School for the Magically Tallented

Please copy and paste the bold to fill out your application:

[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]Is there a character sheet?

Yeah, I've just gotta create it. It'll only take a couple minutes! I promise! 
Please copy and paste the bold. Please keep in mind, this roleplay is in a different world, and the current year is 863.

Full Name: Firstname, middlename(s), lastname

Nickname(s): What they would most often be referred to by




Magic: What magic powers do they have? (Max. 5)

Personality: Bubbly? Flirty? What are they like?

Hobbies: What they would do in their spare time

Likes:They could like anything, chocolate, sports, whatever.

Dislikes: What do they really not like?

Least Fav. Subjects: What subjects don't they like?

Most Fav. Subjects: What subjects do they like?

Fears: What freaks them out?

Quirks: Whats weird about them? Maybe their a sadist?

Family: Do they have parents? Siblings? A guardian perhaps?

Sexual Orientation: Straight? Gay? Bi?

Marital status: Single? Married? In a relationship?Maybe even divorced!

Appearance: What do they look like? What clothes would they wear when in casual clothing? What color hair do they have? Are they attractive?

I don't care if you roleplay as someone from TV show, book or anime. Just keep in mind, If you make a reference, some people wont get what your talking about.
Full Name: Rowan Sophia Vaccaria

Nickname(s): Rowan

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Birthday: 14/9/854 (hooray for English dates!)

Magic: Rowan is supernaturally strong. She is also very fast. Whilst she shows no other abilities as of yet, she is likely to develop more as she grows older.

Personality: Rowan is very shy and doesn't talk a lot. When she does, she has a tendency to stammer or mispronounce words. She is however very intelligent and reads a lot. She prefers to be on her own.

Hobbies: Reading, drawing.

Likes: Books, quiet, learning.

Dislikes: Her brother, thunder, lightning.

Least Fav. Subjects: None.

Most Fav. Subjects: All of them.

Fears: Insanity.

Quirks: Rowan likes to learn how things work and hopes to be an inventor.

Family: Rowan's family is rather strange. Her mother is dead, she died after going completely crazy and murdering people. Rowan saw her mother being killed- but she doesn't like to talk about it. Her father is kind and sensitive, still mourning his wife. He's always willing to talk and explain things to Rowan. She has a younger brother named Gabriel, who is annoying and noisy. She doesn't care much for him.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Marital status: Single.

Appearance: Rowan is reasonably tall for her age. She is worryingly skinny- she's a picky eater- and considered to be very pretty. She has very pointed ears, a pointed face and sharp elbows- all traits from her mother. She has long brown curly hair that she likes to wear in bunches. She is very, very pale with big, green eyes.
Full Name: Charlotte Willow

Nickname(s): Anything you can think of

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: 26/02/847

Magic: Charlotte has mind powers, such as:


Creating force fields

Making illusions


Personality: Charlotte is rebellious and has trust problems. She is sarcastic and if you piss her off she can be mean and aggressive. She is not afraid to speak up and is loyal.

Hobbies: reading, walking outside at nighttime , making


Likes: Graffiti, books, nighttime

Dislikes: Boredom,

Least Fav. Subjects: Math

Most Fav. Subjects: Literature

Fears: Squids, death

Quirks: Charlotte likes to use weird costumes to scare her siblings

Family: Charlotte has one brother and one sister. They live with their aunt and uncle since their mother and father never wanted them. Charlotte was not

Really close to her siblings

But they still respected them.

Sexual Orientation:

Marital status: Single

Appearance: Charlotte likes to

Wear dark clothes

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