[Scions in Creation] Detailed Yu-Shan Gateways


Luna's Concubine
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The Blessed Isle:

The twelve gates that from the Blessed Isle all lead to a single, mile-wide pavilion in Yu-Shan.

0. Calibration Gate

Appears in Creation once a year to allow mortals into the Carnival of Meeting (ex2e.293, game.19), but can be summoned the rest of the year by the spell Summon the Heavenly Portal (whit.82, side.123). The Provable Location of the Gate, a resplendent power of the sign of the Key, can also summon this gate (exsd.202). The lunar charm Divining the Hidden Truth (luna.184) can divine the location of the gate (side.22).

This gate never appears in the Wyld and must appear on a solid surface (side.22). This gate leads to the same pavilion as the Blessed Isle gates (side.18).

1. Meru Gate

Called the Glorious Arch and located on the Imperial Mountain, within the Ancient Academy (isle.99). The gate lies in the better explored sections of the academy's catacombs (side.20).

2. Unkatsu Gate

Located on the northern coast of the Blessed Isle, west of Bright Obelisk . In Unkatsu Prefecture, this gateway rests behind a glorious waterfall surrounded by a well-kept stone garden. (ys.108)

3. Arudan Gate

Located on the northern coast of the Blessed Isle, northeast of Eagle's Launch . In Arudan Prefecture, the Storm Coast, a gateway exists carved out of a local rock formation. It is one of the few gates guarded by celestial lions on the Creation end because it is accessible by mortals and others without need for Charms. No one knows why the gate was designed this way or if this was some later alteration by First Age savants who knew more about the gate’s construction than current gods and Exalts. (ys.108)

4. Vabahi Gate

Located on the western coast of Blessed Isle, on the Silk & Pearl Peninsula.

5. Bough Gate

Located on the Serpentine River, within the Daoshin Peninsula on the Blessed Isle . It is crafted so that it lay horizontally just beneath the surface of the water. (ys.108)

6. Auchul Gate

Located on the Plains of Rusted Iron on the Blessed Isle . The gate stands amongst cracked earth and surrounded by glyphs that predate the appearance of man and that glow and shift depending on the phase of the moon. At night, strange voices call to those nearby, and even gods find this gate haunted by something beyond their ken. One of the last Primordials died near here, and the gods suspect some remnant of it lingers still. (ys.108)

7. Arjuf Gate

Located in the city of Arjuf . Standing openly on a dais of jade, this gate sits in the center of the largest Immaculate temple in the area, guarded by the monks within. (ys.108)

8. Hajuba Gate

Located in the Mhaltin Mountains on the Blessed Isle .

??? In Hajuba Prefecture, 200 miles west of Pasiap’s Stair, at the foot of the Mhaltin Mountains, this gateway is literally built high up into a cliff face. Once every two decades, a lesson is held in the shadow of this gateway between a member of the Crimson Panoply and the best of the outcaste students at the stair. If one of the students win, they are granted a boon by the war god. If the war god wins, the student is marked for sacrifice by his fellows ten years from the day unless he proves himself in war. (ys.108)

9. Dhorash Gate

Located in the Dhorash Mountains on the Blessed Isle . Hidden within the Dhorash Mountains, 500 miles west of Noble, this gateway is used by local nature gods and is surrounded by a sanctum used as a chapter house where members of the local Terrestrial courts and gods from Yu-Shan may treat freely. (ys.108)

10. Crane Gate

Located in the Crane Bay Harbor.

In the Second Age, this Harbor becomes the mighty Imperial City . This gate is "intact" (game.21) under the name Scarlet Gate.

11. Giashu Gate

Located to the North of Pangu on the Blessed Isle .

12. Yatosin Gate

Located to the White Coast on the Blessed Isle .

?? In Yatosin Prefecture, along the White Coast, 700 miles east of Chanos, gods of wealth use this gateway to oversee Ragara vaults in the area, since the roads here have been secured by their troops of late and the troves have increased in size. (ys.109)

Outer Gates

The remainder of the gates circle the perimeter of the Celestial City (exsd.228). From each of these gates, a canal leads to the center of the city (side.23).

