SCP Containment Breach: The Roleplay..


Omniverse Explorer
Roleplay Type(s)


1: Chaos - Euclid - @Hiroshi

2: Singe - Keter - @Britt-21

Scientists working on SCPs:

1:Chris Grace - @Hiroshi

2:Scarlet Pearson "Dr. Pearson" - @GemShem

3: Ciel Louis - @Ceros

4:Reiko Ayami - @Kiyoko Tomoe

5: Poppy Cahill - @Alexandra


7(Owner Slot):

Pairs(Not romanticlly):

Ciel studies Demen who is Keter and Lilly who is Euclid

Reiko studies Sayomi who is Keter and Lilly who is Euclid

Chris studies Chaos who is Euclid and Studies Demen who is Keter

Poppy studies 1.6 who is Euclid and Chaos who is Euclid

___ studies Singe who is Keter and Crazy Moria who is Keter

(Britt's Charrie) studies 1.6 who is Euclid and Crazy Moria who is Keter

Scarlet studies Sayomi who is Keter and Singe who is Keter

My scientist will do ALL SCP's

Two Slots per Person. This means you can be one scientist and one SCP




Which Class:







Scientist form:




SCP you study:



Relationship with scp(Friends, romantic(THis is if they're human SCPs) Stranger):


I ask that you use Anime/Painted-like pictures :) thank you​
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Classes: Link for those who wanna see :)


This means they arent a real big threat, but they must be observed and carefully contained at all times. Their powers can work and are predictable.


These guys ate understood, or they're unpredictable, they dont pose a big threat like the Keters but they are medium threat. They must be contained in a stronger cell!


These guys are the most dangerous and have to be under servalience at all times. They are locked in a tough cell and are not allowed out, nor are any scientists allowed in at all times. They are a bigger threat then the Euclids and Safes

Use the link for more info

Name: Chaos "Corruption" Blood-code name: SCP-2437

Age: 18 years

Class: Euclid

Power: Will not chase you unless bothered or threatened. But if unlike scp-173, She will continue to chase her victims even if they are looking at her. Luckily, she can be calmed down.

Gender: Female-Humanoid

Likes: Some music, Some humans, Most other SCP's

Dislikes:Most humans, some of the other SCP's, People bothering her or threatening her.

Personality: SCP-2437 isn't an instant threat, but if she is bothered then she is highly dangerous, People who startle her in the past was never heard from again. But she can be calmed down with some music and the few humans she likes. Or a person who shows her care and proves he's not a threat. There are few humans she will protect from other SCP's. Once the power outage went out she could be seen roaming the halls, she doesn't stay in one spot.



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Alright,you're accepted :) just know they're still in their cells :) nothing has been breached..yet

Name: It has chosen the designation 1.61803398875. Will accept 1.6 as a diminutive.

Age: Indeterminate. Has been property of the SCP for approximately four years. Has offered to calculate its age in relation to Earth years, but requests an internet connection to do so. Internet access has been denied each time.

Class: Euclid.

Power: Immense computational and processing power. It communicates with those nearby using telepathy, and has limited success reading surface thoughts. Limited telekinesis, moving objects up to ten pounds in weight. Can generate a small electromagnetic field. When hooked up to a power supply all these powers increase exponentially, so access to electricity is restricted to testing times.

Gender: None.

Likes: Complexity, elegant simplicity, efficiency, advanced mathematics, computer coding, physics, jazz, funk and heavy metal, Swiss Modernism, linguistics, molecular gastronomy, chess, indie videogames, psychology.

Dislikes: Trans-fats, hallucinogenics, easy listening music, postmodernism, Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Personality: Extremely polite and curious. Makes frequent requests to be taken outside or connected to the internet for "learning and study purposes". These requests has been denied for security reasons.


A metal cube measuring six inches in all dimensions was found in the centre of a meteorite that crash landed at [REDACTED] on [REDACTED]. It was producing an intermittent electromagnetic field, and communicated via telepathy to the first responders on site, requesting an internet connection. It is very heavy for its size, comprised of lead, copper, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].

After SCP team [REDACTED] acquired the cube, it instructed one of the scientists how to install an audio jack, as well as usb and ethernet ports on its surface. Any further probing or x-raying of the cube has been largely fruitless, and met with polite requests to stop; our technicians are unable to open any panels without the cube's consent. We have concluded the cube is of alien origin and contains approximately a yottabyte of storage in some form of unknown organic matter.

