School for Half-Breeds 1/20 [Accepting] (OOC){Semi-lit}

The Bounty Hunter

Junior Member
There aren't a lot of schools for people like you. You know, people who aren't... normal.

This is one of them, though. Hidden in the woods, protected from the outside world via magic put in place over a century ago, it is a place for people like you to escape. People like you? Allow me to explain:

You are a half-breed, a kind rarely greeted with open arms by humans. Some people even hate you, not because you're yourself, but because of what you represent. To these people, you're something that shouldn't exist. Society doesn't like things that aren't considered normal. This is the one true safe haven for you and others like you. There is no real story, just get together and make your own as long as it stays in the school.

Dorm rooms are in the West wing. Roommates will be matched up randomly. You can decorate to your heart's content.

The East wing is where classes can be found. Any subject imaginable, from math to magic, is taught here. Go to whichever classes you wish.

The South wing is where the training rooms, and an arena can be found. The arena is enchanted so that all wounds are nonlethal. If you have a problem, this is where you go to settle it with strength and skill. There is also space to practice alone.

The Center is where the cafeteria and offices are found. An exit to the north opens on an extensive forest area, with everything naturally grown and left to run wild. Many animals, both exotic and mundane, live in this forest. Hunting is permitted, but be careful. You may offend someone depending on what you kill.

App (Students):


Age (13-18, please):


Race (what is your nonhuman half? Fairy, elf, orc, dwarf, dragon, tree, frog, etc...):

Powers (if any):

Bio: Completely optional.

Number: between 1 and 20(for roommate randomization)

You can be crossed with any breed within reason, including fantasy characters, but some physical attribute must be visible.

You also have to look human, seeing as you aren't 100% that species.


Age (Over 29, preferably 31 or older):


Race: Optional as a teacher.

Powers (if any):


Bio: Still optional

The school:


A Dorm Room:




Dining Area:



1. No god modding

2. No one liners

3. OP and Co-OP words are law

4. Posts must contain AT LEAST 5 sentences.

5. My word is law. Break it, and you will be killed

6. Keep it PG-13. Excessive violence is okay, but sexual situations must fade away to black. Relationships are okay

7. Must be semi-lit. Use punctuation.

8. If you read this entire thing, type "
Flamingo Pink" at the beginning of your app.

All credit goes to Natair, a good friend from another site.

Application (student):

Name: Victoria Reynolds

Age: 15

Appearance: Shiny, choppy-layered, waist-length black hair; pale skin; sparkling, instense, silver cat eyes; exactly 5'2"; piercing in the left side of the nose

Race: Elf

Powers: Telepathy, hydrokinesis

Bio: I grew up in the forest, born near a small pond. My parents abandoned me as a child, so I had to learn how to fend for myself. Now that I'm older, and have been hunted for the majority of my life span, I have decided to get educated and try to stay as safe as possible. I'm normally a loner, but I do like to have friends. I am shy, but I do stand up for what I believe in. And i will always kill for my friends.

Bio number: 13
Name: Viktor

Age (Over 29, preferably 31 or older): 34

Appearance:View attachment 9502

Race: Dragon

Powers (if any): master of the lance, tranformation and arcane magic

Subject: Weapon Mastery and History

Bio: Viktor is the only remaining dragon of his clan. Everyone in his clan was wiped out, except for him, during a war against the fallen angels and demons. His true age is unknown but his human appearance is of a middle aged man with a beard. He is wise and assertive when it comes to teaching the young about life.
Flamingo Pink

App (Students):

Name: Xros Wave

Age (13-18, please): 17

Appearance:(the guy in black) View attachment 10285the shadow is always around him noting his other half

Race (what is your nonhuman half? Fairy, elf, orc, dwarf, dragon, tree, frog, etc...): Reaper(shadow)

Powers (if any): blade(able to summon and use anything with a blade), shadow walker(can create shadow fields of which he can walk through/on along with a shadow aura armor)

Bio: a boy with no memory of his past except the image of a girl dying in his arms and a shadowy figure walking away laughing.

