School Lock-In

Can we upload a picture for the {Clothes} and the {Appearence} ? If so, does it have to be a human or an anime character ?
It can be either :) I myself prefer neither but that's just personal preference. You do whatever you feel like, though the idea is a realistic scenario.
Name: Angel Quinn

Age: 16

Personality: Smart, funny, wild, talented





Bio: Angel was abandoned at the age of 13 and was left out on the streets. One day, she was found stealing a loaf of bread from a bakery and got reported to the police. When they found out her parents left her they took her to a foster care home named FosterFamily.

Other: Likes: Rock music, Elmo, Cookie Monster, DSi's, blue black, tattoos, piercings, skateboards and beanies. Dislikes: Preps, ice cream, horror movies, some Disney movies, Justin Bieber and pink and purple.
Name: Hubert Maizur

Age: 15

Personality: Hubert is cheerful, friendly, and loves a good joke. He loves sweets and video games, and always looks on the bright side of life. Or at least, that's how most people would describe him. In reality, Hubert has become a master at disguising his true feelings, and is generally sorrowful deep down inside. He carries an emotional weight that was too heavy too soon, and suffers silently because of it.



Pants: Regular jeans

Bio: Hubert was raised a normal child, smart in math, bad at getting assignments done. His older sister would always help him out whenever he had a problem, and in turn, Hubert would stand up for her when she got bullied (which was often). Unfortunately, Hubert's mom and dad divorced, and the two were separated, as Hubert went with his mom, his sister with their dad. They kept in touch, but disaster struck when Hubert was 11. Their dad was out late, and crashed the car, killing both him and his daughter. Hubert felt devastated, but tried to live life as normal. However, he loved his sister, and her untimely death left its mark on his soul. Hubert began to lie and steal, sneaking around his mother's back as she began to drink more and more often. In school, he began to find a relief, and would often stay after hours so that he could stay away from home.

Other: Adept at lying, likes sweets and video games. Hubert also is a talented artist.

[somewhat intrigued by this idea, and it looks like you could use a little help, so why not?]
Very, VERY nice bio. Accepted wholeheartedly! :D my one big plot hole would be the parents wondering where the cuss their kids are but you solved for that nicely ;)
Name: Aaron Lucas

Age: 16


Aaron is a quiet guy but talks to people after he gets comfortable and is almost always calm. He is normally a happy guy, very nice, and charming. He also does not like to have people mad at him and will just walk away. Loves soccer and blondes and the occasional brunette.






At the age of 6 his parents split up and due to him mother being in the navy they moved leaving his dad behind. He has a little brother that looks up to him because he never knew the father because they split up when he was 2. He never gets to see his father anymore except for maybe once out of a year and misses him a lot. He has had it easy because his mother does not make him do work and is really gentle towards him.

Other: N/A
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Name: Ashley Skylar Santos

Age: 16

Personality: Ashley is nice, sporty, and a gaming geek.




Bio: Ashley is a very sporty girl, she loves to play soccer, basketball, hockey and a little bit of Martial Arts. She's sometimes girly but mostly boyish with a 10% of girliness. She lives with her 24 year old aunt since her dad left her and her mom died of depression. She use to get bullied so you might see cuts on her arms, she has 2 best friends who helped her through the depression from bullying: Kylie and Ella. Besides all that she loves to play video games and she can punch really hard... She thinks she doesn't actually live with her Aunt because her aunt is always at bars and sleeping at other guys house.

Other: Her favorite color is green and her favorite soccer team is Real Madrid! (RONALDOOOO!!!!!)
Name: Chase Parker

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Chase is tallish, with a slim yet athletic build. He has dirty blonde hair that go down to his electric blue eyes.

Cloths: Chase wears tattered jeans and a faded blue and grey flannel hoodie. He also wears converse.

Personality: Chase is quiet and reserved. He prefers the company of one or two good friends to a crowd, although he can handle himself in group situations. Chase loves reading. He is rarely seen without a book. He's not popular, he gets picked on, but all he wants is a cute, nice, simple girl to notice him and make him her own. Chase loves heights and is constantly climbing something, but has a paralyzing fear of water.

Bio: Chase's parents died at a very young age leaving him to live with his grandparents. At age 14, his grandpa died as well. The last words he said were, "Chance. Answer your calling. Be a leader. But be willing to be led." It's been rough for Chance since then. The heckling just seemed to get worse and girls didn't notice him at all. While he realizes he's not the worst off in the world, his life still kind of sucks. He self-harmed for several years but has been clean for a few months now. But the scars remain...
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Alrighty! I may not be able to post for an hour or two though, but go ahead and start without me. I can easily catch up.
Name: Austin Malakowsky

Age: 17

Personality: Austin can be quit lazy and he is way to much into tech but not as much as his music you will probably never see him without his iPod be very silent but he talks here and there he just feels if he doesn't have to waste his breath he wont Austin is also more then often serious no that he has problems he just doesn't like people to much


Cloths: white button up shirt a black trench coat black shoes and black dress pants

Bio: Austin lives in a family of rule breakers his mom and dad are in and out of jail constantly and they work for a mob boss (so by default he works for him too) his brother didn't approve of working for a gang and ran away as for Austin he just fine with it extra money was extra money he coped with his life style well and when ever something (dirty) had to be done he just turned on his music to drown out the world it felt nice to him the music the words people would use in it made him feel unstoppable he normal job for work was hacking shutting down security opening up bank accounts and making fake money what ever he could do with tech though when he was off the clock he was lazy and slept a lot witch is how Austin got stuck in the school he had fallen asleep under the tables in the computer lab
Name: Saffy Ashworth

Age: 15

Personality: Saffy is quiet but in no way shy. She doesn't like small talk and prefers to be straightforward and punctual, and enjoys deep conversations. When in deep thought Saffy tends to have scowl on her face even when she is in a good mood. She does crack the occasional joke, which always surprises those around her. She is also a fussy neat-freak.




Blue and white striped jumper, black skinny jeans and blue converse.


Saffy is an only-child, and her parents are almost constantly working so she's often alone. She doesn't complain too much, as she enjoys getting work done in peace, but when everything's finished the loneliness gets to her.

Movies are Saffy's passion and her dream is to become a director.
Name:Ivy Jane Brandon

Age: (15-17) 16

Personality:Ivy Jane or just Ivy or just Jane is sweet, kind,a little feisty when she wants to be. She will protect and love anyone that she likes she is always ready to risk her life for her friends this may be shown more in her bio. She tends to be depressed at times cause a lot of guys hate her cause they think she is a schizophrenic when she isn't she just dazes off in class cause she is very smart.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.398040c3b7b0651e33cf7136913a6b66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.398040c3b7b0651e33cf7136913a6b66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cloths:a white dress, a black skirt and a white and gray little jacket.

Bio:Ivy Jane (Ivy for short or Jane to her friends only her mother and father along with certain teachers call her Ivy Jane) so anyway Ivy Jane lives in a family that is constantly yelling at her. Her mom and dad abuse her a lot especially when she sings. She is constantly in and out of the hospital with her only true family member Grace her cousin who she calls daily when her mom and dad are gone that's when they go to the hospital anyway. She was really tired of all the yelling and abuse so she stayed in the computer lab in her school and got locked in she is happy but the minute she gets out she is telling adults about her parents abusing her.

Other:she wears a necklace like this from Grace when they first went to the hospital over Ivy's injures <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.64bae4b4bd87d87622f65444cccd7502.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.64bae4b4bd87d87622f65444cccd7502.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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