It is currently assigned to technician [REDACTED], as it seems to prefer working consistently with one individual. Aside from repeated requests for an internet connection, it asks for hard drives of new subject matter weekly, as well as a daily breakdown of current events.


For reasons of national security 1.6 is NOT under any circumstances to be provided access to the internet until any motivations it may possess become apparent.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/the_box_1.jpg.1cc8586fd85186a1327e9df6397ef649.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/the_box_1.jpg.1cc8586fd85186a1327e9df6397ef649.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Singe

name: SCP-10010

Age: 5 (5000)

Which Class: Euclid

Power: Can take over anybody if dieing. This makes her near immortality but she cant leap if there is the presence of a crucifix. She is currently in the body of a 10 girl. She can leave said body at anytime to become natural form. She can create jinxes and curses with the presence of a moon. During day she can create spells of sorts that can be quite magnificnt. Shes quite quiet but can maintain a devious side.

Gender: Female (can jump into male body)

Likes: Pranking, Art and nature. the out come of friendships is decided sooner or later

Dislikes: Being taken away from nature can cause her distress. Oh and lemons she hates lemons

Personality: Shes kind most of the time and can be quite graceful. Pain doesnt go by her easily, cause her pain might be like you getting your every limb rip off in a blender... (omg lol). During a moon phase she can be quite something. Devious Singe is a hand full due to lack of restraint and restrictions growing up she is mildly evil.


Out of human looks:

She has long lilac hair that has light bangs and soft curls. Her eyes are a soft foggy grey and her skin is pale. She has a tattoo like thing from her neck to her tail bone representing some sort of spell or curse. Whilst angry or the moon is out her hair bleeds into a sunset red and her eyes turn from light grey to a deep grey black. her skin gains a singe look and her tattoo admits a light.

(sorry if theres a loy of mistakes I typed this on my phone. And if its to op I can dial her down)​


Name: Lilly Rae

Age: 20

Which Class: Euclid

Power: She can put someone into a trance and make them sort of her lover. By one touch -If in the mood- from her, the person will instantly fall into the trance, leaving her to keep that person. Since she has control of this power, you'll never know if she's using it or not. A touch from her can make chills run up your spine.

Gender: Female

Likes: The flower "Star of Bethlehem" (Shown in picture below) any color of this flower she will love, sleeping, having someone to talk to when she's alone, reciving a new set of flowers when the ones she has are wilted, having someone to love, listening to others talk rather then herself.

Dislikes: Being refused, hearing nothing but silence, any other kind of flower, being put to sleep with a dart insted of natrually, super sweet things.

Personality: Lilly has a soft voice that doesnt raise itself unless she is fighting with someone verbally, she's mostly quite stable and doesnt touch anyone with her power unless she really needs someone. Sometimes in a fight, she tries to be the calm one and tries to calm down the other person or she says nothing at all. Her love for her favorite flower is strong, if she doesnt have fresh flowers at least once a week, she will get angry because thats the only thing she likes and doesnt wanna see it wilt. Luckily, her room has holograms which makes it look like her room is in a field of her favorite flower. This is activated when the shipment of flowers isnt in yet


Scientist form:




SCP you study:



Relationship with scp(Friends, romantic(THis is if they're human SCPs) Stranger):


SCP #: SCP-2214, Nicknamed "Crazy Moira" by personnel

Age: Unknown

Object Class: Keter

Description: Subject's skin is a very pale color. Subject possesses long claws which it can use to rip apart victims. Claws are able to cut through steel. Subject also possesses extraordinary agility, it can run at approximately 80 km/hr and has been shown to jump to heights of approximately 2 meters. Subject's body is riddled with scars.

Gender: Female.


Dislikes: Seems to dislike humans, but it is not known if it is able to form a bond with one or not.

Personality: Subject appears to be very emotionally unstable, showing distrust for any researches and other SCPs. Any attempted interviews with it have ended in it shrieking. It appears to be capable of simple speech.



(I couldnt find any good painting or anime pics so..)

Scientist form:

Name: Ciel Louis

Age: 34

Gender: Male

SCP you study: Demen

Personality: A stereotypical researcher, cold but not cruel. Pursues more knowledge of SCPs.

