why god didn’t let them go to heaven.

OH HOW IT EXCITES ME TOO SEE THEM CRY! Oh and that’s not all, I used their blood and organs to make multiple paintings! Oh how beatific they look! I just mix their blood with a few colors and make art!

Oh and don’t get me started on the bitch of a woman that was the wife of the man who killed my family. Oh how bitchy she was, such a damn pain in the ass. If I was her husband I would’ve killed her the first time we met! Oh I remember when I walked up her stair case when she was alone, watching her sleep.

Oh and I also took pictures too! Just to make it refresh in my mind. How I remember, crawling through the window…..sneaking into the living room…it was surprisingly empt than expected, a chair, a couch, and a small little brick slab located on the walls.

It didn’t look much, you could tell that fine took a toll on the bank account. Or maybe they were just poor. They god damn deserve it. Stupid bitch of a woman. They hand an ugly green floor too.

After I crawled through the window, I snuck into the stair case, which lead up to the second floor of the house, the brown door right by, definitely the main entrance.


Then, there she was, sleeping on the bed, I walked up to her, and whispered into her ear that she was about to die. Oh how she begged for her life, she said she would do anything to live. Anything at all….but I eventually killed her. Stabbed her multiple times, cut off a few limbs, wanting to savor the moment.

Well, there you have it. There’s the story of Hugo Malignant Död, or so far at least. I have a backup plan if I’m caught.

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Haven't posted in a while, whoopsies. Hope you enjoy this!
Breaking News

Local daycare for children and toddlers was mysteriously on fire this morning for reasons that remain unknown to officials and witnesses yesterday night it was around the middle of the night, at around 3 in

the morning on January 1st, 3 hours after New Years where, according to witness David Miller, the building was burning dow, the smell of smoke and fire filled his nose and he immediately grabbed a jacket to protect him in the cold weather that suddenly appeared last week to make sure if there was anyone inside to prevent further injuries. "I just wanted to make no one was hurt." Says David Miller. Though in a strange way, there were no suspects or suspicions of anyone burning down the building so firefighters believe it was a mechanical problem with the pipes or a problem similar to that. Not much has survived the fire besides a few remnants of toys and other things such as paintbrushes, though what is strange is that a oddly disturbing painting or, portrait, has been found amongst the rubble after the fire department put the flames out and discovered the art, what is even more strange is that the art belongs to the art teacher at daycare, who was known for his artistic vision, and officials claim that the painting brings to the missing man known as Hugo Malignant Död. If you have seen or heard of the man please let the police department of Helven known.
The arts destination in the future is unknown and will most likely be put in auction.

The portrait found by the fire department after the flames have been put to rest.

Breaking News
Pregnant woman brutally killed.


(The picture above was taken from the crime scene relatives and friends identity the body as Amanda Miller, wife of David Miller.)

On January 12TH a murder concurred, Amanda Miller was brutally killed by her husband David Miller. Federals also say that Amanda was pregnant with a baby. The remains and body of the baby is unknown, though feds do suspect that the husband hid the remains of the undeveloped feetus is somewhere around the crime science.

David Miller will face trial soon and police had interviewed the monster that we call,’David Miller.’ Once he was arrested people who surrounded the crime science reported him screaming and crying begging to let go and burn the pairing that he had recently bought from auction.

The painting was taken from the police department seeing it as evidence.

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