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Multiple Settings ☆ sci-fi / fantasy search [OCxOC]

hel sucks

𝕞𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 ! 𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖 !
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
☆ hi. my name is hel. 23 y/o. female. CET timezone.

my longest running rp has recently come to a bit of an unfortunate, premature non-conclusion due to factors beyond my control. with the academic year freshly over, and having just submitted my BA thesis, i'm looking for something new to have fun with in all this spare time.

☆ usually, i tend to prefer for the other person to game master the plot, and for my characters to be forced to react to the events. this time around though, i actually have specific plots in mind for once, see below. before we get there though, here's some of my preferences:

my preferred age range is 20-30, but i'll write with anyone who's 18+. you don't need to tell me your age as long as you're not a minor.​
i don't believe in post length requirements. if we're writing fast paced dialogue, one liners are fine. by the same token, you're welcome to write a fucking novel if you feel the scene calls for it.​
third person POV is a must. i personally default to present tense but you're welcome to write in past tense, idc if we match. i'm not a native speaker of english, and i type from phone most times, so i consider typos and language errors to be par for the course. i will be as lenient with you as i expect you to be with me.​
100%!!!!! < 3 i myself will be playing multiple characters, you are welcome and even encouraged to do so as well. all plots except mirror image are designed to accommodate a single character just as well as an ensemble cast.​
not required. however, if you do decide to go with a faceclaim, HAND DRAWN OR PICREW FACE CLAIMS ONLY. if you use AI generated images, real people's photos, or stolen art for faceclaims, i will immediately lose interest. it's a complete dealbreaker. sorry.​

age: my preferred age range is 20-30, but i'll write with anyone who's 18+. you don't need to tell me your age as long as you're not a minor.

post length: i don't believe in post length requirements.if we're writing fast paced dialogue, one liners are fine. by the same token, you're welcome to write a fucking novel if you feel the scene calls for it.

writing style: third person POV is a must. i personally default to present tense but you're welcome to write in past tense, idc if we match. i'm not a native speaker of english, and i type from phone most times, so i consider typos and language errors to be par for the course. i will be as lenient with you as i expect you to be with me.

doubling up: 100%!!!!! < 3 i myself will be playing multiple characters, you are welcome and even encouraged to do so as well. all plots except mirror image are designed to accommodate a single character just as well as an ensemble cast.

face claims: not required. however, if you do decide to go with a faceclaim, HAND DRAWN OR PICREW FACE CLAIMS ONLY. if you use AI generated images, real people's photos, or stolen art for faceclaims, i will immediately lose interest. it's a complete dealbreaker. sorry.

now onto the plots. crossed out means i'm no longer looking for partners for that one.


[space sci-fi] [futuristic] [action] [character drama]

a mysterious client hires Y/C to rescue a woman named casey from a research facility. upon arriving at their destination, instead of finding the target, Y/C finds an android which calls itself maid. circumstance forces Y/C and maid to cooperate while Y/C returns home to regroup and assess further steps with their mystery client.

[space sci-fi] [futuristic] [character drama]

Y/C is rescued from peril by two strangers – an adult man and a teenage boy, and brought back onboard a... seemingly sentient spaceship? ...it seems like Y/C is interrupting something. is it just them or is the mood in here really weird? what's with these guys?

[on-planet sci-fi] [slice of life / choose-your-own-plot] [romanceable characters] [character drama]

[advisory: this plot features strong, overt, and repeated references to christianity, specifically a fictionalized denomination strongly based off charismatic catholicism. that is not reflective of my own beliefs, but if you're put off by religion, you won't have fun with this plot.]
through whatever circumstance, Y/C finds themselves on a war torn space colony with no safety network. an unexpected benefactor promises them accommodation in return for work. during their time with the estate, they come to know and bond with their colleagues, as well as the other residents of the town of outer – and find out all their stories and problems.



[high fantasy / d&d inspired] [action/comedy] [romanceable characters]
[for plot/character reasons, you're going to want to have at least one male character for this. it's not strictly necessary, but just believe me it'll be more fun that way]
Y/C is on a very important quest. unfortunately, their party is joined by an... uh, eccentric female stranger. it's clear that she's gifted in some rare type of magic. too bad that her personality is just the fucking worst.

[urban fantasy] [supernatural] [action/comedy] [surrogate parent/child trope]

Y/C comes across a strange, androgynous child, who acts as if they had been raised feral. it's clear they need help, but as unnatural things begin happening around them, it soon becomes apparent there is perhaps a little more to them than it seems. the neighbors seem to be catching on to their presence, too, and it's getting increasingly hard to explain.

[low fantasy] [dark romance] [arranged marriage with a twist]
[for plot reasons, this is the only story where it's not really possible to play an ensemble cast. it's also preferred if you play a female or female-presenting character here, but it's not a hard and fast requirement.]
Y/C wakes up in a strange, dark house, which reeks of decay. they don't even have time to assess their situation before they are escorted by horrifying animated corpse-servants to meet their captor – who then reveals the horrible reason behind why all the reanimated corpses on the premises look uncannily like Y/C...


one final bit of extraneous information: all my characters have a human version and an anthropomorphic animal version. i am always more than happy to write anthros if that's your thing! HOWEVER. the anthros as i write them have some rules/lore that might or might not be compatible with your anthro characters. it's very possible that we will be able to integrate your anthro characters into it without trouble. if you're interested in writing anthros/furries PLEASE ask and let's see if we can make it work out! otherwise, their human counterparts are always available without any additional complications.

anyway, PM if any of this caught your attention i guess. i'm a nice girl ion bite.....
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☆ bump
esp looking for all of the sci-fi plots right now. since my cowriters for that are on a pretty sparse schedule, i can accommodate a few more of those

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