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Fantasy Savage Land


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Dr Jonathan Rhand was a self-made man of considerable wealth. Bruce Wayne rich (though Tony Stark might be a better fit). His adoptive parents were devastated when he went missing. The search lasted for six months before being called off. His parents decided to finance further searches. But it was a small UAV that was found by a fisherman that finally offered an explanation of what had happened. It contained a handwritten message.


I am Jonathan Rhand, a stranger to a Savage Land, brought here by a freak storm.

I have found myself effectively Isekai into a world of savagery and barbarism. It reminds me of books like the Gor novels, the Conan saga, John Carter of Mars and such. The technology of the locals appears to be mostly that of Classical times. Slavery is still commonplace. Gladiatorial combat is common.

The clothing worn by the natives appears to be a symbol of status. The more clothing, the greater the status. Unfortunately clothing seems to be scarce. The civilization is dystopian with wealth hoarded by the strongest. The climate I find myself in is fairly warm, so for now that isn’t a problem. My lack of wealth, however, is.

Steeds, beasts of burden, and livestock are more varied. I have seen horse sized lizards here used as mounts. I must assume the lizards are vegetarian or by now they would have eaten their owners. The horses are huge brutes standing a good 20 hands.

I will not convey further details as it is not my wish to worry my family. Please convey to them thay I am alive and well. I must caution you against any attempt at rescue, lest you find yourself trapped here as well. I am a resourceful man.

Dr Jonathan Rhand
SuPeR GeNiuS!
(Show my signature to my parents. It should put a smile on their faces.)


A C-47 (military version of a DC-3) custom outfitted for 6 Sleeper seats and 2000 pounds of freight. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...train_-_Duxford_D-Day_Show_2014_(cropped).jpg
C-47 Design and Operational History

And so a new search began, this time with private funding by Rhand’s parents - with a bonus if he was returned alive and well. Your team was in a military variant of a DC 3. The pilot appeared to be in his 20s, but anyone with a little knowledge would soon realize you guy really knew his aircraft and took care of it.

The aircraft encountered a freak storm, probaby the same storm that Rhand had found. Everyone was hit with a tremendous headache brought on by what sounded like nightmarish screams, so strong that everyone lost consciousness. The pilot somehow set the plane down without killing everyone. In fact the plane suffered minimal damage all things considered. The landing gear was torn off. That will make taking off tough. But everything else was pretty intact. The plane even had fuel.

The search team and pilot awoke to discover that they had been dragged from the wreckage by the Pilot. The man was working feverishly to remove gear from the aircraft in preparation to evacuate the area. As much as he loved his aircraft, he urgently sought to abandon it.

Most surprising was the fact that he had weapons - military weapons. They were slightly out of date. But he had clearly been smuggling them as some were illegal for a civilian to own. He also had three first rate professional medical kits and plenty of MREs. He ordered everyone to gear up, but not weigh themselves down too much as they had a long hike ahead of them.


Welcome to the Savage Land. Primitive Lizard Men live in certain areas. But this appears to be a human dominated land.

While I tagged this as fantasy, there is NO MAGIC. I am, however, tagging this as science fantasy. I do want to keep a careful balance though. Teleporting, telepathic dragons is NOT going to work here. I am afraid that the lizards are just beasts.

There is a hidden history behind the Savage Land. Everything that exists has a reason for existing.

I plan to run the pilot. But he did need a copilot. Plus there are character slots for up to 6 search team members. Those characters should have appropriate skills. The group knew it was headed for a primitive setting, with survival challenges.
Blank CS
You are welcome to use your own format - or no format at all. I do ask that any large pics be hidden in spoilers. Please no animated gifs (medical issue).

You do NOT have to detail everything. The more, the better. You can add detail later on. Just have enough description for everyone to get an idea what your character is like.

Note: I DO plan to leave some major details off the CS for the Pilot. He has a background associated with the Savage Land. (He wasn’t aware of this until the Storm.)

3rd person, past tense
400 - 600 words
Modestly literate

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