• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Royal Academy of Fine Arts.


Boink Bean



Do not Power-Play..

This role-play is strictly realistic and modernly set. Nothing fantasy or supernatural.

Do not control nor harm another user's character/s without permission..

How rude.

This is DETAILED..

I cannot stress this rule enough. I expect eight sentences minimum, per-post. I understand we sometimes get writers-block, but do not abuse that excuse. The majority of your posts must be eight sentences.

Your character is NOT perfect..

I don't care how beautiful or talented your character is, He/She is not perfect. Do not attempt to make them perfect as that is unrealistic.

Your character may have one average pet..

Each character can have one average pet within the dorm.

Mind your Manners..

I shouldn't have to elaborate on this rule.

Cursing is allowed within the role-play..

Please do not curse/become aggressive to one and other in OOC. That will not be tolerated.

Romance, Drama, and Death are a part of life..

Make this interesting, expect these three twists within the role-play

Please do not make any major events without consulting me first..

I will give you a 'yes' or 'no' on the situation you desire to play out, i have total control of this role-play. If i deny your idea, you cannot continue with it. Doing so will result in immediate termination.

Have fun.

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Reece Nash

Traveling the city

Feeling : Tired


Reece buttons his dark gray jeans, standing in front of the mirror of the bathroom within his dorm. He sighs softly, dragging his fingers over the cold marble counter-top. He scoffs under his breath, imagining the clean bathroom littered with some females cheap makeup, or some random guys garbage hair products. Reece was due to receive a new dorm-mate any day, and it could be of any gender. While he couldn't care if his new dorm-mate was a female or male, he disliked sharing a living space with anyone, mainly because students his age were messy and he disliked the thought of their dorm being suddenly unorganized.

Silently, Reece looks at his bare abdomen in the clear mirror. He traces his fingers over every four inch long scar that flawed his muscular torso, he has six to be exact. Five stab wounds and one scar tailing down the middle of his abdomen where he had surgery to repair his collapsed lung, and internal bleeding. He shoves the memories away, pushing them to the back of his mind where they would remain dormant until later in the evening.

He quickly pulls a shirt on, then a black sweater. He laces up his black shoes, before stepping out of his dorm. He locks the door, and twirls his keys on his fingers silently. He steps into the elevator, and takes it down to the first floor. Reece didn't have class until Noon, and it was currently 8:30 AM. He knew his dorm mate would be here soon, so he would rather allow them to make themselves at home without him, until later in the evening of course. The tall, mixed male emerges from the elevator, his phone in one hand and his keys in the other. He walks past a few individuals who were speaking far too loud considering the time. Ignoring the gossip that rang through the marble lobby, he quickly steps out into the world.

It was still early, so the sun was barely peeking over the skyscrapers in the distance. He silently walks to his two-door, blacked out 2015 Mustang Gt that stood out among the softer colored four-door cars the staff drove. He unlocks his car, and slides into the driver seat. Reece started his car, allowing it to purr and vibrate beneath him for a moment. His bright headlights illuminating the sleepy morning darkness in front of him. He throws the car in reverse, quickly backing out of his parking space.

The young man quickly pulls off of school grounds, and heads toward the city. He ramps onto the high way, which was relatively abandoned about this time. He gasses it, cutting through the small amount of cars with easy and his car quickly pushes 150 mph. He doesn't stay on the highway for long, and soon slows down and takes an exit. He cruises through the city, the sunlight now splotchy as it pours over the tall buildings.

Reece soon pulls up the Bow Truss, a popular cafe in Chicago. The mixed young man kills his engine, and slowly gets out of his car. The air was slowly warming up so he wouldn't need his sweater for much longer, as usual. He walks into the Cafe, which was relatively empty given the time. He orders his coffee, the young woman behind the counter throwing clear flirts and interested hints. Yet Reece ignores them, "Thank you." was all he uttered to her, before he pays and takes his coffee. He walks out of the building, taking a seat near the entrance. He pulls out his cigarettes and lights one, sipping his coffee and slowly smoking, listening the the birds and the busy buzz of the early city.

