Saviors of Aldania (3 to 4 people)


Popcorn Connoisseur
Plot: Aldania is a large kingdom, ruled by a seemingly benevolent king by the name of Dante. There is a war taking place between the kingdom of Aldania and a kingdom named Barr. Leading up to the outbreak of the war, there were disappearances: people went to sleep one night and the next morning had vanished. King Dante blamed the disappearances on Barr spies who had infiltrated the city and were kidnapping citizens to hold as leverage against Aldania in the war. That was his reason for increasing the guards around the kingdom, he said. Most people felt safe with all this security. However, some began to feel that the guards were there to keep people in rather than others out.

Rumors spread about the war; people said the king had the people kidnapped because they “knew too much” and they said the reason the war began was because the king was having elves and other races that resided outside the kingdom enslaved or killed. Some people even believed that the force they were battling was a small group of rebels that had escaped the city and were trying to spread the word of the malevolence of the king. Most people believed these stories were just rumors that held no truth. The king had always taken care of them and they hadn’t suffered any drought, food shortage, or attack since he had taken the throne.

Some people believed the rumors and began to plot their escape from the city, planning to go to another kingdom or join the rebellion.

You’re one of the few who believes the rumors. You’re either planning your escape, have already made it out of the city, or are of another race who managed to escape the grasp of the king.

Aldania is the human kingdom. No other races live inside the walls. It’s the human region on the continent. The kingdom is quite large and includes some outlying farms and smaller human settlements from which crops are taken to the city in exchange for protection. Humans have no magical power but they have moderate physical strength. Their main asset is their spirit and determination.

Barr is the orc kingdom. It borders Aldania to the west. It’s a generally peaceful kingdom, though it’s always had its issue with the dwarves. Orcs have no magic but have the most physical strength out of any of the other races.

The elves have no large settlements: they live in small villages throughout the Great Wood. They’re a peaceful group. The elves have their own language but there are some who can speak the common language of all the races. The elves were one of the groups most affected by the king. Many of their kind were kidnapped otherwise they never would have gotten involved in the war. The elves are strong in magic. They are less strong magically that the fairies but they have more physical strength.

Dwarves inhabit the area north of the Great Wood. The mountain range is The Londs. Most dwarven cities are inside the mountains but there are some settlements at the edge of the Great Wood and at the base of the mountains. Dwarves are generally smart and industrious as well as physically strong. They have small amounts of magic that aren’t generally useful in battle.

Fairies live in the Great Wood. Elves are really the only race that they come in contact with. They are very powerful in magic. However, they aren’t strong physically. They are a rare race and it’s highly unlikely that they will get involved in the war.

At this point, no one nation is completely dedicated to the war effort. The main problem will be finding support for the war against Aldania.

You can be one of the following:

  • Elf that lived in the forest surrounding Aldania that decided to join in the attack on Aldania. Elves were kidnapped for their magic abilities.
  • Dwarf from the mountainous region to the north. King Dante sent soldiers to attack the outlying cities. The dwarves were seen as a threat to the economic development of Aldania.
  • An orc from Barr that supports the rebels efforts. No orcs were directly harmed by King Dante but they have a connection with the other races that makes them feel obligated to support them.
  • A human that escaped or is escaping Aldania. Your background is up to you as a human.

  • Be literate
  • At least one paragraph for each post
  • Romance is okay but don’t go into detail. PG-13, please.
  • Don’t join if you won’t be able to post frequently

Just post here and say that you’re interested. I’ll be making a group for everyone involved so we can post character sheets and other information. I only want three or four other role players for this role play so please only join if you are serious.
I'm definitely in. I love anything that has to do with fantasy worlds. Hence my joining of the Knights of Eithia and my interest in this. :)

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