The East:

13. Kirighast Gate

Located in the city of Kirighast . Surrounded by First Age pylons commemorating a victory against the Primordial, the land became known as the Bayou of Endless Regret. (ys.109)

Late in the First Age, this gate was moved interior and became Grave Silk Lake Gate.

The manse at the center of the plot of Forgotten Suns is fairly close to this gate.

14. Rathess Gate

A three yard high arch made of orichalum, moonsilver, starmetal and jade at the top of the Pyramid of the Rising Sun in Rathess. When the sun shines on it during the first day of each season, and all through Calibration, the gate will activate for any Exalt or Dragon King of Essence 3 or more, though this does not wave any of the rules for entering heaven. (ruin.39) Celestial officials use this gate on occasion (ruin.90). Guarded by Pai Xanxi, a celestial lion sympathetic to the Gold Faction (cult.45). This gate is "intact" (game.21).

Rathess’s gateway, hidden in the undercity, is under the control of Han-Tha, the Ghoul King and Eater of the Dead, and his cats paw Solar Exalt. Gods who need to be active in the area use other gateways, if possible. Several gods upset about this status quo and the wasted time involved in shunting traffic to other gateways have petitioned for a censor’s intervention, but none has been forthcoming, and a few divinities have pondered hiring mercenary gods or a Circle of Exalted to handle the matter. (ys.109)

15. Sperimin Gate

Located in Sperimin City. This gateway sits alone, carved out of adamant and jade. (ys.109)

During the Great Contagion, this gate doesn't show up on the Sidereal map. This gate is about the only good candidate to move and become Maruto River Gate.

Arad the Hunter (cWyld.101) has chosen to pick off prey going to and from Yu-Shan via this gateway. The celestial lions sent to deal with the predation were themselves lost after it's relocation. (ys.109) Famous in Nexus to Chiaroscuro and the Immaculate Philosophy.

16. Denandsor Gate

Located in Denandsor City.

Known as the River's Womb, this black jade and starmetal structure inset with orichalcum seals just out of the cliffs below the River Temple of Anisatsis, near the confluence of the Maruto and Yellow Rivers (exsd.83). Other text says this gate is in Great Forks (exsd.53) but, given the map and the more detailed description elsewhere, this is probably a mistake.

Meander Gate is later moved by the Shogunate before the Great Contagion took hold on the city. It now resides outside Nathir.

17. Hollow Gate

Located in the river city of Hollow.

The 1E sidereal map clearly shows this gate in modernly named, Nexus Gate.

Nexus’s gate is hidden within a massive warehouse owned by a front-company in the hands of a god of commerce, thus protecting the location from strangers. Enormous amounts of traffic proceed into and out of this gate, so a veritable market has grown up on the Yu-Shan side, tainted by divine organized crime and gang activity. The tunnel itself is hardly secure, often being used as a temporary warehouse until guards arrive to escort the material to its destination in Yu-Shan. (yg.110)

00. Deheleshen Gate

Located within the Threshold Garrison of Deheleshen. Can only be activated with activation of the Sword of Creation.

Modern Lookshy was rebuilt on the ruins of Deheleshen by Seventh Legion survivors of the Great Contagion.

Other text claims this gate is near modern Lookshy, supposedly guarded by Perfect Onyx, a celestial lion sympathetic to the Gold Faction (cult.45). Another reference mentions the gateway in Lookshy is "intact", as is the one in Nexus (game.21).

18. Sijan Gate

Located in Sijan . Sijan’s gateway lies in the center of a plaza of gray stone, and it is one of the few gateways carved into a monolith of soulsteel (ys.109)

19. Metagalapa Gate

Located on the plains within hawkrider range of Mount Metagalapa . The gateway is carved into the side of a barren hillside, the site of a major battle during Balor’s Crusade. (ys.109)

20. Udr Gate

Located near a highly guarded phenomena. An intersection of dimensions exists under the symbolic name, Well of Unidentified Dimensional Reflections.

