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Realistic or Modern School of Power | Out-of-Character

Lol, didn't you earlier say if she doesn't know exactly what she's doing, she risks it going all to hell?
Yeah next action was to work on healing them which was why they were taking the notes on Ayako, though was going to wait up on that for them to react as well.
Yeah not sure if Ok to make a second character, but thought id fill out the other dorm a bit, got ideas of how to intro them though if GM is ok with it.
Well, someone else has 2, so maybe?

Not sure I understand the power, however
Pretty much more energy they absorb more muscle/bigger they get, plus their body itself is weird.
Ah. Well, if the GMs allow it, you're making me want to work out my Schrodinger's cat character
Yeah body part can be summed up as "Bigger on the Inside", but overall? Strong and Durable with limited control over the strength part if not careful.
Okay, are you taking Non-Euclidean as Lovecraft's non-euclidean or am I misunderstanding?
Pretty much its structured along another dimension compared to normal things, and trying to understand how it works when it should not be able to work or exist can cause some issues to wrap your head around to put it mildly.
Lovecraftian, then. Okay.

Just so you're aware, HP Lovecraft had no idea what words he was using because he was scared of math, so that's not what non-euclidian actually means. Just means lines aren't parallel, or it's on a curved surface
True but its been used in other fiction in the sense i was going for, i just really didnt know a better word to describe it so it fit.
Touche, that just stuck out to me, because R'lyeh has such an impact on what people think the word means
Yeah, in comic book/super fiction its normally for the cooler fictional sense.
Welp posted one, ill think how to intro them in meantime.
Also no idea what room they would be in if thats needed too.
Orma is over here in bed like "Thank god I went to bed now all I hear is yelling and pain and shit wtf did I just barely avoid."
I betcha in this moment Ayako is thinking the same thing as Kai.
"Vetr has more chest than brains"
PlusUltra PlusUltra The character and power is approved, though I feel the "non-euclidean" factor of her physiology might be too much. It opens the door for other powers of that nature that I'm unsure about exploring at the moment.

Your character will currently be in a separate room with no roommate as I don't have anyone to fill another room with right now.

Also, sorry to everyone for some slow posting days, at least on my end. Verite's been busy with work and I've had other obligations eating away at me. I'll likely move us along soon.
I love how Vetr just made Kai do the one thing he said he wasn't going to do, and Ayako got hurt, and Aquifex is just like "Maybe they'll forgive her in the morning for hurting and harassing them on day 1"
She did have a plan though, hence the notes and prep before hand to heal her if it went wrong. Next post was going to be her using power on the arm before going with aqua....but cant post till tonight.

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