SAO - Rise of Blood - Earldom


New Member
Character Sign up and creation

Classes: There are only two classes in Blood Earldom Online, the choice of how you play them is up to you. Warrior and Wizard are the two options, both are vary different in strength and weaknesses.

Warriors can only use blades, maces, shields, pole-arms, flails, axes, basically anything that is used in close combat. Their weapons are not magical instead a warrior relies on their body in combat. Every warrior has the choice of a special skill called Blood Switch, they can learn up ton one technique at a time and are limited to using it 3-5 times a day depending on their endurance stat.

Wizards use magic as their form of attacking. A wizard needs a device to focus their magic called a Median, usually in the shape of a gun there are 3 main types of Medians; Shotgonne (Shotguns), Scoped (Sniper Rifle), and Wheellock (Pistol). To fire a Median a Wizard only has to load a magic bullet, them aim, reciting the spell they want to use before pulling the trigger. Without a Median a Wizard has no way to focus their magic and can only cast up temporary barriers and wards.


Character Sheet (Copy and Paste)

RL Name:





RL Appearance: (pic or description)

Personality: (Brief Synopsis)



Gender: (the amusphere detects what your gender is so you cannot be a male playing a female avatar or a female playing a male avatar.)

Avatar: (Pic or description)

Classes: (warrior or wizard)

Blood Switch: (-See list in overview- what blood switch you use as a warrior. If you have an idea for a Blood Switch put it here with a description and I will approve it if it is not over powered or game breaking. delete this line if your a wizard)

Magic Focus List: (A Wizard can have up to 4 spells learned at a time, it is best to select them based on your choice of Median. Barrier/Ward does not count towards your spell count so you can have five spells including Barrier/Ward. Wizards have the choice of using my example spells or making up their own, I will need to approve of your spells though so write a description of what they do. Delete this line if you are a warrior)

Fame: (fame is the score of how many enemies you have killed in PvE, you get 10 for each monster and 20-30 points for elites and mini-bosses, Dungeon Bosses are worth 50. this is a measure of how good of a PvE player you are)

Infamy: (Infamy is gained by attacking other players in PvP or earned in the Colosseum, Like Fame it has no real value but to measure how good of a PvP player you are. 20 points for robbing another player, 50 for killing them. If you win a Colosseum match you gain 40.)

Equipped Items: (Gear you have on you, beginners are given a dagger and buckler for warriors, a wheelock pistol for wizards.)

Inventory: (All unequipped items in storage, Beginners are given 10 health potions, they heal all cuts and bruises over 5 minutes time, numbing pain while doing so)

Gold: (how much gold you have on your person, gold is earned from killing monsters or robbing others players)

Bank: (stored gear and gold)

Merc Guild: (What group you are a part of, leave blank if you do not have a guild yet)

Game History: (A breif Synopsis of how you found the game and accomplishments in it.)

Posting my own CS so you will have an example when making your own.

RL Name: Alix Labelle

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: French

Occupation: Engineering Student (College)

RL Appearance:


Personality: In school Alix is a social butterfly, she keeps a large group of friends but never gets close to anybody, this makes it easy for her to make excuses after classes so she can go home to log into BEO. In game she is able to make friends quickly with her charismatic attitude and prefers her online friends over her RL friends. Because of her rich upbringing she is used to getting what she wants and takes denial rather badly, often refusing to speak with anyone until there is a compromise or she gets what she asked for.


Username: Aalis

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Aalis_The_Five_tailed_Fox.jpg.90963de76475b01c490871a3c0017551.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Aalis_The_Five_tailed_Fox.jpg.90963de76475b01c490871a3c0017551.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Classes: Warrior

Blood Switch: Steel Blood

Fame: 100

Infamy: 220

Equipped Items: Studded Leather armor, Heater shield, Longsword with hand and half grip.

Inventory: 8 Health potions

Gold: 132

Bank: 50 gold, 2 daggers, 1 buckler, cloth armor

Merc Guild: N/A (previously Night Watch)

Game History: Alix started her VRMMO gaming in Gun Gale Online, as a result she is a veteran of PvP conflicts. Her conversion over to BEO was at the recommendation of a squad mate she decided to switch over, however because of her love of close quarters fights she chose the warrior class instead of the Wizard class like most GGO players switching over. After playing with her old squad she found a dislike in their decision to switch to PvE game play and decided to play on her own for a bit.



