Scary Tales: Once Upon A Nightmare [Inactive]

Headless Waltz

Junior Member
AntiFreeze submitted a new role play:

Scary Tales - FairyTales with a twist

Our characters wake up in what seem like they have been transported into a book of fairytales, with no explanation on why or how. One moment they are minding their own business and then every thing goes black. The next thing they know they are in the middle of a creepy forest.-And the characters don't know each other either. And these would seem not to be just any plain old fairytales either- or so it seems; but dark, demented and twisted versions. (of course we get to chose which ones) And...
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Tai stared at the sky, not thinking or moving. What happened? Last he remembered, he was being attacked in an alleyway, now he was..... Was what exactly? Dead? Did it matter though? Closing his eyes, Tai thought hard. There was an 81% chance of him dying from that attack. A 28.99999998% chance he survived and was moved. The .00000001%? That he was moved to another world. Being dead wasn't what was happening though. If he was dead, where was he now? No, Tai thought he must have beem moved or something. But why alone in this dark forest. No... No... It had to be the last one. It was the only logical conclusion. And that was saying a lot, since the only "logical" conclusion was that he was taken to another world. Opening his eyes, Tai saw movement next to him. So he wasn't alone.
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