Science and Sorcery


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Appearance (image if available):



Science or Sorcery (Pick one)

Hometown (one of the 6 Kingdom towns):

Weapons (3 maximum):

If Sorcery:


Spell List (maximum of 5)

If Science:


Invention List (maximum of 5)

Other info:


Tik-Tok No. 2985







Appearance (image if available):



A serious Robotik. He is strangely self-aware of his non-living status and is very shy about it. He tends to keep to himself and speaks only when spoken to. He prefers to tend to others needs during a conversation and collects and processes the information from the conversation. He silently yearns for something beyond the sleepy town he resides in.


Created to be a healer to the small town of Slipnurr. He was created by Dr. Tikaetoka from Alanthia.






Invention List (maximum of 5):

1. Internal x-ray

2. Swiss knife hands (for surgical needs)

3. Anesthesia (usually for patients but could be used to temporarily stun)

4. Hedgehog (defense measure where he can roll into a ball and produce spikes)

5. Internal tea set (for tea time)

Other info: Sci v. Fi

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Name: pbtenchi

Gender: male

Age: 18

Race: human

Appearance (image if available): blonde hair, a green shirt

Personality: he try's to be fun, but tends to be deadly serious

Bio: when he was young he did nothing but stay in his room and draw animals and plants, he would say ideas kept flowing into his mind and he had to get them all down, in his education, in which he was taught about the bonus of magic and the problems of science, he would only pay attention when it was about life, and spent the rest of the time drawing, he left home in secrecy after learning some magic to study the art of biomanipulation, in the hopes of creating a magic to do it.

Science or Sorcery (Pick one): sorcery, but uses bio manipulation in secrecy

Hometown (one of the 6 Kingdom towns): Claranite

Weapons (3 maximum): a dagger

If Sorcery: plant


Spell List (maximum of 5):
growth, makes what he touches grows and ages, sleep pollen, produces spores that puts people to sleep, natures anaesthetic, a creates a vine that grows around wounds, dulling pain and closing the wound.

If Science:

he uses biomanipulation in secret

Invention List (maximum of 5)

Other info:

Gerald Lightfoot







Appearance (image if available): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Gerald.jpg.a441a4a31536e2623e3100e9fab2c398.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21141" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Gerald.jpg.a441a4a31536e2623e3100e9fab2c398.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A man in heavy steel armour walks past you, his armour clinking as he passes, the knees crafted into horrific looking skulls, his helmet cradled in his right arm, the metal horns and strange visor intimidating. A flowing red cape trails behind him, made of a beautiful material, soft as satin but tough like wool. Around the neck, the fur from a bear lines the top of the cape which attaches to the inner corners of his pauldrons. His long, flowing golden hair plays out behind him, a small, smug smile gracing his lips. The elf has a short, fine black fur which covers his entire body, resulting in a smooth, silky feel to any who have the pleasure to touch him. He stands at around 6`3", and moves with the grace and swagger of someone who has every right to be confident in their abilities. An extremely long sword extends around nearly two metres behind him, the hilt held loosely in his left hand, the scabbard made of a beautiful black metal, with white veins coursing through it. Pure black eyes see straight through the soul. Unable to see, he relies on his other senses, and tends to be far more accurate than those who can see, due to the senses he has honed. A powerful, muscular body hides beneath the heavy armour, as much a weapon of war and death as the sword hanging by his side. The reason for his smug smile is evident as your gaze lowers to see the decapitated head hung from a rope on his belt. Another command executed perfectly by the Blind Knight.