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RL Name: Jake Goodwin

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Ethnicity: Belgian

Gender: Male

RL Appearance:

(if picture doesn't work, use link)

Personality: (Brief Synopsis)

Jake is a out-going, all around curious guy, looking for adventure, and loves anything artistic, he loves drawing, and designing, and whishes to become a graphic designer in the the future. He doesn't feel connected to his family, he tends to see his friends as more of a family than his own.


Username: Dancing Wind

Avatar: (Pic or description)


Classes: (warrior or wizard) Wizard


- MorningStar

When MorningStar is casted the shot shines gallantly (not bright enough to blind), but moves slower than an average shot. The real power of the MorningStar spell is that it explodes into a shrapnel enriched flaming fire ball that explodes a few feet away from its target.

- Gasping Shot

A shot that embeds into the enemy's armor/skin, and slowly drains away it's stamina for ten seconds.

- Phase

A phase round can phase through most objects (walls, rocks, trees, etc) and can penetrate most armors, although a phase shot is weaker than a normal round.


Multi-shot fires five shots instead of one when pulling the trigger

Fame: 200 currently

Infamy: 20 currently

Equipped Items: Wheelock pistol, and a golden pendant gifted from another player (Origin will be revealed in Rp :P )


10 Health potions, leather arm wraps, and a small bottle of wine

Gold: 1,500

Bank: 500 gold

Merc Guild: Brave Lions (Disbanded, and Dispersed )

Game History: Jake found out about the game from his friends at school, he was enticed, and begged his parents for it, claiming it was for "Research purposes" to help with his graphic design career. They reluctantly agreed, and bought it for him on his birthday. After a week of playing, his friends joined him, and they formed the Brave lions, which lasted for two months, they mostly sat around the world admiring the landscape, afraid of fighting for fear of pain.

Jake began to question his stance, as he went out, and fought creatures when they weren't on. He wanted to achieve something, and decided to leave. His friends questioning him, his excuse being "I was too afraid to get hurt, so I sold it."
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RL Name: Shun Jackson

Age: 18

Occupation: Carrier.

RL Appearance:


Personality:He is calm, quite and antisocial mostly from him living alone since he was old enough to be able to.


Username: Shadow Carrier



Classes: wizard

Magic Focus List: Median Wheellock.


-Bombardment shock; Shadow fills up six slots in his weapon (normally a revolver) and rapidly fires them towards his opponent if they all hit his target takes shock damage as well as the base damage from the attack but if even one misses the shock damage is negated but the base damage still hits for the five or less others

-Aimed Shot; Shadow makes a decision where to shoot and takes a shoot if it hits and hits a critical spot the target becomes paralyzed for 1 seconds but after it wears off the same place cannot be hit again during that fight.

-Mental Focus; this is a support magic which he normally cast on himself. Shadow Breathes deeply and concentrates to bring stillness to his mind, then pass your focused state on to party members or keep it to your self, increasing their or your quickness.




Infamy: 830

Equipped Items: wheellock revolver , small round glasses, Iron encrusted cloth clothing (like picture)

Inventory:10 Health potions

Gold: 1500

Bank: 1000 gold

Merc Guild:None (Ex Leader of the Shadow brokers alliance aka SBA)

Game History: Shun was playing Gun Gale Online until he noticed they was less and less people each day with him being a shadow broker not know why bothered him since he had a nickname on GGO which was just "The shadow informat" which he gained from essentially knowing everything that happened inside GGO as well as being classed as a PvP expert, PvE expert but also a Pker or red player. He decided to search what the reason was why less and less people were playing GGO and he now saw why a new game BEO was released not so long ago. He went to work the next day his payday after work he went out and bought BEO. His first few minutes in game was spent collecting as much information as possible.
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((Forgive me if I messed up the forum.. I'm new to this, and I just made this account a few minutes ago..))


