Scarlet Luna [Info Thread]


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Vampires vs Hunters RP + steampunk


Paris, 19th century


Only normal human and vampires!


Because it's an original challenge!

Short story:

Since the beginning of time, these two were sworn enemies. The blood-thirsty vampires who saw the humans only as a way for food and on the other side the violent people who want to do everything, to kill those flying monsters.

But most normal people did not know of the existence of vampires, or simply didn't believe it. And If they had doubt about it, this was written off as this is a myth or they were told their crazy. But they had been right all along, because there are vampires among us. Old, mighty masters but also many young men and woman, made by the oldest as a new generation followers.

Yet there is a strong secret organization who knows that "the leeches' ​​exist and will do anything to fight them. Their latest weapons technology and the power during the day to lie and just wait, ready to attack their enemy at night. This organization receives support from the government, who do know of the existence of vampires.

Not so strange, because how will they explain how all those innocent victims who have been found. Torned open and sucked dry. To prevent chaos and keep the secret, all the hunters are paid to remain silent and more important, to do new surveys. They do not only make weapons but also examined captured vampires to find out their strengths.

This struggle is happening allready and will cost what it costs to remain a powerful winner that gives him the fate of the world. Or at least the fate of the city where it all happens, Paris ... Now I have only one thing to say.

On Which side are you on, the vampires, or the hunters?

Vampire Benefits +

-The older your character is, the stronger it will be compared to other vampires.

So an older vampire will be a stronger spirit who can protect younger vampires.

-Vampires can read the thoughts of humans and other vampires.

- Superhuman speed.

- The power to be very strong

- Unhuman vision and hearing.

- The ability for wounds to heal in a few moments

Vampire Handicaps -

-Once the sun rises, a vampire isn't in safety, because he is a kind of automatic sleep.

-Garlic is unbearable, just like heat and sunlight. Also a wound of an wooden stake can be deadly.

- A vampire can not take other forms.

- Crucifixes and holy water can keep an vampire away from you.

Hunter Benefits +

- Hunters can both night and day to move freely, their enormous advantage.

- They can have many connections in government. (Police, politics, etc.)

- Hunters have the modern technology. Weapons like: nightvision, phosphorusbullets for refractory wound care, Molotov Cocktails, steampunk flamethrowers. To name a few.

Hunter Handicaps -

- They are still the "food" of the vampires.

- They have none of the supernatural gifts that vampires have.

- Weapons can break and need munition or energy.


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