Scattered Lights - Lore

Flip Jester Boy

Professional Shitposter

The Beginning of Luxbrae
Luxbrae: a continent discovered by lost settlers in search of a new land to inhabit. When they arrived, they found vast expanses of land, from rolling plains to blustering deserts to freezing tundras. But they weren't alone. What they also found were monsters and other wildlife that they have never seen before.

The Magic of Luxbrae

There is a total of 6 magic elements in the world of Luxbrae. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark. Each element has its own distinctive characteristics, which also branch out into other various forms of the element. For example, lightning would be associated with Wind magic and ice with Water magic. Light magic, with no relation to the Seeds of Light, focuses on protection of allies and supporting them. The same goes for Dark magic, where it focuses on debilitating enemies and bringing misfortune unto them. Each element is also associated with a god, who provides blessings to those they deem worthy.

The Deities of Luxbrae
There are a total of six Deities ruling over Luxbrae, one for each element. Each has their own unique personality, along with a shrine dedicated to the each of them scattered about the land, protected by the followers of that Deity. It is said that if one swears his or her allegiance to one of these Deities at their respective shrines, then the respective Deity will grant he or she its blessing, though you can only swear allegiance once. All Deities come down to the land from time to time, with a group of elite guards and followers to guide them through towns and cities. Even if they are immortal, one can never be too safe.

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    Aqualia, the Goddess of Water. She rules over the seas, oceans, and lakes in Luxbrae. Aqualia is a somewhat fickle Goddess, deciding whether or not to provide a current for sail-less ships or fish for a port town. The storms created at sea are rumored to be arguments between Aqualia and the Wind Goddess, Ventrel. When the Master of Shadows was resurrected, Aqualia quickly rent the currents quiet, halting all transportation in the seas due to she deeming them unsafe because of the Master's minions inhabiting the waters.

    Aqualia provides her followers with the ability to walk on water and move more quickly while swimming, but they are given a weakness to Fire magic as well.

Techmaturgy, the Godless Magic, and Magicite

Magicite, a special mineral imbued with magical power. Gem miners discovered it while digging in the Crosus Mountains. They discovered that it had some sort of magical power after it absorbed a fireball spell while being attacked by bandits. They then sent it to the Magus Academy, a school dedicated to teaching magic to its students, for further research. It was then soon discovered that the magic power in the Magicite could be extracted and used to increase the magic power in one's self. Therefore, Magicite became a huge commodity for mages to increase the strength of their magic.

Some inventors took an even bigger interest in the mineral, trying to figure out how they could benefit in a technological sense. They tinkered around, making contraptions to try and harness the power of Magicite, eventually coming out successful after powering up a small golem. Inventors became more and more engrossed in making further advancements in this technology, eventually creating the newest type of magic, Techmaturgy, a magic in which Magicite-powered items are used in battle, as well as for other purposes. Techmaturgy is looked down upon by purist mages, as it doesn't have a Deity to rule over it.

The Shadows War

The Shadows War was the great battle between the Master of Shadows and the mysterious Warrior of Light, the one chosen by Lumin to combat the Master. The Warrior built an army, comprising of those who volunteered to fight back against the Master and his tyranny, in order to counter the Creatures of Shadow, the Master's underlings and monsters. The war raged for 5 years to the last man and monster, ravaging landscapes and cities alike. Refugees of small villages fled to various strongholds and outposts throughout the land to escape the death and destruction brought upon by the Master's minions. With food and resources running low, many died from starvation and sickness alone. In the wake of the war, the Warrior and the Master confronted each other face to face. A great battle ensued, with the Warrior coming out on top as the victor, but before the final blow was struck, the Master of Shadows conjured up the rest of his power to overwhelm the Light in the Warrior. The Warrior, being weakened by the power of pure Darkness, scattered his Light essence into the world, so that it wold not be consumed by the Darkness. Thus ended the Shadows War, which brought peace to the land once again. Or, so the people thought...


15 years after the end of the Shadows war, once all that was in ruin was rebuilt, a group of cultists known as the Dusk Shades, followers of the Master of Shadows, revived the Master himself, helping him escape the clutches of the God of Darkness, Inferox. To prevent Inferox from reclaiming what was his, and to prevent the other gods from interfering with their plan, they summoned the six great elemental beasts and infected them with mind bugs, a magic spell of the Master's own creation, allowing him to be able to control them, and sent them to ravage the warrior spirit armies of the gods. As the gods' armies were being kept at bay, the Master has been able to reclaim the land that was once under his control in a matter of months, being more powerful than ever. To enforce his power even more, the Master has turned unwilling souls into Shadow Wraiths, turning them into his eternal slaves with no chance of being saved. It has been several months ever since the resurrection, now, and many towns have already been captured. The only strongholds left remaining are the castles and cities throughout Luxbrae of the great kingdoms.​
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