RL Name: Arabella Lemare

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese/European

Occupation: Student

RL Appearance: Arabella is on the smaller side coming in at a slight 5'3." She looks smaller than the rest of her classmates because of her lack of curves and figure which is not uncommon for other Asian girls. Ara has long black hair and dark grayish blue eyes along with a pale nearly flawless complexion. Her heart shaped face sports a small button nose and small pink cupid bow lips. Ara is not fully Japanese and is half European.


Personality: Ara is quiet and shy and is extremely modest when it comes to clothing. Although she does not mind continuing a conversation, she doesn't usually start one. She has a small group of close school friends with whom she study with. Ara is a prestigious student and makes the honor rolls each year. Though friendly, she is not someone you want to get on their bad side. Ara doesn't look it, but she has mastered mixed martial arts and has no problem beating anyone up who threatens anyone of her loved ones. Ara can come across as cold and aloof or friendly, quiet, and generally nice. It was only this year that she started using the Amusphere after her older brother returned from the SAO incident.


Username: Haru

Gender: Female

Avatar: In the game, Ara or Haru has long light blue almost white hair that is tied up at the top with a navy blue ribbon. Ara wears a simplistic white dress and has large emerald green eyes along with a generally otherwise innocent appearance.


Classes: Warrior

Blood Switch: Shadow/Death Switch

Fame: 350

Infamy: None yet, since this is Haru's first VRMMO

Equipped Items: Ara has a long hunting dagger along with ten health potions and a silver necklace with two dragons entwined with there tails forming a heart. One dragon is gold while the other is silver.

Inventory: Her inventory contains other normal things such as food to increase energy, a few extra changes of clothing, and ten health potions, etc.

Gold: 500

Bank: Ara has another sword stored in the bank along with 1500 gold coins.

Merc Guild:

Game History: Ara found this game after her older brother was freed from the death game known as Sword art Online. She was looking through the Seed one day and found this game. This is her first VRMMO, and in the game, she is known as the Angel of Death because of her fighting skills and agility. 
((Yeah, okay, sorry about that.)) 

Greentail said:
((Forgive me if I messed up the forum.. I'm new to this, and I just made this account a few minutes ago..))

RL Name: Arabella Lemare

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Chinese

Occupation: Student

RL Appearance: Arabella is on the smaller side coming in at a slight 5'3." She looks smaller than the rest of her classmates because of her lack of curves and figure which is not common for other Asian girls. Ara has long black hair and dark grayish blue eyes along with a pale nearly flawless complexion. Her heart shaped face sports a small button nose and small pink cupid bow lips. Ara is not fully Chinese and is half European.


If picture doesn't work here's the

Personality: Ara is quiet and shy and is extremely modest when it comes to clothing. Although she does not mind continuing a conversation, she doesn't usually start one. She has a small group of close school friends with whom she study with. Ara is a prestigious student and makes the honor rolls each year. Though friendly, she is not someone you want to get on their bad side. Ara doesn't look it, but she has mastered mixed martial arts and has no problem beating anyone up who threatens anyone of her loved ones. Ara can come across as cold and aloof or friendly, quiet, and generally nice. It was only this year that she started using the Amusphere after her older brother returned from the SAO incident.


Username: Haru

Gender: Female

Avatar: In the game, Ara or Haru has long light blue almost white hair that is tied up at the top with a navy blue ribbon. Ara wears a simplistic white dress and has large emerald green eyes along with a generally otherwise innocent appearance.


Classes: Warrior

Blood Switch: Shadow/Death Switch

Fame: 350

Infamy: 200

Equipped Items: Ara has a long hunting dagger along with ten health potions and a silver necklace with two dragons entwined with there tails forming a heart. One dragon is gold while the other is silver.

Inventory: Her inventory contains other normal things such as food to increase energy, a few extra changes of clothing, and ten health potions, etc.

Gold: 500

Bank: Ara has another sword stored in the bank along with 1500 gold coins.

