Sasha Thyra Noir


Achromatopsic Visionist


N A M E : - Sasha Thyra Noir

*N I C K N A M E S : - Mono

A G E : - (18+) 20

G E N D E R : - Female

* S E X U A L . O R E N T A T I O N : - Pan

A P P E A R A N C E : -

Height: 5'1

Weight: 144lb


LIKES : - 3+ Coffee, Cats, Art, Owls, Tribal Designs, Chillwave, Computers, Her Job

DISLIKES :- 3+ Cold Foods, Dogs,  Most Mexican Cuisine, Le color Maroon

*HABITS/QUIRKS :- 3+ Instead of a watch, she prefers a gifted pocketwatch, courtesy of her family.

She calls people Madam and Sire, not Ma'am or Sir.


*SKILLS :- 3+ Is very into arts. She knows how to sculpt, paint, you name it.

Very good with computers. Has designed and programmed apps.

Great at understanding people. She has an easier time reading people's emotions and can understand people easily.


FEARS :- 2+ Insects, and of falling.


MAJOR :-  Fine Arts

MINOR :- Phycology

CLUB(S) :- N/A


P E R S O N A L I T Y : - Hard working, Dedicated, Cheerful, Respectful, Truthful, Sympathetic, and Generous, yet sometimes cynical, abrasive, and hot-tempered.

B I O G R A P H Y : - She grew up with her older brother and parents, where Arts was important to everybody. Growing up in the arts, she learned easily how to sculpt, paint, and design. She went to highschool, and that's where she truly fell in love with the arts. She then decided to go for a Masters in Fine Arts, which she has lived up to today, so far. (Not to long, as I'm not very good at designing whole histories of people. I can add more, though.)




OTHER :-  She has a small, yet growing shop called the 'Monochrome Tinkerer', where she sells paintings, tinkering's, pottery, and sculptures that she makes. She uses the income to help with paying for college. She lives In a 2 bed, 1 bath apartment and has a baby owl named Bartley, and a cat named Artemis. She drives a Honda CTX 700.

(Might end up editing some stuff, but here for now)
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