Skylar Taylor

Approaching the Academy

Feeling : Nervous


Skylar nervously chews on her lower lip, her blonde hair framing her face perfectly, and making her flushed cheeks more vivid. She watches the city pass by her window, the taxi driver rambling about how his daughter is dying to go to Royal Academy, but she couldn't seem to get noticed. Skylar blocks him out as thoughts race through her mind, this would be her first year at the Academy. What if she didn't get along with her dorm-mate, could you request a new dorm-mate like you request new classes? Her stomach twists and churns as she overthinks about the school she was rapidly approaching.

Soon, the taxi pulls up to the Academy. With shaking hands Skylar pays the driver, who wishes her luck with a gentle smile. She returns the smile, but her lower lip quivers nervously. She gets out of the taxi, she pulls out her nude pink suitcase behind her. She slides her platinum phone into her black purse that dangled from the bend of her arm. She slowly approaches the Lobby, she had chose something light to wear. A black, long sleeved V-neck, with a khaki pencil skirt. She walked flawlessly in black heels that only made her about three inches taller. Her silver hoop earrings dangle from her ears, the gentle morning wind blowing her blonde locks away from her face.

Skylar slowly approaches the building, she pushes the door but it doesn't budge. She steps back, before noticing a small camera with a red button. She hesitantly pushes the red button, which a voice comes through the speakers softly. "I.D, Please." Skylar hesitates "W-what? Oh!" She quickly opens her wallet, fishing out the special I.D Royal Academy had sent her in a letter after she sent Royal Academy her letter of acceptance to attend. She carefully puts it in front of the camera, in a matter of seconds the door clicks unlocked.

Skylar grasps the handle and opens the door, warmth floods her cheeks and she feels herself become flushed. The lobby wasn't particularly busy, there were students leaving and talking to the women at the desks. Sky silently approaches the desk, once it was her turn she smiles nervously, the more elderly woman returns her smile. "I-I'm new here, so I-" The woman hands her a small envelope with Skylar's full name written across it in black ink, and the corner stamped. Skylar looks toward the woman, "This has everything that I nee-" Before Sky can finish, "Next." the Woman calls, sending the same flaccid smile to the next person in line.

Skylar purses her lips slightly, before stepping away from the counter. She takes a seat in one of the available chairs near the desk, opening the envelope. She sees a familiar letter of welcoming she had received in the mail, then a detailed map with instructions on how to get to her dorm, with a key firmly attached. With a nervous sigh, Skylar stands up and approaches the elevators on the West side of the building, carefully reading over the directions to her dorm. Her suitcase rolls behind her, she looked beautiful especially in the soft lighting of the lobby.

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Clari entered the limo with a silent face. Tony, glanced at the mirror. He knew the girl well. Others might be intimidated, but not him. That was the reason he was her personal driver. He was the only one Clari trusted and wouldn't drive crazy to the point they wanted to stop the car and storm out. "No success, I presume, Ms. Clari?" The 60 year-old man chuckled. A defeated sigh escaped the brunette's pink lips. "'Clari, dear, removing the convoys is already dangerous enough.'" Clari followed the mimicking of her fathers voice with an un-lady-like snort. No matter how much she pleaded her father to not make her ride the limo, he refused. Tony chuckled as he drove out of the gate and onto the road. Clari looked out the window. Everything was a flash. Silence took in, and it was comfortable. No awkwardness whatsoeveer. The driver glanced frequently on the mirror, yet his mistress didn't change her position. Chin resting on her hand, her face facing the window.

