Savant and Sorcerer and Artifacts.


Ten Thousand Club
I read the chapter on artifact creation in SaS, and i like the idea of how unique every artifact can be made. but should every artifact be as unique as all hell, or should some of them just have the magical material bonus?
1 and 2 dot artifacts should be pretty much common, a daiklaive is a daiklaive etc etc. 3 dot artifacts can be pretty generic as well though they are supposed to be more significant. 4 dot and above artifacts should be unique IMO.
It's perfectly fine to spend a year painfully handcrafting your 2 dot no extra powers daiklaive without worrying about it being somehow 'vanilla'. Mechanically it'll work just like one pressed in a factory cathedral production line, but within the game world it'll be a unique work of art.
Lookshy and the Realm both have the capability to mass produce level one and two artifacts relatively cheaply, as they both have Shogunate equivalent facilities.  The Lunars could, if they wanted to, and the Abyssals do.  With advanced and basic workshops, its really not worth the money.

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