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Multiple Settings ✨ Save me from my boredom please! ✨

Hello hello guys!
Welcome to my partner search. I will try to keep this introduction short but please don't hate me if I end up writing a short essay hehe.

Hmm now where to start? I'm over 20 years young, from Europe and you can call me whatever you think is best (as long as its not an insult). I like chatting OOC and especially talking about the story, characters or plot we are creating. I have no social life atm because real-life became... An epidemic nightmare and I'm stuck inside all the time so I will probably talk to my partners a lot (if they will let me).

But enough about that and let's get to the good parts.

My RP style, preferences and rules:

* I can RP in third person, past tense (which is my preferred style) or in first person, past tense.

* I RP MxM or FxF pairings but romance while welcome isnt a must.

* I can use realistic anime or art FCs for my characters, whichever you prefer.

* I try to reply every day but sometimes I get writer's block and might need a bit longer.

* English isn't my primary language so I might make some mistakes (that I usually try to correct)

* I write around two paragraphs but it does happen that I write more (if I'm really into the RP it can happen that I write a lot)

* I really want us both to put some work into our story and communicate properly so we won't lose interest because of poor communication.

As for what I want from my RP partners...

To try and mirror my post length, let me know if you will need longer to reply (as in longer then a couple of days), follow RPN rules and to communicate/collaborate with me on the plot so we will both be satisfied with our RP.

Okay we are almost done! Almost hehe. I will just add a 'word soup' at the bottom of stuff I'm interested in so you can see if there might be something you like. If you find something or if it sparks an idea/catches your interest you can contact me anytime and I will get back to you ASAP.

Interests/word soup:

Supernatural, exorcists, witches, vampires, anime, k drama, drama, romance, school, rivals, roommates, paranormal investigators, hauntings, mystery, light horror, dark themes, urban fantasy, mythological, bromance, curse breaking, reincarnation, rebirth, prophecy, deities, adventure, fantasy worlds, quests, other worlds, sci-fi, stars, reality show, stranded, island, survival,... And many more.

If you are i
nterested or have questions you can contact me anytime.
I don’t suppose you’re familiar with either of the shows on Netflix, like Elite, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina or the CW show Reign? : 3
Would you be interested in role playing either of those series perhaps? Either with the canons included, or just the settings with our own OC’s. If so, I’ll shoot you a PM ~ : 3
I really liked The chilling adventures of Sabrina so I would be up for something like that, I'm not confident enough to play any of the canons but I can go for an OC if you are okay with that?

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