The car halted to a stop. The slight tug interrupted Clari's thoughts. "Ms. Clari, I do believe we have arrived." Tony opened the door . Sighing, the girl stepped out, her black heels clicking. The wind blew on the outfit she had chosen, making her fly and emphasize her beautiful face. Clari had an undying love for black, so she picked a black spaghetti strap dress that reached mid-thigh with a brown long sleeved coat and knee-high boots. She rolled her luggage to the gate, approaching the scanner-like thing. Taking a deep breath, she brought her black painted fingers to the red button. The machine buzzed before speaking. "I.D please." It sounded utterly boring as well as monotonous. Swiftly grabbing the letter from her bag, she pressed it in front of the camera. As if on cue, the gate opens. Clari approached the gate, a sudden feeling for reluctance washed over her. She didn't know why, but she was hesitant. The brunette turned around to se if Tony was still there. The space previously occupied by the limo was now empty, proving that Tony, had I'm fact left her. Clari felt a little sad, she wouldn't see her driver in long time. Shaking of the feeling, she pushed the door open, revealing and elegant lobby. The soft light shown on Clari gently, emphasizing her features greatly. A bunch of students had lined up in the front desk. Shrugging, the girl stepped in as well. Clari put her head out, observing the students. And not more than a few minutes, it was her turn. From what she had observed, the lady was to give out letters, just that. The elderly woman smiled and handed her own letter. Nodding, she took a seat in one of the armchairs. The back of the envelope had her name written in black ink. Biting her lips, she opened it. The letter of welcoming she had received from the acceptance letter was in it, as well as a key too her dorm stuck firmly and an intricate map showing her to her dorm. Clari grabbed her luggage and rolled to the west wing. The instructions we're easy to follow, nothing much. Clari arrived in a room with elevators. Seeing one open, she rolled her suitcase towards it, entering the elevator with as blonde girl, probably her age. The brunette took a deep breath. Well, good luck to her.

In the elevator with

@Scarlet Fox

Feeling Bored

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Zen tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel of his friend, Ellie's, car. The California sun shone through the open sunroof, painting the driver's and passenger's sides with golden light. Ellie sat beside Zen, singing along to the radio playing. As they neared the academy, Zen grew tense. Ellie, noticing his apprehension, spoke. "Zen, you all right?" Zen nodded. "Yeah, of course." He looked at his old ex and flashed a grin. Ellie sighed, and unbuckled her seatbelt.

After a few more minutes of driving, Zen pulled up to the school gates, and Ellie broke the silence. "Hey. Wanna get the goodbyes over right now?" Zen looked to her, somewhat confused. "Uh... sure. So we can get things over with faster." Ellie nodded, and scooted closer to him. "Okay. Zen, you have been one of my closest friends throughout school. I'm glad to have known you, and I'm excited for your future. May you be successful in love and life." Zen bit at his lip, and nodded. "Thank you. You've been an important part of my past, and I hope we stay in contact over the future." He said this somewhat distractedly.

"Are you not in lesbians with me anymore?" Ellie said. The two said 'in lesbians' due to the fact that, when they dated during highschool, they came out to each other – Zen as bisexual, Ellie as gay – and broke up in the same day. Zen smiled, and said, "Oh, never that. Just nerves, ya know?" Ellie smiled, and hugged Zen. "Of course. You're gonna go, and you're gonna become a great artist."

She started to shift back into her seat, but quickly kissed Zen on the lips first. "I love you. Also I'm still positive I'm gay, that was disgusting." Ellie grinned, and she remained silent as Zen parked and unloaded his stuff.

After he had everything, he gave Ellie one final hug before she pulled off. As he walked to the lobby, his lips tingled, and he tasted strawberry lip balm.

He sighed, and pressed the red button on the scanner. When it buzzed and spoke, he flinched, and quickly fished his ID from his black jeans. He fumbled slightly, but finally scanned the ID properly. As he pushed the door open, he shook slightly, and his mind was scattered.
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Reece Nash

Entering the Academy

Feeling ; Irritated

Reece finished his coffee and cigarette, he throws his trash in the bin and approaches his car. As he gets into his Mustang, he notices a limo pass behind him. He raises an eyebrow, and quickly backs out of his parking spot. He watches the limo take every one of his turns, until they get to the parking lot. The limo pulled up to the curb, and Reece pulls into his parking spot. He kills his growling engine, and watches as a young woman step out of the limo. The mixed male scoffs under his breath, rolling his dark eyes. 'How humble.' his growls within his mind.