Renamed in the Second Age for it's more commonly known landmark, Noss Fens Gate.

21. Xu-Lak Gate

Located within the palace of Xu-Lak. (ys.109) This gate is surrounded by a small island of stability within border marches of the Wyld. It is one of the primary points of meeting between Creation and the Raksha. (side.22)

22. Proving Ground Gate

Located to the west of Vseult's Demesne, in the northeast. This gateway is carved into a gargantuan petrified tree 200 miles north of Sal-Maneth. (ys.110)

23. River Blossom Gate

Recently relocated between River Blossom and Resplendent Peak, in the northeast. This gateway, bound in mahogany carved to look like wood, is hidden in the boles of River Blossom, a Haltan city. (ys.110)

Originally, this gate resided within Yagan. Moved recently to stabilize the watershed area west of the city.

24. Gradefes Gate

Located in in the edge of the Gradefes walls. The gateway built into a hill of ice. The ice is impossible to melt or alter in any way. (ys.110)

The shadowland repels most people and the original name of the region is lost to most still living. This gate is later known as simply the Ice Gate. (ys.110)

The North:

25. Glacier Gate

Located deep in the snow in the far northeast for stabilization. This gateway is buried within the wall of a glacier. As the glacier has moved forward over the ages, gods have been bidden by Heaven to carve access tunnels to the gateway to keep it operational, and so the gateway itself lies within a glittering chamber of ice and adamant now, a 30-meter hall lit by sunlight channeled into the mountain of ice that surrounds it. (ys.110)

26. Crystal Gate

Located in Crystal -- or perhaps in the First Age metropolis from which the city scavenges. This gate is "intact" (game.21). Crystal’s gateway is non-descript and built out of First Age materials. Locals assume it is a monument to some forgotten First Age ruler. (ys.110)

27. Tzatli Gate

Located in the city of Tzatli. Diamond Hearth’s gateway is

built into a stone pillar nearly 40 feet high. It is heavily guarded by local constables, who are aware of its nature but worry of infiltration by pawns of the Syndics. 9ys.110)

This gateway is later known as the Diamond Hearth Gate.

28. Mesa Gate

Located in the Three-Force Mesa complex.

Three-Force Mesa, an industrial complex which had been turned towards churning out weapons of war.

Located near the domain of the Icewalkers, towards the River of Tears . It would later be called Shrouded Gate. (ys.110)

29. Sepporil Gate

Located in the city of Sepporil.

Guarded by Shanks, a celestial lion sympathetic to the Gold Faction (cult.45).

Icehome’s gate is hidden within an old manse within the city, used by gods but forgotten by mortals (by the Second Age.)(ys.110)

30. Meteor Gate

Located in the Meteor's Eye Complex.

Located in the domains of the Lions of the Snow (fair.73), south of the border of the Haslanti League . This gate is later called the Steppe Gate.

31. Gethamane Gate

Located beneath Gethamane (side.20). The tunnels beneath Gethamane bear a gateway midway between the upper landings and the lower reaches, designed to allow contact between the gods of Heaven and the purple-skinned denizens of that stretch of tunnels. (ys.112) This gate is "intact" (game.21) in the Second Age.

32. Fell Gate

Located near Marama's Fell. 200 miles east of the southeastern tip of Marama’s Fell, the gateway is being used as an overflow gate for the Gate of Shadows. A tiny shadowland nearby— an extension of the Fell— has been put to use as a laboratory for Wayang’s researchers into the Underworld. (ys.112)

33. Shadows Gate

Located to the west of the Holy Road that connects Whitewall and Wallport. Sitting in the dark of a cave within a rocky hillside. The gods of Whitewall— in their dentities as high-ranking members of the Celestial Bureaucracy— have purposely directed traffic through this gate to protect their own dentities. Despite its remote distance from any major cities, hundreds of gods pass through it every day, and the masters of Whitewall have managed to go unnoticed as they travel to and from their city because of it. (ys.112)

34. Cholistan Gate

Located in the city of Cholistan.