Merc Guild:

Game History: Ara found this game after her older brother was freed from the death game known as Sword art Online. She was looking through the Seed one day and found this game. This is her first VRMMO, and in the game, she is known as the Angel of Death because of her fighting skills and agility. 
((Yeah, okay, sorry about that.))
Thanks. Sorry if my reply's are all weird... I'm still trying to work out the website.. .~.
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RL Name:

Jayce Kapernick






Spanish, British


Video game shop manager, college student


An extrovert in the truest sense, Jayce is anything but laid back. He has a tendency to hop into leadership roles, always ready to get things done. He always is focused on the 'big picture', so he is often inclined to push whomever he is grouped up with toward that goal. Playing alone is something that he finds weary; often, he won't bother doing anything without having people around, because being alone is something he finds immensely boring. Jayce is the kind of guy to run into situations without thinking of the consequences, which often translates into him charging into fights. Despite this, he maintains an exceptional level of strategic prowess in combat situations, and easily adapts when it is necessary. He is enthusiastic and animated, speaking as well as gesturing with his hands in various ways to get his point across. Finally, he's assertive; aggressive by nature, he's not afraid to speak out or act out to get a point across.








Blood Switch:






Equipped Items:

Veritas y Aequitas - Dual short swords. Gifted to him by a friend before they sold their account. Held in reverse blade stance, normally. Despite this, stances are prone to switch based on need.


Food, repair tools for his weapon, ten health potions and ten mana potions.





Merc Guild:


Game History:

Jayce was stuck in Sword Art Online. Originally being one of the few to get to the higher floors, eventually Kirito would surpass him in finishing the job. Having worked in the video game shop he managed for about seven years (since highschool), he was well aware of releases way before hand, and often got to own them before they came out. Originally a bandit and a player killer, Jayce soon changed his ways after getting locked into the original game, having decided that it was worth helping people stay alive. After a small, brief stint in both ALfhiem Online and GGO at the beginning of their life spans, Jayce would switch to Blood Earldom Online during it's alpha stages. He's been logging in ever since, with a refusal to play on PVP servers.

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Is anyone able to see the picture on my Forum? I really like your character, Braxnond. I think I may have an anime crush on him X3 

Greentail said:
Is anyone able to see the picture on my Forum? I really like your character, Braxnond. I think I may have an anime crush on him X3
Thanks, sorry my posts are all funky. For some reason the picture wasn't showing up on this post but it was for a few others, so I wasn't sure if it was working for anyone else.
RL Name: Aedon McCormic

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Student

RL Appearance: He is 6'4 and slender. He has hair is medium length black and is normally randomly strewn about. His favorite thing to wear is jeans and a grey hoodie. His face is fairly similar his avatar's.

Personality: He is shy, quiet, and keeps to himself. Although he does love jokes, you will often find he is listening in on your conversation when you tell a joke. Otherwise he is pretty much unnoticeable. He has a kind heart, but is a little hostile to people at first because he's scared of everyone.


Username: Midorikawa Chiaki

Gender: Male

Avatar: His hair is red in game.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7055c65_MidorikawaChiaki.jpg.1c88fa800a338fc3db734449b7993d25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7055c65_MidorikawaChiaki.jpg.1c88fa800a338fc3db734449b7993d25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Classes: Warrior.

Blood Switch: Light/Life.

Magic Focus List: (A Wizard can have up to 4 spells learned at a time, it is best to select them based on your choice of Median. Barrier/Ward does not count towards your spell count so you can have five spells including Barrier/Ward. Wizards have the choice of using my example spells or making up their own, I will need to approve of your spells though so write a description of what they do. Delete this line if you are a warrior)

Fame: 200

Infamy: 50

Equipped Items: (Gear you have on you, beginners are given a dagger and buckler for warriors, a wheelock pistol for wizards.)

Inventory: Food, repair tools for his weapons, and 10 health and mana points.

Gold: 5

Bank: None

Merc Guild:

Game History: Aedon recently found the game and joined just for fun. Yet since then he has started to really immerse himself in the world. As of yet however, he has not fought in a colosseum battle or completed any major quests. However, he did accidentally attack another player. When the other player angrily charged, he was somehow able to defeat him. It must have been a low level player. He's still trying to get the hand of VRMMORPG's.



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-Took me so long to make @-@-

RL Name:

"Hello, you can call me Koko!"

Koharu Rei


"The adult world is close."



"I'm a girl!"



"Well, I'm a mix Asian."

Japanese (35%)

British (35%)

Korean (20%)


"The next level of education prison."

College Student of Fine Arts | Waitress | Flower Decorator Assistant

RL Appearance:

"I'm not little!"




