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Multiple Settings Sci-fi, dystopian, urban fantasy, slice-of-life & more [LGBT]!


Hello! I’ve been extremely active lately, and my current RPs are a lot of fun, so I was hoping to expand my portfolio.

- I’m in my early 20s, and would prefer partners 18+
- I like original settings & plots instead of fandom
- Ongoing OOC chat would be nice, but please let me know your preference
- I don’t use realistic face claims
- I’d prefer someone who can be rather active, at least until the RP gets some momentum. I want to know we’re in this together before I get all excited! Inactive with a schedule also works; we can talk

Character Relationships:
-Strong preference for same-sex pairings, since I’m LGBT. I would like some romance, or at least its possibility, but strong soulmate-vibes are worthy of consideration as well.
-“Fluffy” or “Angsty” can both work

Post Style:
My posts (and posts I prefer) include little internal monologue. Instead of writing, “Connie wondered what was going on with Rachael; he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was planning something,” I use body language: “Connie fidgeted with the fraying edge of a tarot card—The Moon—and kept glancing up at Rachael through narrowed eyes.” In other words, I like third person objective. It’s more mysterious! I like characters that can have secrets. I can and have done RPs with some narration, though.

I prefer concision, but I’ll try to match lengths. ~300 words is very comfortable. But really: I can write plenty! I just don't like reading a bunch that feels extraneous to what I really care about. So if you can somehow give me 1000 words of meaningful, personality-filled dialogue and action, I’ll happily match you! And likewise, if you give me 300 words of inner monologue and lore...

Plot ideas:
Character dynamics are key for me; we can discuss all kinds of plots! I tend to enjoy multi-character, mission-style, but appreciate limited casts as well. I hope to turn many of these into short stories someday, so I’m already invested in their little worlds. I’m also open to any ideas you’d like to try!

Please do message, even if none of these strikes your fancy quite right!

Paramilitary or Team-Based

Real Dark (Urban Fantasy)
o A team of dark mages is convinced that the end of the world is approaching—and they’re the only ones who can stop it. To have a chance, they need to collect enough souls to power a technological superweapon. While stealing souls is somewhat…ethically dubious, it’s the only way to save countless others. See? They’re trying to save the world. They’re not the bad guys! …Unless they’re wrong.

Ultimatum AB (Sci-fi or Supernatural)
o As part of a peace-treaty, the last remaining members of the human race will be sequestered under a huge, unbreakable force field that will be finalized in two weeks. Soldiers have been tasked with enforcing the terms of the treaty: no one gets out. Freedom fighters have sprung up, saying that they refuse to let humanity be trapped in a cage, that you can’t trust the enemy not to be rounding them all up for slaughter anyway. But the terms of the treaty are very clear: if a human is found outside of the walls, the horrifically one-sided war resumes…

A Hero Lives (Sci-fi/Horror - could be Historical/Fantasy/other genre instead of Sci-fi)
o In a militaristic society that reveres war veterans as celebrities, the lone survivor of a five-man crew recounts how their expedition fell apart: how each member of the crew met their end…and how (s)he survived.

Exorcists Wanted (Supernatural – Urban Fantasy)
o A small city has added a revolutionary new branch to its local government: Bureau of Paranormal Investigations. Five key positions have opened up in their department, and droves of charlatans and con-men have turned in their applications. Among them are a few believers: both naïve conspiracy theorists, and those who know The Truth. With such a ragtag gang, how will the city fare when a real threat rears its ugly head?

Less Dramatic

Heartless Machines (Sci-fi…Slice of life?)
o When humanity begins dying out, everything gets automated—especially AI. Decades after the death of the last human being, the self-repairing androids they leave behind have advanced independently. These androids have started their own replication of human society, trying to pick up where their “ancestors” left off. Many of these sentient AI are obsessed with behaving as “human” as possible, while others say that it’s time for them to form their own identities. Still, others are just trying to get through their 9 to 5 office jobs.

Borrowed Time (Supernatural/Apocalyptic)
o Muse A & B may be the last people on earth—at least, they’ve only been able to find each other for the last 5 years. Muse A is callous and hyper-critical of Muse B, but B relies on them for their survival skills, knowledge of the arcane, and, unfortunately, companionship. When Muse A falls during one of their expeditions into the wasteland around them, they wake up completely different. They’re friendly, encouraging, and appreciative of life—and especially of Muse B. B knows something’s wrong: is it a hex? Demonic possession? A really bad concussion? Whatever it is, B finds it hard not to like the change…but is also forced to confront the idea that keeping the “new” Muse A requires letting the real A be sacrificed…

Unsympathetic (Fantasy/Urban Fantasy)
o In a world where true empaths exist, not all view this sense as a blessing—some hate it. They'll do anything they can to suppress it. Sometimes it’s not even clear where others’ feelings end, and their own begin…

I also enjoy:
- Slice of life fluff – retail workers just trying to get through life together
- Existential or cosmic horror
- Enemies -> Begrudging respect -> Admiration (-> Maybe lovers)
- Characters losing themselves/their humanity/emotions
- Betrayal
- 1900s – 80s USA is fun with good resources
- Much more!

PM me with your OOC, post length, character pairing ( _x_ ), and story preferences. Also, for fun: 1) something you DIDN’T like about this post, and 2) something that you DID like. What made you decide to message?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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