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Realistic or Modern Savage Land 1x1


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Your character is a young woman, the survivor of a shipwreck, and stranger to a Savage Land, brought here by a freak storm. She will find herself effectively Isekai into a world of savagery and barbarism. It is a land as great as Australia, reminiscent of books like the Gor novels, the Conan saga, John Carter of Mars and such. The technology of the locals is pre-industrial. Slavery is still commonplace. Gladiatorial combat is common.

The clothing worn by the natives appears to be a symbol of status. The more clothing, the greater the status. Unfortunately clothing seems to be scarce. The civilization is dystopian with wealth hoarded by the strongest.

Steeds, beasts of burden, and livestock are more varied. There are horse sized lizards here used as mounts. The lizards are vegetarian or by now they would have eaten their owners. The horses are huge brutes standing a good 20 hands.

The natives do NOT speak English, or rather they do, but it is a dialect so distant as to be very hard to understand. Imagine Middle English mixed with some other language types. And there are a few other languages as well.


I plan to run a male character that has been stuck on the island for years. He is sort of the local equivalent of Tarzan, though he doesn’t have much to do with animals - except eating them.

I am looking for someone to run the woman who gets marooned in the Savage Land. She should be your main character, but you could also run some others shipwrecked with her. However, I will want a CS for each character.

Points for discussion
Default: The natives of the Island come from various periods in history, the most recent being the Age of Piracy.

Technology: I can reduce the technology of the natives to classical. However, that would mean the language would be non English and the natives would have their roots in earlier cultures.

Other Races: I don’t want this to be a fantasy RP. But we could go with some of the genres suggested above. Lizard Men, maybe intelligent Apes might be added. LOL, yes, I considered flying apes, but thought better of it.

Alone of the Island: The island could also be bereft of sapient life. This would mean my character has been living alone for years. Alternatively there could be primitive people.

Characters: I suggested multiple characters mainly so that you could bounce ideas off your own character. If you do a group of women, then your character should be the de facto leader - even if she leads from the rear. Everyone looks to her for answers.

Wildlife: If we get rid of most people, we should also get rid of the horses and large lizards. But the Savage Land is plenty large enough for biodiversity.

3rd person, past tense
400 - 600 words
Modestly literate

PM if interested. Be ready with thoughts about the Points of discussion and have CSs ready. For a 1x1 I am not picky. Basically a pic / faceclaim, brief description and demeanor. Note where the character(s) are from. (My character will note any accents.)

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