Known later as simply the Cairn Gate. This gateway is buried under a cairn of rocks. (ys.112)

The destruction of the city's manse network became known as Silent Meadow of Dust.

35. Spider Gate

Located near the original Spidersilk Dam construction site.

This gateway is surrounded by Middlemarches and forms an oasis of stability. It is used by local barbarian tribes— especially the Varajtul— as a resting site. The presence of so many Wyld shamans means that gods looking for worship or to leave Yu-Shan for a career as a tribal totem use this gate, but few others do. (ys.112)

Reference to the White Valley and the Neverborn.

In more modern history, it is known as the Varajtul Gate.

36. Sezakan Gate

Located in the Sezakan near the western edge of the Great Ice.

At some point, Sezakan and it's gate are renamed to Tchoto-killi Gate. The city is destroyed in the God War, along with Chiaroscuro. The gateway here is so remote that only the gods of the strange cities in this region, long out of contact with the Realm, make much use of it. The gate itself nestles within the ruins of Tchoto-killi, destroyed in the God Wars. (ys.112)

37. Pear Gate

Located in the coastal city of Varajtul.

Located with the territory claimed by the Seven Stormwinds (fair.73), in the north. The fractious island that surrounds this gateway was once a major bread basket for the Realm, but as its forces have pulled inward, the local satrap has watched helplessly as the island’s once unified principality fragments into warring states. The gateway here lies in the center of the island, amongst the remains of a First Age city now fallen into ruin except for a few sturdy buildings that were put to use by the Realm as an armory. The armory is now constantly under siege by the various armies that wander the armory, putting the gateway itself into jeopardy. This would be of minor import, but the gloomy, pale-skinned Northern tribes of the island, who

raid the shores of the North in longboats shaped like kraken, have taken to a primitive form of god worship. Corrupt and homeless minor divinities in Heaven have begun possessing the great among the raiders and assisting them in their war parties for the thrill of it, making the gateway these thrill-seeking gods’ favored method of access to the raiders and increasing traffic beyond what it would normally if such illegal activities were not occurring. (ys.112)

The West:

38. Azure Gate

Located in the city of Azure in the eastern province of Okeanos. (lac.119)

After the cataclysm, the Deliberative took control of the area under the Creation-Ruling Mandate. (lac.119)

The gate in the city of Azure in the Coral Archipelago lies within a maze of alleys, hidden by the Charms of the local deities. Thaumaturges know of it and occasionally send prayers through it, and a pack of local Lunars has begun using it to visit Heaven in the Second Age. (ys.112)

39. Onyx Gate

Located in the city of Onyx in the in the northernmost province of Okeanos. (lac.118)

The island of Darkmist is the shadowland of Skullstone Archipelago,the gateway after the destruction of Okeanos (lac.120) lies in the center of a vast jade plaza in front of Onyx.(side.22).

Once apart of Kukluk's Crater, is guarded by a small flotilla of automaton warships and mechanical kraken during the Golden First Age. It was the after the cataclysm, that the shadowland became under the control of the CRM. (lac.119)

Darkmist Isle’s capital city of Onyx has a gateway that accesses Heaven, heavily guarded by the Silver Prince. The gateway lies in the center of a plaza that stands in front of what is now the Silver Prince’s palace. The Silver Prince will only entertain emissaries from Heaven if they bear some message of great import but has decided that he will not involve himself in the comings and goings of Heavenly messengers and travelers so long as they do not tarry in the shadowland itself for more than two nights. Those who stay longer are hunted by the Prince and his deathknights as if they were wild game, and few who have been hunted have ever survived to tell the tale. (ys.112)

40. Amphiro Gate

Located in the capital city of Amphiro on Okeanos.

