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the failed prodigy
Evander, a strange and rather reserved character. He is often considered a failed prodigy
full name
Evander Lucien Connor
twenty six - twenty nine
film director & odd jobs
the failed prodigy / the idiot genius / if ocd were a person
6'0 ft / 182 cm
hair colour
dirty blonde
eye colour
blue - green
always tired
close minded
TW: ocd
Evander was once an energetic and loving person, he enjoyed life and lived every day to its absolute fullest. Key word is WAS. Life hit him hard after his failed directorial debut, it was an indie horror film, looking back he wasn't sure what he was expecting but it wasn't the absolute failure he got.
He's now sluggish and lazy, he helps friends and sometimes random people with their own films, directing and occasionally starring in them, but overall doesn't have much of a pep in his step.
He has mild ocd, specifically 'just right' ocd and 'real event' ocd. He will obsessively redo things until they feel perfect or 'just right', he'll ruminate on thoughts and past events until they drive him to insanity. He tends to clean, count, take hot showers in the dark or seek reassurance from friends when his ocd flares up.
He's a habitual smoker, though he's tried to stop, he typically only smokes when stressed.
He'd do anything for his friends (or sister), literally anything, Rob a bank, commit tax fraud, murder you name it he'll do it. Evander has extremely high expectations he holds literally no one else to, which leads himself to disappointment often.
He use to be very romantic and loving, now he finds the concept of 'love' dull and overused, which led to a very stale love life. One night stands are far easier, in his opinion.
movies, film, photography, music, plays/ operas/ musicals, reading, painting, vinyls, collecting random things, Polaroids, sketching, cameras, old coins
filming/ directing/ acting, photography, drawing, flower pressing, writing scripts
The first born child; Evander Lucien Connor: the epitome of perfection. He was adired by everyone in his family, he was the first born of course he was. His parents were financially stable and by that I mean filthy rich. He was spoiled rotten, but not in a way that made him 'spoiled rotten', he was a happy kid a loving adorable child. He loved school, and he especially loved film. He'd watch any and every movie he could get his tiny hands on.
After finding out he'd be getting a little sister he was over the moon with joy. Though once she was born he was in a way tossed to the side, there was no time to play or watch movies with his father.
This didn't stop him from being happy, the day his sister was born was the day he met his best friend. They were inseparable and even more so after she began to talk. She/ Lucille was much more relaxed and calm than he was but somehow they just meshed.
teenage & adult years
as a teenager he was very much the movie & music nerd, he had several hobbies. Though byfar his most prominent hobby was film making. He'd record anything and stick his name on it, mostly mockumentaries and horror, though he dabbled in comedy & romance at times.
He was a kid with big dreams in a medium sized town, basically he had a one in a million chance of making those dreams a success (as he'd later find out he was not a one in a million).
He was considered a prodigy by his school and family because of his overall good grades, athletic ability and several other factors. His family could picture it perfectly Evander Connor: famous film director.
As an adult he attended film school, which he loved, adored even. After school he got right to work writing a script, finding a cast ect. he put months of work and his entire heart onto the project; later called 'horrorville' an indie horror-comedy, making fun of overused stereotypes.
Here were the few reviews left for the movie: "too sterile" "not gory enough" "mediocre". Later in time the movie garnered attention, but more so for its strange and niche references and the (later) successful actress, Hailey Grace who starred as a lead.
From there began a slow winding downward spiral for Evander. Life looked duller, empty, sterilized. He lived in a apartment he kept with odd jobs, his family was so obviously disappointed, his sister can do nothing but beg him to direct something, and he can do nothing but mope around.
I'll have you know I'm very happy being a grown adult going though an angsty teen phase.
youre almost 30 grow up.
mother & father
It was hard living up to his own expectations, let alone Nora & Alexander Connors. They use to adore and spoil him yet now after his failure, they seemed to be somewhat dissapointed, sure they liked the movie but if no one else did then who cared? Their relationshipis strained and awkward.
Elowen Connor
Elowen the slightly smaller disappointment. Elowen is his best friend he couldn't imagine life without her. This does not stop them from arguing. She wa always asking him to film, when he never wanted to touch another camera. Regardless their relationship is a 10/10
Hailee Grace
ex girlfriend / friend
First love & first heartbreak. There isnt much to be said they were supposedto be successful together, hed produce shed star. After his debut he fell into a spiral she jsut couldn't watch, she moved on and he stayed where in his slump. They havent spoken since she left him, and he hopes to never have to.
Ethan Levy
The bad influence who showed Evander how to party, how to do anything notmal college kids do. They use to be closer tyen they are now but they still talk weekly. Theyre in a good graces
Carter Anderson
Carter is a strange character hes a charming asshole. Back handed comments for days, yet he genuinely didnt know how much of an asshole he was. They pretty much hate each other but still hang out [/comment]
Oliver Wrightsville
the sexual awkening
Oliver was the first time Evander ever looked at a male and felt more than a twinge of attraction. They met at a party Carter had dragged him to and they hit it off, though nothing ever came of it. They speak on holidays now.
fav movie?
fantastic mr fox
teeth like gods shoeshine
modest mouse
♡coded by uxie♡