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Futuristic ☆ sci-fi/military search.

hel sucks

𝕞𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 ! 𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖 !
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hey whasgood.

my name's hel, 23 yo, f, CET timezone.

i have a more general search thread elsewhere but i figured i'd start a new one since i'm craving something specific right now and i don't feel like editing the whole thing. i'll try to keep it short.

settings / themes
exclusively looking for sci-fi and/or military settings right now. as far as subgenres go, anything is fine. space fantasy also okay.
that being said, my characters come with 10 volumes of worldbuilding attached to them that is required to make sense of their backstories, so it's a requirement for me that we either merge our worldbuilding into one, or that we play my setting if you don't have your own. sorry if this is bitchy but i'd be unable to use my characters otherwise.

i have a few possible plots in mind that i can share over pm, although i have a very strong preference for playing a story where the other party is game-mastering the main conflict. if you have a plot you've been dying to use, this is your shot. otherwise, i can share my idea or we can work something out together.

i can take it or leave it. not opposed to it if it happens organically. my preference is mxf, mxm, fxf in that order but basically just see what comes of it.


heads up - i'm into hard sci-fi and a some of my characters can be very far divorced from anything humanoid. if that's a problem, no worries. i have human and human-like characters too. just let me know.

i'm cool with replacing humans with furries/anthro animals if that's your thing. everybody loves a cat girl.

most of my characters are female or female adjacent. i have no preference for playing either gender though.

post length / frequency / writing style & ooc
i tend to write between one to five paragraphs per post. i think post length requirements are just straight up silly. write what the scene calls for. one liners also okay.
i'm not a native speaker of english and i type from my phone most of the time so typos and minor language errors are par for the course. i usually go back over my posts and fix mistakes when i find them. i will be as lenient with you in regards to grammar as i expect you to be with me.

present tense default. i can write in past tense if that's your preference. i don't mind if we don't match for tense either. third person pov is a must though.

i can respond over a hundred times a day, every day. i don't expect you to keep the same pace.


chatty ooc. i also put out a lot of (what i would like to think is) high quality art and animations of the rp characters once i get invested. feel free to ask for examples.

hard limits
absolutely no pregnancy themes not even in an offhanded way. if you need to mention mammalian reproduction (yes, animals too) please give me an ooc heads up so i can brace myself.

faceclaims aren't needed but if you do decide to go for it, hand drawn or picrew face claims ONLY. no stolen art. no ai generated images. no real life faceclaims. no anime faceclaims. this is such a major turnoff for me. i will lose interest immediately.

i'm 23 so no minors please.

i can't believe i have to say this but no smut.

other stuff
i'm a worldbuilding freak and a linguistics major and my settings have several fully functional constructed languages behind them. it would be lovely to finally get the opportunity to use them in text. but, i get that it can make progressing the plot difficult so this is more of a whimsical wish.

ok guess that's it please reach out through pm if interested xx
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Howdy there! As a fellow worldbuilding fanatic, I have to say that hearing the amount of lore you've built into this concept is hook enough. Blending scifi with a story following military units/actions is also a topic I'm an absolute SUCKER for. Unfortunately, I'm also a sucker for constantly browsing Pinterest of concept art. I've got folders of ship concepts, vehicles, weapons, and character designs. I don't know if crediting the artists would help, as I have kept track of who drew what, but I would like to say that I'm still interested. However, if using/sharing art is a non-negotiable prohibited item, then I'd still like to say this is a great idea. I hope we can cook something up if you're still looking for partners.
Howdy there! As a fellow worldbuilding fanatic, I have to say that hearing the amount of lore you've built into this concept is hook enough. Blending scifi with a story following military units/actions is also a topic I'm an absolute SUCKER for. Unfortunately, I'm also a sucker for constantly browsing Pinterest of concept art. I've got folders of ship concepts, vehicles, weapons, and character designs. I don't know if crediting the artists would help, as I have kept track of who drew what, but I would like to say that I'm still interested. However, if using/sharing art is a non-negotiable prohibited item, then I'd still like to say this is a great idea. I hope we can cook something up if you're still looking for partners.
hey. i don't mind if you're using credited art as references as long as it's not for face claims. shoot me a dm.
☆ bump
☆ bump
Wow I'm super late to this but I'd be interested in a military high sci-fi RP 👀 I'm a sucker for that kind of setting, and I have a story world that might be able to be merged with yours! Its main theme is military robots learning how to interact with the world around them as well as how to fight a corporate entity who wants to use them as shields in battle and not let them do anything else with their lives. I'm also an artist, so all face claims/character references would be preexistent and drawn/commissioned by me.
Wow I'm super late to this but I'd be interested in a military high sci-fi RP 👀 I'm a sucker for that kind of setting, and I have a story world that might be able to be merged with yours! Its main theme is military robots learning how to interact with the world around them as well as how to fight a corporate entity who wants to use them as shields in battle and not let them do anything else with their lives. I'm also an artist, so all face claims/character references would be preexistent and drawn/commissioned by me.
oh, sounds fun. let me hit you up on dms.

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