After the cataclysm, the city was destroyed. The hardened lava mass became known as island of Amphiro in the Neck. Most of the island is under the protection of the Darkmist Blockade. (lac.119)

The surviving gate was unearthed and moved to the nearby manse re-named Kerekis Gate. The island of Kerekis, in the Neck, houses a gate within a hidden grotto, built into a massive wall of coral. It is difficult to get to this gate, but once one knows where it is it is incredibly private and thus used by many gods traveling to and from Heaven. (ys.111)

41. Arkadi Gate ???

Located on the Arkadi Island above ??? Base. Project: Xur ??? Transplanted from Clepsys. (lac.109)

600 miles south of Solid Shell is a gate resting on a pillar of stone and rising out of the water. Beneath the stone pillar is one of the ancient submariner manse-bases of the High First Age. (ys.113)

Known as the Mother-of-Pearl Gate, this tall moonsilver, black jade, fist-sized pearl-studded gateway, two days sail from the Monastery of Deep Stars. The Monastery is located in the Skullstone Archipelago(exsd.82).

42. Sand Gate ???

Located at the primary military base for Project: Xur. The base of the Titan: Flames That Marches Against the Sea is located here as the nexus of the manses. (lac.115)

250 miles west of the Isle of Shadows there is a gateway crafted out of crystallized sand on a small sandbar. Gods have begun to utilize it to avoid the risks of travel through the Silver Prince’s terrain but run the risk of running afoul of other threats, since the seas around here are the territory of a particularly powerful and territorial elemental court. The elemental court has begun pressing the visiting dignitaries for tribute, and it is only a matter of time before the entire situation explodes into open conflict, requiring the attention of a Celestial censor or Fakharu himself. (ys.113)

43. Seahaven Gate ???

The Coral Archipelago’s capital city of Seahaven houses a gate crafted into a monolith inside the royal palace. The whole thing has been covered in shells and artwork and is barely recognizable as a gate to Yu-Shan, but the local gods know of it nonetheless and make use of it. A compromised official within the local government has sold access to the gate to agents of the pelagial coastal cult, who use it to monitor the comings and goings of local gods. (ys.112)

Located in Abalone. Wavecrest Archipelago (exsd.53). This gate is "intact" (game.21).

44. Shining Reef Gate ???

An uncharted jade platform, 20 yards across, in the middle of the open ocean holds this gate (side.22). An unbreakable glass tube leads down from the platform to the City of the Shining Reefs (tdwe.127).

Above the City of the Shining Reefs there is a circular platform crafted of jade and 20 yards wide that stands above an unbreakable glass tube leading to the City of Shining Reefs, the indolent capital city of the aquatic pelagials. The manatee-folk and their Sleeping Princes give no open sign as to whether or not they care who comes and goes but post spies to watch the platform for Sidereal raiding parties, who occasionally appear to raid the pelagial’s vaults of First Age weaponry and wonders. Occasionally, a god corrupted by one of the dark forces slumbering near Oblivion will quietly take this gate and deliver some message to the priesthood that guard the Sleeping Princes, and such missives often forewarn some new move in the great game between the dead and the living, which the pelagials then carefully factor into the plans of their coastal cult. The pelagials themselves rely on Gateway 43 when they need to make use of a gate personally. (ys.112)

45. Savage Gate ???

Located near Scale Crest in the far southwest.

1,500 miles west-southwest of the Wailing Fen, on a volcanic island at the southern border of Creation. The inhabitants of the island chain surrounding this gateway are locked in a constant state of war with the Wyld-tainted environment. Giant man-eating plants, mutated tyrant lizards, and the Fair Folk have conspired to create a race of hardy warriors who learn how to wield a spear before the age of five. Elemental hotspots create areas where the sea itself erupts into a boiling torrent. Perhaps because of this, jaded divinities often come here to gather up men, flora, and fauna for use in gladiatorial events, while the more warlike gods will vacation here to test their mettle. A small band of Lunar Exalted have come into conflict with the gods, viewing the islands as a place to test humanity’s strength, and even now they ponder placing the local tribes under their protection. (ys.113)

46. Solitude Gate ???

Located on a large island off the Violet Coast in the southwest .

