SAO - Rise of Blood - Earldom


New Member
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Read more about this role play... 
I realized I never went and specified how the wizards Median works, a wheellock first off is not a rapid firing gun, I chose the wheellock actually because it came just after the matchlock and was more popular than the flintlock even when it was supposed to be outdated.

A wheellock pistol looks like this


they are muzzle loaded but because a wizard uses their own magic fuel Median can only be shot as fast as they can recite the spells, the advantage of using a wheellock however is that you can use 2 of these, meaning you can cast 2 spells at once but pistols do not have that far of a range, and usually if a warrior gets up close it is game over because you need time to recite your spell in a phrase like "May this shot strike true and Impact my enemy!" A wheellock is best for status effect spells like Blind because they are the quickest to cast "Blind my foe!" would be the casting spell for that attack. I am not saying you need to know the words for the spell (you can make them up if you want) but I just want it recognized that these things take some time to shoot.

Shotgonnes are the same as pistols but work best for and AOE attack because they have a wide blast cone and slightly better range.


Scopes are what most advanced wizards use however, they have the longest range and work the best to a wizards advantage because they can stay concealed and attack their enemy from afar, plus snipers can handle the most powerful spells without feedback from the weapon, resulting in very little recoil and being able to hold a single target with ease.

I had an odd weekend sorry guys, (By odd I mean I got drunk and had a really bad hangover) I am working on an IC now but in the mean time why don't you guys suggest Guild names.
Making my post as we speak!~

It will be up in a bit but I'll tag those who need to post!



@Majestic Rose (Though I think you're already making your post so ignore this~ ^^ ;)
Nobody is ever going to take our guild serious :P  
okay I got;

Void Rangers


Wolfs Mercenarie

I am trying to come up with a name that represents that we are just a bunch of random players with varied skills.
I would love to post tonight, but i'm going to bed. I realize some people are waiting for me, and im sorry. hopefully, yall are asleep by now. at any case, you can expect a post from me in the am!

Ciao! Also, my input for a guild name is 'the organization'.

Sent from my LG G2. If my post sucks, I apologize in advance. 
And here I gooo~ typing now.
[QUOTE="Majestic Rose]*Eats potato in the corner of the room*

-sits with you drawing on a potato- :3

Braxnond said:
it seems shes busy. might have to move ahead without her for now.
So it may seem ^^; What do we do? owo;

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