He flashes his I.D and the door opens, Reece slips inside allowing the door to shut firmly just as the woman was approaching. He chuckles as she seems confused with how to enter, but once he flashes her I.D, he steps away. Slowly approaching the elevators, until he feels a small fist force against his stomach. He growls, he had been too busy thinking to notice the gossiping females approaching him. The one who had accidentally ran into him looks stunned, her cheeks pink as she looks up at the taller, handsome man. "Next time, watch and talk." he growls under his breath, moving past her before she could reply. By this time the young woman from earlier was behind him. He steps into the elevator, turning around he watches as she steps on just in front of him.

Reece's handsome face turns to a scowl, he leans against the cold steel wall of the elevator. The fruity scent of both of the females makes his stomach churn, and he complains in his thoughts. The elevator was calm, as the doors slowly close, until one of the females opens her mouth and breaks the calm silence.

Interactions ;


Skylar Taylor

Elevator with Clari & Reece

Feeling ; Anxious

Skylar sighed softly, as a rather handsome, muscular mixed male entered the elevator. Soon, he was followed by a young woman, who looked just as stunning. Skylar watches as the cold metal doors close, and she looks toward Clari, her soft features made her look friendlier.. well, friendlier than Reece. "Is this your first year here?" she asks, and her stomach churns as she notes Reece's clear uncomfortably as she asks the question which was directed toward the two of them. She softly clears her throat, swallowing felt like razors due to her nervousness. She disliked being around men. Reece turns his head toward Skylar, then Clari. With a sigh, Reece shakes his head carefully. "This is my third year here." he says under his breath. His voice was deep, and rough. He didn't say anything else, which sparked a hint of curiosity with Skylar, she wonders if Clari felt the same. His dark eyes held mystery.. he was different, and seemed humble, and honest.. something about that scared Skylar.

Interaction ;


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Kim Kyung-Tae

Tae pulls up outside the academy with his suitcase and various other bags loaded in the back seat. After carefully manoeuvring his car into a tight parking spot, Tae sighs as he drags his bags out of the back seat and wheels them out of the parking lot and up towards the gate to the academy. He hesitantly presses a black button, which sits on a metal scanner-type machine. Not expecting a voice to come out through the machine, Tae almost jumps out of his skin before he crouches down and moves his ear closer to the machine's speaker.

"I.D. please." The machine asks Tae for his I.D, in a monotone, robitic voice that makes Tae frown. He his hands dart from pocket to pocket before pulling a small I.D. card out. Holding it up to the scanner for a few moments, the gate opens and Tae puts his hand back on his suitcase handle and carries on wheeling it inside the academy.

"Four, five, three." Tae mumbles the three numbers over and over again, memorising them as he walks through the lobby of the academy. He stops briefly to look at a school map before heading towards an elevator. As he approaches it, the metal doors shut with a few people inside, so he presses the button and waits patiently, bringing his phone out to pass the time. Before long, the elevator is back down at the ground floor and it's doors open. Tae steps inside and presses the button for the fourth floor.

Humming to himself, Tae steps out onto the soft carpeted floors, looking left and right as he wheels his suitcase next to him. He looks at a sign that shows rooms 430 to 460 are to the left, and heads in that direction, peering into the dorm rooms with open doors as he passes. Eventually, Tae finds his own room, pausing at the door for a few moments and then pushing the door open wide. He is surprised to see no one else in the room, he is supposed to be sharing; though they could just be late arriving.

Tae begins unpacking his belongings, lifting his suitcase onto one of the beds and unzipping it before placing his toiletries in the shared bathroom and hanging clothes up in his closet.
Zen steps into the lobby, and sighs, looking upon the people in the building. He swallows, hard, before moving forward. Somewhat fidgety, he flinches as he tries to weave out of the paths of other students, before making it to the front desk. "Um, I-I'm Zen Shift-" he falls silent as an envelope is slid across the desk, and the woman's face grows neutral. "Um, thanks." he says before he moves away from the desk. His luggage pulled to a wall out of the traffic routes of the lobby, Zen opens the envelope and turns it upside down, catching a key. He puts it in his pocket, and pulls out a letter, skimming over it. "Dear Zen, we're very happy to welcome you... please ensure that you read and understand the rules of this establishment... we hope you further your education and develop as a future creator." Zen sighs as a smile grows across his face. He grabs his luggage and boards an elevator. "Maybe this was the right move," Zen thinks.

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