An island 1,000 miles west of Nightfall Island houses this gate, sitting alone on the rocky shore. Gods eschew this island whenever possible because there have been numerous disappearances from gods using it to travel. The presence of Lintha ships and outcaste pirates in the area mean a multitude of suspects may be to blame. (ys.113)

47. Ten Stripes Gate

Located on an even larger island, closer to the Violet Coast in the southwest .

600 miles southwest of Bluehaven’s general territory, this gateway lies within a manse used by a local Lunar Exalted and her tribe of shark men. The Lunar is actually unaware of the gate’s import or the traffic that proceeds through it, spending most of her time dealing with more mundane matters like warring with the local Fair Folk and their octopodic hobgoblins (ys.113)

48. Hurricane Gate

Located on an island next to the shadowland of Nightfall Island, off the southwest coast .

250 miles east of Nightfall Island,there is a pirate’s cove utilized by many of the bandits in the area. It is effectively a small city of what amounts to a sandbar supporting acres of docks, where anything is for sale and everything is permitted, ruled by a coalition of the stronger buccaneers. The area once was used as something of a brothel by gods within Yu-Shan looking to experience the seamier side of life in Creation, so a handful of God-Blooded hold various ranks in pirate crews. Their parents are aware of their activities, and while they do nothing to condone it, the gods would hate to see something happen to their offspring. Given the higher rate of God-Bloods within the population, the Realm’s skeleton merchant-marine fleet has taken an interest in the predations of the local pirates, and skirmishes have become more frequent.(ys.113)

The South:

49. Silent Crescent Gate ???

Located in the jungle near the Font of Mourning in the southwest .

Where the Font of Mourning meets the Silent Crescent, there is a gateway to Yu-Shan standing alone in the marshes in the area. A Solar Exalted has claimed the territory around the gate, and while he has done nothing yet to harry the gods using the gate to enter and leave Heaven, a few timid functionaries have begun petitioning the Bronze Faction for protection. The Gold Faction has tried to approach the Solar, but he is a member of a cannibalistic tribe of swamp dwellers and believes he rules the swamps by right of power. (ys.113)

50. Fire Plains Gate ???

Located north of An-Teng .

250 miles northeast of An-Teng, this gateway is used by many of the regional gods to go to and from Heaven. (ys.113)

51. Diamond Gate ???

Close to the Lap . Targeted in the Locust War (auto.220).

750 miles north of Gem, deep within the Fire Mountains, buried within a hidden cave, is a gateway crafted from the face of a giant diamond. The gateway is sentient, the intelligences that went into crafting the starmetal of the gate having retained

control of their psyches over the long millennia. The gateway harbors notions of disloyalty, although it keeps this to itself. (ys.113)

52. Last Supplicant Gate

Located in the Lap . Targeted in the Locust War (auto.220).

Built into the brow of the massive carving that towers over the Lap is a gateway, invisible to those unaware of it by dint of its distance from the city itself. To gods, the location of the gateway is no problem, but to mortals or Exalted wishing to enter Yu-Shan from this gate, it is highly inconvenient. In the First Age, flying machines transported pilgrims to the gateway. Now, aspiring visitors to Heaven must actually climb the mammoth carving. (ys.113)

53. Paragon Gate

Located in Paragon .

Paragon has a gateway built into the wall of a beautifully crafted Solar manse in the palace of the Perfect. The Paragon is aware of the gate and keeps the room under constant guard but does not interfere with the comings and goings of the deities who use the gateway. At least one elemental of low standing has sworn an oath to the Perfect in desperation while fleeing from some transgression in his Terrestrial court and gives his master information on the goings-on in Heaven, but the Perfect has no idea what to do with the information, occasionally pondering selling it to some other power in the region. (ys.113)

54. Chiaroscuro Gate

Located in Chiaroscuro . This gate is "intact" (game.21).

