School Days [SU]


Auburn Mystery







Appearance: Please use a picture


EVERYONE MUST WHERE THE UNIFORM, but you may mod it to how you feel fits your character.



Any type of monster Be descriptive if you make something up. Remember that you will always keep in your human form. So try to make a humanoid based monster. You do not want to be caught by others. YOU CAN BE HUMAN SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO!


Basically just a title. The important part to this to remember is that in this universe, no one is stronger than others. All monsters are equal in rank and no one race rules over all. You can place your race/family in any type of environment that you wish, just be descriptive.


Anything but nothing to insane, remember you can't always actively use your powers. Also you can use other powers besides these, this is just to give others an idea of what you can do.

Age: you can put a real age, and the age you appear. (Appearance is limited to 10-12)


For thsoe who weren't here i will explain this again. This is an adaptation of OSM ADVNTRS Plot remains up to everyone, i will have no role in plot unless i feel like it.

You are a monster or a human in a human school.

-Humans; Have fun placing this slice of life RP, make some monster friends.

-Monsters; You are not to let people know of your origins. Obviouslly the only people who can find out are other real players, but do not make it easy. You may scare the shit out of them.











Besides the uniform the only noticible thing about her is her long, blond hair, sky-blue eyes and shockingly good looks. She wheres black shoes. She doesnt where the standard shirt, she wears the blouse in the upper right hand corner and a jacket over that, often unbuttoned.

Name: Aimeka Nozara



Class: Princess to the Nozara Clan.

A small clan on Vampires that live deep in the forest. They reside in a medium sized manor. She is the Daughter of the Ruler of the Nozara clan.




Low Light Vision.

Shapeshifting - Feline; Black cat with white feet and white down the nose.

Animal Communication - Feline only

Slight Telekinesis - 5 feet, things under 3 lbs.

Only has enhanced Speed, not strength or endurance.

Bite does not turn others into vampires.


Kind, Caring, Loving, Lesbian, Jealous, Hates Boys, Conniving, Sinister.
School Days [sU]


Name: Jordan Kruger

Race: Succubus

Class: Royal

Powers: Mind Control, transformation, regeneration and extreme strength

Age: 13 - been hibernating inside a mountain for 1300 years (held back 1 year)

seductive, tease, Vicious, Bi-Sexual, kind, Caring, people-person (shes a succubus, of course she is) loves animals, enjoys cold over heat and is often fantacising about people she meets.
Appearance: Body is the same shape,with the same features. He wears the jacket over his regular uniform. Does not have the raven. Always smiling.

Name: Joshua Gills

Age: (Appears) 12 (Really) 48

Race: Animated resin statue. Golem if you prefer.

Class: N/A

Powers: +Doesn't need food or drink (Uses "Not hungry/thirsty" as a cop out),+can see in the dark (his eyes are painted on...therefore he doesn't need light to see), -Weighs a LOT,and cannot swim as a result,+tireless,but pretends to sleep to fit in,-weak to blunt impact or fast projectiles (they can cause him to shatter).

Personality: Charming (In a "Dashing Rogue" sort of way),compulsive liar (and he's good at it),fear of heights (Acrophobia),Feigns an extreme fear of bodies of water deeper than he is tall,wise cracker,typical class clown,LOVES classical music like Bach and Wagner,plays the violin expertly.
Appearance: Curly, long blond hair, purple eyes. Wears the sweatervest with pants, as well as a black lace choker with an opal pendant. (Will I draw a picture? I'll sure try!)

Name: Lillian Parsons

Race: Human Psychic

Class: Middle-class

Powers: Clairvoyance, also telekinetic but must touch the object she's moving before making it float. Touches things and learns the history behind them and before them. May use them as a projectile afterwards, but loses her "connection" with it with time. Histories are more like "feelings" rather than concrete facts, and she isn't able to determine monster races, and indeed is not aware of monsters. I. E. if she has a piece of jewellery that a vampire wore and had a strong "connection" to then she could derive feelings of chase and joy from it, but she would probably misinterpret that as something else.

Age: 12

Personality: Eccentric, but mild. Has the persistent need to "leave things alone", something she should probably be rid of soon, lol. A bit of a tomboy in some respects, is more into space pirates than princesses and ponies. A bit out of it, and reality tends to hit her slowly. She'll seemingly accept something when it's happening and then freak out later, lol.

Ties the tie into a bow for a lack of ability to tie a tie like a tie. Always has fingerless gloves on her hands that go up past her elbows, switched out the buttons on her shirt and jacket with little music note buttons of the same colour. Wears her hat at almost all times(The one the pic. Only takes it off when yelled at). Wears a pair of black flats of which she hooked long white lace into the back of and winds the lace up around the socks and ties them in a bow at the sides where the socks end. ( Like this over the top of the socks coming from a pair of flats.)

