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Fantasy π”–𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔀𝔒 𝔬𝔣 𝔱π”₯𝔒 β„œπ”¦π”£π”±π”°


Two Thousand Club

𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔀𝔒 𝔬𝔣 𝔱π”₯𝔒 β„œπ”¦π”£π”±π”°

In a world where reality is fractured, mysterious dimensional tears known as Rifts have begun appearing across the globe. These Rifts emit dangerous creatures called Aberrants, corrupted beings from a chaotic void between dimensions. Humans who have approached these Rifts have been known to have their skins peeled from them before their entire beings are set ablaze. Their burning bodies are then twisted and deformed to appear almost demonic-like, where their eyes once were are now glowing orange empty sockets. These individuals are known as Infernos, they no longer have any humanity within them and have no sense of moral or goal to their actions at first, they only wish to kill and destroy. At first, it was believed that all people had to do was avoid these Rifts and the government would find a way to deal with the Aberrants with overwhelming military might while scientists would eventually figure out how to close the Rifts.

However, soon it was made very well aware that such a thing was the hope of the naive. The first incident reports occurred in a remote town a few hundred kilometers from the Capital City of Eldralis. In the middle of the night while a family had been enjoying their dinner, the husband's head had suddenly exploded into a ball of flames before his entire body was soon engulfed in said fire, soon turning into one of the Inferno. How it occurred, no one knew, all that was found by morning was the entirety of the town was burnt to ashes and the Inferno was nowhere in sight.

To combat these new threats, it was deemed necessary that the World Leaders had to put their differences aside and work together to resolve this crisis. Scientists from all over the globe came together to see what could be done, within the span of a year, a new organization was formed. Known as 'The Vanguard', individuals within this organization were either hand-picked by military leaders, or volunteered citizens, some believe there are darker secrets within the organization but as far as anyone else knows these are just rumors.
Though it was no easy and many sacrifices were made to do, scientists were able to intentionally create a Rift within a controlled environment, the process required both the capturing of a live Aberrant as well as a live Inferno. When the Aberrant was trapped within the same room as the Inferno, because of the nature of the Inferno it attacked the creature out of pure instinct and with the need for escape due to the Inferno was immune to many of the creatures strikes, it forcibly attempted to create a Rift by tearing open one. Although because the Rift was made as an escape passage, it was small and meant to close, though with enough force, scientists were able to keep the small Rift open even as the Inferno escaped through it as well.

From there, those who signed up to be apart of The Vanguard were introduced to this small Rift. Because of its energy being much less intense, participants were told to approach the Rift only to be pulled back before their bodies were about to turn into Infernos. This test caused many obvious failures in the process but after several years of constant and slow exposure to the Rift, there were some special cases where individuals left with Aspect Abilities to be able to seal Rifts as well as neutralize Aberrants and Infernos. What was found to be intriguing was that these Aspect Abilities all differed in some way, they appeared to be somehow connected to the individual's personality and subconscious desires deep down.

Eventually once The Vanguard was sent out on their first mission to attempt and close a Rift, when the public had seen their first rays of hope, it was believed that peace could soon return to the world. That was until the need to neutralize an Inferno came about. Members of The Vanguard was instructed to treat Infernos the same way they would deal with an Aberrant; destroy them at any cost. However, many of the family members wished a different fate for them, they wanted to be able to simply subdue them to possibly help them or at the very least pray for their passing on before the solider would destroy them. When their requests were denied time and time again, soon a new group was formed, a religion of sorts.

The Holy Sol Temple was soon formed, many of those who joined the religion once had a loved one turned into an Inferno and either had them destroyed by The Vanguard or were still roaming through the land causing chaos. The purpose behind The Holy Sol Temple was that those who were apart of the religion believed in the power of the sun itself, believing that those who were turned into Infernos could be saved if they received a prayer before being vanquished and the fire that consumed them would return to the sun while their souls could peacefully pass on. Years passed on and as the religion grew, more and more people joined, even those who did not have loved ones turned joined in the belief that the religion had a better cause than just the militaristic might of the governments, because of this, soon even members of the religion were allowed to join The Vanguard, many of which who did join ended up all receiving Aspect Abilities somehow related to fire in one way or another, not only was their task to do the same as The Vanguard, but they were allowed to chant a specific prayer for the Infernos before vanquishing them.
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I’m interested, but I’m curious about the world. Is there any info you can share?
Sure. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I have not made a lore thread as of yet, but I will be doing so if this roleplay can get enough interest.

I have not yet to avoid the possibly waste of time in case I do not get enough interest.
I’m interested in this as well. I just would like to know how varied we can make our Aspect Abilities? Like are they all elemental, mental, or other type of powers? Or can we go crazy with it?
I’m interested in this as well. I just would like to know how varied we can make our Aspect Abilities? Like are they all elemental, mental, or other type of powers? Or can we go crazy with it?
You can go as creative as you like with the aspect abilities. All I ask is that you do not go almighty or god like power to control time or changing reality.
Other than that, feel free and I would be doing reviews of sheets when they are completed.
Sure. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I have not made a lore thread as of yet, but I will be doing so if this roleplay can get enough interest.

I have not yet to avoid the possibly waste of time in case I do not get enough interest.
I was curious about the time period mostly. I know info about the governments, land masses and such would come with the lore page.
I was curious about the time period mostly. I know info about the governments, land masses and such would come with the lore page.
The roleplay would mostly be taking place in modern/slightly futuristic time period. There would be only small things here and there that would be futuristic like holograms and such. No flying cars or any of that though.
Nothingness Nothingness
Thanks for the answer. I’m thinking of maybe going with chlorokinesis power, plant control, as I haven’t used that power in a roleplay in awhile, if it’s allowed.
Nothingness Nothingness
Thanks for the answer. I’m thinking of maybe going with chlorokinesis power, plant control, as I haven’t used that power in a roleplay in awhile, if it’s allowed.
That would be allowed.


I am now working on the lore thread. it'll be a bit before it is completed. So I apologize for that, unless y'all would like to work on CS thread first.
Either one works. The info would help build characters. But I’m sure everyone is excited to see a character sheet lol
I apologize for the delay but here is some bits of lore. Nothing too big since my brain doesn't seem to be working too great tonight. Cant find the right words or anything to write down stuff..though I am willing to answer any questions anyone might have regarding lore. I will be writing much more when I can find the words and figure out what exactly I want to write down.

I will be getting up the CS Thread up by the end of the night.

Lore Link Here

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