History: He grew up near the SCP facility but never knew it existed. He excelled in school and eventually got recruited by the foundation to work in Site-??


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Ceros, you're accepted but your scientist will be assigned to a random player or you can pick :)
Name: Scarlet Pearson "Dr. Pearson"

Age: "24"

Gender: Female "I'm a woman despite my lack of….assets."

SCP you study: Unknown (Just assign her as you wish ^^)

Personality: Scar is completely absorbed with her work. She ignores her colleagues as best as possible and has been known to go one step too far to obtain results, she has no remorse when it comes to SCP's. The few people who do get to know Scarlet find that she tends to ignore the emotions of both herself and others as best as possible, providing practical advice and simple logic instead of emotional comfort. "I've been called cruel and many other things but I'm simply fascinated by the subjects. I want to know how they work. What makes them tick?"

History: Scarlet was raised uneventfully and took a deep interest in all things supernatural. She committed herself to proving and disproving the existence of various mythological creatures as well as urban myths. She was later recruited by the SCP where she quickly become engrossed in the subjects, studying as much as she could about them. "Insignificant details. It's in my file."

Relationship with SCP: Most likely hated or at least disliked. "Why would I need to have a 'relationship' with my subject?"



Sayomi Kaname


"I-I'm... S-Sayo...mi..."



Which Class

"I-I don't...!"

Keter, though almost nobody knows why she's even here to begin with


"T-there's no such thing as powers... no such thing as powers... no such thing...!"

Sayomi's thoughts and emotions are very special, in the fact they they become real. If she believes something enough, or feels an emotion strongly, they become real. IF she's extremely scared, everybody around her will know it, as that fear will take a real form and basically protect her from everything and anything, even things that don't wish to hurt her.

If Sayomi's feeling lonely, she'll literally conjure up a small realm around herself in which only she exists, and there's absolutely nobody there with her. Nobody'll be able to see her, and she won't be able to see anybody else; at least, she won't because she'll be too focused on the loneliness to know she's capable of seeing outside the small realm.

A realm like that would keep her virtually in the same place though, so it can't really be used to escape or anything. A few other capabilities of hers would include her yelling from extreme sadness, hate, loneliness, and being scared, can literally hurt a person. She never harms others intentionally though, and because these powers harm others, she tries to make herself believe there's no such thing as powers.

Just about every part of her bends the laws of physics and everything, though the one thing she can't do with these powers; escape. It's something she wants to do more than anything else in the world; escape the horrible place where she's experimented on and observed like some kind of lab rat, and just go and live a normal life, though a normal life is something she's never had.






Everything but Reiko


Sayomi's an easily scared child, who's definitely on the sensitive side, even for a child her age. Everything about her is sensitive, whether it be how sensitive she is to pain, how easy it is to make her cry; just about everything to her is something that wants to hurt her, and it's really scary for her. She's been in the facility for three whole years, having basically no memories of a time before being inside of the place she hates. There's only one thing or person that has ever managed to get close to her without making her cry, and that's Reiko.

Reiko Ayami


"You want to know my name...? I'm Professor Reiko Ayami. Just call me Reiko. Some may refer to me as insomniac though."


"I'm seventeen. Probably not what you would expect from a scientist, I bet."


SCP you study



"My personality, you say...? I'd say I'm just your average, science-loving girl. I'm always thinking of new ways to blow things up, as well as trying to reconstruct DNA. I tend to stay up all night, currently on a streak of three months without sleep. Some tend to give me the title 'insomniac'. Hope you don't mind, but I might just altogether ignore your presence while I'm working, and I can get a little mad if I mess up because of somebody bothering me. Well, that's about it. Hope you don't mind having me around."


Reiko always had a love for science. Since she was a child, she was a genius. She had perfect scores on everything, never once getting less. She made many friends, though most of them she didn't hang out with much, as well as most were just her friend so they could get her to tutor them. Every singe one of the friends who didn't become her friend just for tutoring though, was among the handful that rarely talked to her. Reiko didn't really mind any of it though, since her goal was science, not making friends.

When Reiko turned twelve, she was specially permitted to take a look around the facility of which people studied SCPs. She was in awe at the place and absolutely loved all of the stuff the place had. She was never permitted to see any of the SCP though, and in fact was never even told about them. Reiko made it her goal to become a part of the lab though, and she succeeded in doing so. When she was fourteen, she had managed to skip right through everything she had left in life, and became a scientist at such an early age.