Number: between 1 and 20(for roommate randomization): 13
I was thinking about responding, but...LOL, um Kirito?? ^(The Guy in black, main star in SAO).. Even if it is fan art.

Anyways, May I have two characters or is it limited to one at the moment?
Name: Brady Harris

Age (13-18, please): 17

Appearance: Brady is actually from russian descent and has a pale complexion. He is 6"2' weighs 135 pounds and has a beautiful body and face. Everything about him is completely symetrical and their isnt a blemish in sight. All of his facial features and are in complete proportion and his body has just the right amount of muscle before looking fat. His eyes are a kind light purple and he tends to wear classy clothes. Brady has dark purple hair that is always slicked back and peacock feathers that hang down from hips and drap along the ground.

Race:Half Peacock

Powers: When his feathers are raised they can cause hypnotic effects that he uses very often. His feathers also work as means of intimidation,attraction,and destraction. He has ungodly amounts of leg strength and can grow sharp talons from his hands when needed.

Name: Relius (Rey) Lezefold

Age: 17


(eyes are normally green, but not glowing)

Race: Half-Tengu


-Flight (self explanatory)

-Wind manipulation. Relius has some small control over the winds and their functions. Full tengus do this with a fan made of feathers, but he can do it innately albeit with less precision and power.

-Calling. If Relius willingly gives one of his feathers to someone, then that person may call out to him. No matter where he is, he will here their call, and come to them as fast as possible. He has only done this once before in the past, and will be VERY hesitant to do so again.

Bio: Relius had a somewhat interesting childhood. His father was an ordinary human, a semi-successful businessman. His mother . . . was a tengu, and a high-ranking member of her tribe at that. When the two of them fell and love, eventually conceiving a child, they hid within the deep forests and mountains. Relius grew up knowing he had no true place in the world. Humans would fear him because of his wings, while Tengus would look down on him because of his human blood. His mother recently discovered the half-breed academy, and so he was sent there, in hopes that he might finally be able to interact with others.

Number: 19
(I'm not sure if this is going anywhere but I'll give it a go.)

Student Application:

Name: Shomi Ameterasu

Age: 17


View attachment 10602

Race: Half Spirit Wolf


  • Shifting into spirit form, traveling unseen to the eye of non spirits.

  • Numbing bite that sends you into a hazy trip into the spirit world. It's intoxicating and addicting, it also makes you immobile for a period of time.

  • Drawing on spirit energy from the spirit world to have the strength and presence of your spirit form--in the living realm. She doesn't transeform, but if you look closely you can see the aura of a giant wolf surrounding her. Parts of her body are also surrounded by spirit flames in this form, flames 10x hotter than those of the living realm. She can't ignite other substances with it, but it's best not to get too close.

Bio: Born in the spirit world, but raised in the living realm by monks. (more coming soon)

Number: 3
So far, [MENTION=4116]KingOfGames[/MENTION] is accepted. The rest of you can read the rules again. ALL of the rules. Like, the entire first post.

Also, [MENTION=4111]MsTeaTime[/MENTION] , If you can handle a paragraph per character, I'm fine with it.
Paragraphs are no problem lol, but I think I'll just stick with this one for now.

Ah sorry, I did read that, but it was a while before I actually made a posted my character so I forgot.

Flamingo Pink
Flamingo Pink

Name: Xariel (Student)

Age: 17; He is much, much older, but he's 17 relative to archangel years. Thus he acts a lot older than 17.

Appearance: Click here.

Race: Half Archangel


- Flight: Xariel can fly. He has four wings because full archangels have six. He doesn't like to reveal his wings, and he prefers to walk places. When he does fly, he can reach Mach 3 at his fastest, although it is quite tiring due to his half lineage. His wings are capable of producing strong gusts of wind, although he can't control wind.

-Super Physical Abilities: He isn't quite as strong as an archangel, but his reflexes, speed, strength, and sense far exceed humans and even most supernatural creatures.

-Magic: Xariel has weak magical powers for an angel, about on par with kitsune magic. He uses it to manipulate light energy.