Serena Nist

Race: Djinn:
Known as "genies" in English, Djinn (singular form Djinni) have deep roots in Arab culture. The Djinn first sprang from stories told by Indian, Persian, and Arabian storytellers and gained international fame when they appeared throughout the tales Scheherezade told in "The Thousand and One Nights". It is said that the Djinn are created from fire and can take on any form they choose-animal or human-and can be of any size, including gigantic. Most of them are hostile, although some can be friendly. It is possible for magicians or wise men and women to gain power over a Djinn and use it to perform amazing and magical tasks. But be wary, for even a friendly Djinn is unpredictable, and certainly anyone who breaks an agreement with a Djinn will strongly regret it. Often Djinn take pleasure in punishing people for wronging them, even unintentionally.

Part of one of the founding families of a small Djinn 'clan'.


Wish granting


Smoke Screen- Produces a green and blue thick smoke out of her body used for quick flight(travel)


Quiet around those she doesn't know, rather talkative and loud around those she does. Likes to play games by herself and act out the parts of random plays. Nervous. Hates being crossed and will find a way to get back at those who do that. Likes to twist people's words around into meaning something they didn't.
Appearance: Relatively short, darkbrown dreads with a few beads and rings in them. Hazel eyes and a slender face and body, somewhat atlethic but not in the extreme.


Name: Simon Sazz

Race: Monster - Voodoo Clown

Class: N/A


Voodoo - Able to inflict physical and mental pain onto others if he owns anything that is related to them in any way. Although bodyparts like hair or fingernails work better than clothes or whatever.

Mezmerizing - Able to hypnotise others with his voodoo rattler

Dreamwalking - Able to enter other people's dreams and alter them in any way and even cause physical harm in them.

Age: 12


Smoker, Cheerful, down to earth and always with a smile, even when he's sad. His motto is: " Smile while you're bleeding. "

He can be quite manipulative and cruel but if not crossed in the wrong manner he tends to leave people to their own devices.

Lloyd Savage

Race: Human

Class: Comes from a poor family, had to work very hard to get to the school.

Powers: Incredibly smart and deductive, very good physical qualities (you'd never expect it from his personality), manipulation and use of his Chi, and near-mastery over a few martial arts (this is just something to keep him alive if he ever does end up fighting a monster).

Indestructible (this is more from a comical standpoint, like Keitaro from Love Hina. He seems able to absorb any and all physical damage, friendly or not).

Age: 12

Personality: Incredibly smart. Has a strong sense of justice, but has an overall meek and spineless personality. Does NOT like conflict, and isn't too good socially. Has problems relating to people, so he often comes off as cold. This is far from the truth, because he is actually a deep and thoughtful person. Takes nothing for granted, because of his poor background. Also, a total perv....



The three one is unknown.

Name: Sean Gillis

Race: Shape Goblin

Class: High

Powers: Can eat through praticly anything, can climb walls, and shapeshift to three things of his choice that he picked out when he was 5.

Age: 11

Personality: Human side: Cheery, friendly, and calm.

Goblin side: Unfriendly, Crazy, and quiet.

Everyone Approved:

Coro, your approved but i do have a problem with your powers.

For what reason would he know martial arts expecting to fight a monster. As far as the human race believes, monsters don't exist and there is no proof to believe other wise. Having a character than needs protecting would be much more fun i think, especially since a monster would still smear you, marital arts or not. I do however like your indestructableness. While he still takes damage, it appears as if he doesn't, always getting back up on his feet until your nearly dead. Does make for comedy. So let me know what you plan to do and well go from there. For now i dont want to cut on your posting so your approved.
Lmao, first off, the brackets meant OOC, he wouldn't have martial arts just for monsters. Just putting that out there.

Secondly, i don't like being miles and miles behind everyone else. I do realize I'm human, but that doesn't mean I can't be awesome too, right?

I dunno. I don't mind getting rid of those powers, but personally, I'd rather not.

Your call.

You're teh boss.

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

No, sorry for the double-post, but after thinking about it, I do agree. He can have the 'Indestructible' thing, but I'll take away the martial arts prowess.


just cause you dont know martial arts doesnt mean you cant try to fight :P

Brawling is fun, so is head butting and glory stomping.
Lmao, the martial arts I know in RL are a jumble, I might as well be brawling. Stuff Heart taught me along with stuff I knew or learned about from other places.

Headbutts FTW!


The only thing that looks fully robotic is her right arm under the guise it's prosthetics, and she wears a normal uniform (the one on the left) with school girl shoes.

Name: Charlotte Smith (Sometimes called "Charlie")

Race: Andriod Witch (Harhar >8D)

Class: One of Many models (10011101), easily replace-able.


Robotics: 3/4's of Charlotte's body is robotic with only the right half of her face, full neck, shoulders, left arm and (left) pectoral region are human.

Semi-indestructable: You can easily tear off an arm and it will not harm anything but her movement, if you are able to destroy her chip she will indeed 'shut down' though. (And obviously if you attack the human part it will hurt)

Night Vision: In her right eye she is able to see clearly in the dark with a touch of an unseen button.

Conjuring: Able to cast minor spells onto people, such as starting a small fire or causing them bad luck for a day. She is only able to cast with her left arm though, as it is the human one.

Age: 12

Personality: Empathetic, Intelligent, Curious, Highly Organizational, Literalist, Careful, Polite, And Kind.

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