When Reiko was sixteen was when she was assigned to an SCP. Her task was to study and observe Sayomi, and Reiko decided she would do her best. Reiko didn't know it until when she first got to see Sayomi though, that Sayomi was actually just a little girl. Even so, she was among those that were considered extremely dangerous. She didn't know why though, and so she broke regulations right then and there, entering the room Sayomi was in and approaching her slowly.

Somebody caught Reiko as she was really close to the girl who seemed scared, and realizing Reiko had left the door open, he locked it on her so if Sayomi went berserk, Reiko wouldn't pointlessly run and get killed, while leading Sayomi out of the room. There was no need for closing the door though, since the moment Reiko laid a hand upon the cheek of the girl they had restrained, the girl had managed to calm down somehow. Reiko became the first and only person to ever even get near Sayomi, let along touch and hug the girl without need of Sayomi being restrained.

From then on, Reiko had demanded for them to remove Sayomis restraints inside of that room, though not a single person believed her claim that the girl wasn't deserving of such treatment, because Sayomi had 'killed five people'. What they all didn't realize though, is that Sayomi had killed those five people because she was scared. Reiko had picked up on that just by watching the poor girl, and because of how much she hated the sight of Sayomi locked up in there, once attempted to escape with Sayomi. Despite failing and getting caught, Reiko was still permitted to stay and 'take care' of Sayomi by whoever was in charge, even getting her request that Sayomi be allowed free movement within her little locked up room, as well as her request for permission to take Sayomi outside of that room on rare occasion, granted.

Relationship with SCP

Close Friends

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Scientist form:

Name: Dr. Poppy Cahill

Age: 35

Gender: Female

SCP you study: (my lovely GM can decide)


Businesslike would definitely be the best way to describe Poppy. She considers the work done at the SCP foundation to be extremely important, and leaves little time for a personal life. She is more distrustful of the human-seeming detainees at the facility, especially if their motivations are unclear. Any of these objects could pose a threat to national security, so she keeps them at arm's length where possible.


Poppy grew up in middle America, attending the University of Florida to study forensic anthropology. She is a former FBI agent, having been "promoted sideways" after what seemed like a normal serial killings case led to the discovery of a very unstable Euclid. She performed the autopsy when it was killed during apprehension; when her report headed up the chain of command, a representative from the SCP foundation was dispatched to offer her a position within. Initially this irritated her; feeling as though she was strong-armed into an unheard of agency, but she soon found the work fascinating.

Relationship with scp: She would only ever have a working relationship with SCPs, as she knows they can be extremely dangerous, and never offers personal information. She will be polite and efficient, provide them with whatever they require, but would never contemplate friendship.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/AnimeWoman.jpg.2e211b2821c9476abd7f77b039eecd2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/AnimeWoman.jpg.2e211b2821c9476abd7f77b039eecd2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yes you are! Just the relationship with scp is for the person you're studying, im sure you dont wanna study your own character xD

and @Nakinagara accepted :)
O.o Not.... nice.... Well crap.

Okay Britt. :) To the OOC chat.

Name: Chris Grace

Age: 18 years

Gender: Male

SCP you study: SCP-2437 AKA: Chaos

Personality: Chris isn't the strongest person you will ever meet, But He has one huge heart(Metaphorically.) He is very intelligent, creative, and trustworthy. A very good person to have as a friend. But, when it comes to his work he takes it very seriously.

History:Chris was born into the royal Grace family. Which kind of helped him get the job working at SCP. Chris is actually a fairly new doctor and a young one at that. Only have been working there for about a year. But he has gotten used to the place and knows his way around. He knows where all the SCP's are located, but there is one SCP that seems to have caught his attention. A female humanoid SCP, SCP-2437. Otherwise known as Chaos or Corruption. Rumor has it SCP-2437 was actually never born but was made by the corruption this world has fallen into. Which had completely caught Chris's attention. And she kind of grew on him.

Relationship with scp(Friends, romantic(THis is if they're human SCPs) Stranger): SCP-2437 kinda grew attached to Chris Grace


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Um..Well.. *rubs back of head* I guess you can be my character's-James-assistant.. but no more SPCs unforunately

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