Chiaroscuro houses a magnificent gateway crafted from colored glass that resides in the neighborhood controlled by Grandmother Bright. Gods wishing to use the gateway do well by obeying her rules while crossing through her territory, but it is a delicate dance—she dares not push too hard on visiting deities for fear of censure by the Bureau of Heaven, while divinities who pass through her territory know enough of Grandmother Bright to be wary of upsetting her out of hand. Exalted wishing to use the gateway—which Grandmother Bright makes no attempts to hide—must bargain with her for access.

55. Varang Gate

Located deep in the desert near the Encampment of the Copper Rose (fair.76), far to the south of Yane .

750 miles southeast of Chiaroscuro, in the southernmost portion of the Varang City- States, this gateway is used by Ahlat as his personal doorway into Creation. As such, there is always a band of his brides stationed nearby, making sacrifices

in his name. (ys.113)

56. Desert Gate ???

Located within the Varang City-States, past the mountains east from Yane .

600 miles east of Yane, this gateway sees heavy traffic by local desert gods and by those bringing southern goods into Yu-Shan. A small market has sprung up on the Yu-Shan side, and the gateway has grown into what amounts to a caravanserai for the Guild. (ys.113)

57. Glass Reach Gate ???

Located where the desert meets the Summer Mountains in the southeast .

1,400 miles east of Yane, where the southern border of Harborhead meets the southern foothills of the Summer Mountains, the lords of the Glass Reach, an ancient manse of incredible power, rest in opulent splendor, warring against the local beastmen and attempting to unravel the secret of the ancient Solar tombs in the area, all of which date back to before the Usurpation. Several times a year, hungry ghosts of surprising power wander from the tombs and slay any being they encounter, killing hundreds at a time. The gateway rests in the middle of the tombs in an empty building, and on at least one occasion, the ghosts have attempted to storm it. (ys.113)

58. Bright Gate ???

Located on the plains in the far southeast .

In the savannah below the great southeastern jungles, a Wyld zone has created numerous tribes of beastmen locked in an eternal struggle for survival and dominance. They await the coming of the Bright Ones, who will lead them from their constant warfare into a holy war across the South and until then fight as a form of religious obeisance. (ys.113)

59. Forge Gate ???

Located near a volcano in the far south .

1,500 miles south of Gate 57, on the edge of an active volcanic fissure there lies the forge of Jakatam Shining-Hammer, protégé of Autochthon and one of the most knowledgeable crafters of artifacts in all of Creation and Heaven. He forges

weapons and devices of the five magical materials in the heat of the fissure itself, and his works are of a quality not seen since the First Age. Jakatam deliberately eschews contact with both the gods of Heaven and the Exalted of Creation unless it cannot be helped. He chose this locale as his home because of the lack of traffic through it and because near the fissure was a powerful demesne where a fortress-manse once stood. The only thing still standing from the manse, which fell during the invasion of the Fair Folk, is the wall housing the gate to Heaven. (ys.113)

As mentioned in "Missing Gates" below, a gate is mentioned in Gem, but doesn't show up on the sidereal map. This gate would be a good candidate to move there.

60. Golden Gate ???

Located very near the Lapis Court (fair.82), in the far south .

1,500 miles west of Jakatam’s forge is a lost city, protected from the raging elements by ancient First Age machineries. The beings who reside here are unapologetic throwbacks to the age when the Solar Exalted ruled the earth, and the only thing that saved them from destruction by the Shogunate and Sidereal Exalted was their distance from anything useful and the fact that the mines under the city produce massive volumes of firedust for use by Heaven. Over the years, the primitive priestkings of the city have come to worship the Sidereal Exalted as Shining Ancestors and pray for the days when they will bring about the end of the world. The inhabitants of the city are fanatical worshippers of the Sidereals, and the Bronze Faction has already begun eyeing them for some future use, as well as the firedust mines their golden city sits upon. (ys.114)

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