Story School Dayz (The book I started writing at 2 AM and now I'm very invested in)


✨𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕪𝕒 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕤✨
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School Dayz

Harper Jones' life has taken a turn for the worst, she is being forced to move from everything and everyone that she knows and loves, including her boyfriend that she has been dating since her Freshmen year of High school. But that's now over, Harper didn't want to bring any reminders of her past with her, she wanted to "start fresh" and forget about everything that's happened in the past month. But that might not go as planed when she starts attending Suncoast High, where she meets a lively girl named Brooklyn, who soon becomes her best friend and helps Harper adapt to the new school environment.

Not only does Harper make a new best friend, she catches the eye of Silas Hart, who just so happens to be the so called "Bad Boy" of Suncoast High. Something about the new girl is so intriguing to Silas that he has know her, and he will try everything he possibly can to get to know her, not the fake facade that she tries to put up, but the real her, and all the stuff she's been hiding from everyone she can. But Silas can see the pain in her eyes and how much she's hurting on the inside, and he wants to do anything and everything in his power to take that hurt away. Why? He wishes he knew, because what he is feeling is scary, He's never felt this way about anyone before.
Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, not the most pleasant sound to hear at 5:30 in the morning, but life is life, and today is the day I have to go start at a new school, if I had a choice, which I don’t then I wouldn’t start school until next Monday. But my Dad insisted that I started today, which is a Tuesday. It’s practically the middle of the week already so I don’t understand why I just can’t wait.
I get out of my bed and head to my bathroom. My dad let me have the master bedroom. He said that I needed my own space. I think it’s just because I have more stuff than he does but I'm not complaining at all. I love having a bathroom attached to my bedroom, and a walk in closet.
After I do my business I get dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a white crop top that has sunflowers on it. I put my wavy light brown hair into a high ponytail, leaving a couple strands out so they frame my face. I put on a little make-up, which consists of mascara, a little blush, and a tiny bit of highlight. As I’m about to put on my combat boots I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
“Harper? You awake?” I hear my dad say on the other side of the door before I open it. “Yep, I’m awake. I was getting ready for school” I say as I open the door and see my dad wearing his work clothes. “Heading to work already?” I ask, knowing he normally goes to work later on in the day. “Yeah. The hospital called and said they needed more doctors in the ER.” He said with a tired look on his face. “Sounds like a lot of people need your help, you should go, I know the way to school and I’m almost ready, so I'll be leaving the house soon anyways.” I say and give my dad a hug.
“Okay, have a good day at school kid.” He says and hugs me back before heading downstairs and leaving to go to work. I put on my shoes, grab my backpack and head downstairs to grab an apple to eat on the way to school. I walk outside and get into my car, backing out of the driveway to start my drive to school. It’s not too far of a drive, about five minutes. Which is plenty of time for me to listen to my daily podcast. Yes, I listen to podcasts in the morning, I found one that’s morning motivation, it actually works and gets me somewhat excited for the day.
Just as the podcast episode is over I pull into the school parking lot, and Oh. My. God. I have never seen so many kids in one place before, sure my old school was big, but there were not that many kids compared to my new school, Suncoast High. I pulled into the first parking spot I found, it wasn’t too far away from the entrance of the school, so I wouldn’t have to walk too far. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and got out of the car, locking it afterwards, and started walking towards the school building.
I could feel people’s stares as I walked to the front office, I could feel them already judging me. But I ignored it. I finally got to the front office after what seemed to be an eternity. As I approached the desk, a lady, who I assumed was the secretary, walked out of an office and smiled politely before saying, “You must be Harper Jones, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Mrs. Henderson, Here’s your schedule and your school ID, class is about to start so you should probably start heading to class. If you need anything throughout the day, don’t hesitate to come to me.” She said and handed me a paper that had my classes and my school ID.
“Thank you, and I’ll be sure to come here if I need anything.” I say as I walk to my first class, which happens to be Creative Writing. I reach the classroom just as the bell rings. I sat in a seat in the back, hoping no one would notice me and start asking questions. As kids start entering the classroom, one girl notices me and starts heading my direction with a small smile on her face. “Hello, you must be new, because I haven’t seen you around the school before, mind if I sit here?” she says and points to the seat next to me. “Nope I don’t mind” I say and she sits down as the teacher walks in and begins her lecture.

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