-Weapon Summoning: This is his greatest combat ability. He inherited this as a special trait of only the archangels. It is described in detail here.

-Immunity: His greatest defense power. He is naturally resistant, although not completely immune, to poison and illusions. For a few minutes, he can use his magic to make himself invulnerable. However, he'd pass out after using this, so he only uses it to protect others in dire situations.

Bio: He doesn't like to talk about it. All he will openly tell you is that he was born in Heaven... then, something happened and he ended up down here. He may divulge some info if he likes you.

Number: 19

Let me know if anything needs changing! :)
Flamingo Pink

​I hope I can join I just wanted to know OP and Co-OP means


Flamingo Pink

​I hope I can join I just wanted to know OP and Co-OP means

Name: Amaerta Reynolds

Age (13-18, please): 17

*Appearance: View attachment 10694

*her skintone is a very fair brown((not as pale as it is in the picture))

Race: Half Dryad

Powers (if any): camouflager (can blend in with any nature),ability to grow plants with touch,if she's still for too long she will take roots.

Bio: Amaerta was raised by foster parents. They found her while they were on their honey moon. Normal humans would have immediately done away with her simply because when they found her she had vines growing out of her arms and legs, but they raised her, and upon learning of the school sent her to it hoping for only the best for their daughter.

Number: 2
I just have two questions before I post my character sheet. One: Do lycans qualify as half human? I realize they don't show physical attributes but I just thought I'd check haha and second: would a half demon be acceptable? I know sometimes it can be touchy so I just wanted to check first. Hes not super powerful or anything he's only got three powers.

Flamingo Pink

Name: Henry Hurst


Appearance: View attachment 10733 View attachment 10734

Henry’s about 5’9” his skin is a pale grey color, with jet black hair, razor sharp teeth, and eyes that are blood red.

Race: Half Demon

Powers: Telekinesis, teleportation, healing, increased strength and reflexes

Bio: Have you ever seen it rain red? Its like the sky bleeding, it’s actually quite a sight, I’ve only been there for it once, many years ago when I was still a boy. It only happens when something truly horrific happens. Something apocalyptic has to actually happen for someone to see that, something like a demon war….But that could never happen right? Demons aren’t real; they fall in the same category as vampires, ghosts, and werewolves right? Just like I could never rain blood, it’s a scientific impossibility right? Oh I miss the days were I thought that was true, when I was ignorant. Before I knew red rain was the blood of angels and demons raging a war. That was all before I knew who I was, what I was. Then again, that was a long road on its own, from witnessing my own mother died to finding out my father’s identity, but we’ll get to him in a bit. I guess we should start at the beginning right? The beginning of this horror story starts when I was nine years old.

First off let me say I don’t need your pity, I don’t need your sympathy. I may have had a hard life, but it made me stronger, the man I am today! When I was nine years old my family was torn apart, I saw something NO ONE should have to see. I was force to watch my mother be beaten and killed, and there was nothing I could do about it….I was so weak……Do you know what that does to a child? Especially a half demon child, it’ll drive him insane, it’s what happened to me. I lost control; I was an animal, worse! My inner demon took over, I killed so many times, did so many horrible things. I lived on the streets and did what it took to survive. It was not that long ago when I finally regained my control, I’m still not sure what happened to trigger it but I’m sure it has something to do with my father. My father the demon Balthazar

Number: 18
Flamingo Pink

Name: Brady Harris

Age (13-18, please): 17

Appearance: Brady is actually from russian descent and has a pale complexion. He is 6"2' weighs 135 pounds and has a beautiful body and face. Everything about him is completely symetrical and their isnt a blemish in sight. All of his facial features and are in complete proportion and his body has just the right amount of muscle before looking fat. His eyes are a kind light purple and he tends to wear classy clothes. Brady has dark purple hair that is always slicked back and peacock feathers that hang down from hips and drap along the ground.

Race:Half Peacock

Powers: When his feathers are raised they can cause hypnotic effects that he uses very often. His feathers also work as means of intimidation,attraction,and destraction. He has ungodly amounts of leg strength and can grow sharp talons from his hands when needed.


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