Gerald Lightfoot is very cold and calculating. Having originally been a member of an elite order of warriors and leaders, he became a brilliant field tactician and strategist. Moving into the area of a sword-for-hire, he grew to be ruthless, becoming any Lord's personal sword. His allegiance frequently swapped hands to the highest bidder, sometimes resulting in complete betrayal of former employers. Very adaptable to any situation he finds himself in. Ridiculously vain, he is easily goaded into attacking if insulted on appearance or lack of skill. The Blind Knight will protect his current employer til either his own death, or his employer's death, at which point any obligation will be void for him. Loyal to a fault. Will accept any challenge presented to him due to his constant motivation to best any would-be challenger, always wanting to prove his superiority. Very anti-social, tends to choose his words carefully. Always on-guard and cautious, constantly aware of his surroundings and any threats to himself and his employer/owner. Has gained a small dependence on his title of The Blind Knight, frequently using it to further his own personal goals with those who know of him. Sometimes through reputation alone he emerges the victor, as some simply refuse to engage in battle with him.


Hometown (one of the 6 Kingdom towns): Ollur

Weapons (3 maximum):

Two Metre Sword.

Curved-blade dagger.

Spear-rope (basically a rope made of steel chain-links, tipped with the head of a spear, which can be used in various ways.)


Element: Fire

Spell List (maximum of 5)

Imbue (Imbues a weapon or piece of armour with flames (these tend to be black, mimicking the colouring of his eyes)

Spark (Simple spell, used to create a small spark of flame. (handy for lighting torches/igniting oil/cleansing wounds))

Fire-spike (Preceded by a hand-gesture, this results in a gout of flame erupting from Gerald's mouth. Distance and strength is determined by the length of time and complexity of the gesture.)

Burn (Literally turns himself into a living breathing fireball, able to fly towards at enemies in the form of a ball of flame.

Upon impact will revert back to his true form, allowing for counter-measures)

Siphon (Can manipulate flames within the World around him)



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Name: Tahee Naeo

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Elf

Appearance (image if available):

Black wavy long hair that she usually dye a light pink color, to fit in with the rest of the light elves. Pointy ear, as per all elves. A tattoo that covered most of her shoulders, upper arms and back, from a spell that was casted on her as a child. Tahee has slit pupils, which was rather uncommon the light elves, and platinum iris with a hint of gold. She usually wear a simple, silk, light green robe, and wear no ornaments but a necklace, from which hang a penchant of a pentagon.

Personality: Tahee is and will always be hard to talk too. She is on her guard all the time, and will not open up, most likely, to anyone. She is driven by her goal, but once that is completed she will crumble. Very weary of people, and dislike any big crowd. She shares the contempt for humans that most of her kind have, but hides it carefully because she cannot hope to be revealed.

Bio:Tahee Naeo's name meant Unwanted one. She was a half breed. A child between a dark elf father, and a light elf mother. Shortly after her birth her father was forced to go into hiding, but he never got the chance to take Tahee with him. Her mother did everything she could to protect her child, but in the end was defeated, and subsequently killed. Tahee was taken prisoner as a young child, and forced to changed her name. The name that her parents gave her was lost in time, but the ruling council of Claranite forced the name Tahee Naeo on her. When she was five the council attempted a forbidden spell on her, attempting to shut off her Dark powers, but it didn't work as well as they hoped. Tahee was set free, after the council declared that she was cured of her father's bad blood. She was still capable of doing Dark magic, but it was undependable. Some days it was easy to control, somedays it didn't exist at all, other days, it could cause the Armageddon of the area surrounding her. Magic feed off their users, so it was dangerous for her to use magic, because it could go out of control, and both destroy things and suck her dry. Despite being born to a light mother, she didn't have any light magic skills at all.

Science or Sorcery (Pick one)

Hometown (one of the 6 Kingdom towns): Claranite

Weapons (3 maximum): Daggers, the pentagon necklace, and bow and arrows.

If Sorcery:

Element: Dark

Spell List (maximum of 5):

1. Hectea- summoning. Basic spell to summon demons and whatnot and bind them to her contract.

2. Mlesh- Leave. Banish spell to clean an area of ghosts and whatever force that happens to be there, without a physical body.

3.Ithkea- feed of the power of other people. Highly undependable. Takes great power to active.

4. Niem- No. basic anti-curse.

5. Seihht-Shadow. Method of traveling by morphing in the darkness. Again, not something Tahee should be doing a lot.

Other info: She was never reunited with her father, or as of the start of the story.

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