Stands at 5'1" and has a baby face though she is almost in her 20s. She has light brown hair that reaches pass her waist and usually has it down, never braided or in any style. Her hair is naturally straight but gets wavy at times when humid outside. Her eyes are a sky blue color and shines like crystal orbs especially when she is happy.


"Let's be friends!"

If you were to describe Koharu, you would say she is a very energetic girl. She likes to be somewhere mostly everywhere and just like a chirpy bird who can't seem to know when to shut up. She is caring and motherly to those she cares for most and are her friends but can be cold if she needs to. Though she can sometimes to too much of a chatterbox, she knows how to keep shut if the person is annoyed or the person just tell her straight on.
She may seem like a careless person but she actually very observant with her surrounding. Whenever she meets someone new, she would sometimes ask questions, not personal ones but just normal, friendly questions that they are able to answer with ease without thinking she like some stalker. She love to learn things and people are her top priority because they're always changing. They're the one who shows emotions, have knowledge and the ones who she can interact with well since animals can't speak English.








White locks with blazing purple eyes that hold mysterious motives behind them. She wears an old-sized cloak that she got from defeating a beast and still wears her beginner outfit because it's more comfortable than the elite ones which are more heavier and has more armor than the beginner ones. She only ever wear the elite outfit when she is in battle with a boss or PvP which she rarely does.



Magic Focus List:

Deals a pretty good damage for long range attacks. Can be used as blocking but mostly used for damaging her foes. Shooting down to the ground, it distracts her foes in thinking she has bad aiming but instead, makes a vine of roses sprout from the ground and capturing them in the thorny vines of roses. It may seems pretty but it's very deadly so watch out.

Shooting up to the sky, her bullets burst into many small flames that fly everywhere, catching anything that get touch by it into flames. This is very dangerous when close so keep a good distance away from her when she does this though she rarely ever use this unless when she needs to like if a pack of beasts coming at her.

Shooting at her enemy straight on, it doesn't kill them but freezes them for a short period of time kind of like Freeze but instead doesn't coat them in ice and more on their time of speed. They are still able to move but move more slower than average.

A median is not needed to use this spell, create a magic shield that lasts a few seconds.

Create a shining explosion that blind those caught in the blast





Equipped Items:

Wheelock Pistol (x1)

Dark Mage Cloak (x1)

Beginner Mage Outfit (x1)


Health Potions (x10)

Mana Potions (x10)

Quest Items (x2)




Gold (x5100)

Elite Mage Outfit (x1)

Random Sword that she can't use (x1)

Quest Items (x5)

Spell Strolls (x2)

Merc Guild:


Game History:

Honestly, Koharu never had any intelligence in gaming until some of her friends decided to introduce her to it. She first played on SAO but were the few lucky ones who didn't get pulled into the mess. Some of her friends did though, some of them survived but the others were put to rest. It was a sad moment for Koharu and she vowed not to play games again but her friends somehow managed to get her back into it once they introduced her to a new game that they made sure was better than SAO. Blood Earldom Online was a new game that her friends got their hands on just for her to play, hoping she would come back and play with them like old times.

It touched Koharu's heart that her friends still stuck by her side when she was like this and couldn't deny their offer. Soon she got back into the gaming world and played on BEO more just like in SAO.

-I hope this is okay? ^^;-

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Hello people!

I was just wondering - is this still open? It looks pretty cool, and I was wondering if I might be able to jump in. :3 

Incoming CS spam!

(The only thing I was a bit unsure of were the Magic Focuses, if I need to change them, just let me know.)

RL Name:

Gwen Hirsch








College Student (Programming)

RL Appearance:



Gwen is a rather antisocial individual in real life; not because she is shy, but because she spends most of her time either studying, or online. Still, despite her anti-social attitude in real life, she is quite friendly towards people in her online one. In fact, she usually prefers to do things with people when online. It’s not that she dislikes solo-questing and the like, she simply finds being with a party to be more fun. When she’s with a group, Gwen usually tends to be something of a joker, and tries to keep things light-hearted. However, she is capable of buckling down and getting serious when necessary.









- Barrier

- Crippling Poison – Gwen fires a shot loaded with Wolf’s Bane essence at her target, causing them to move at a reduced speed, and applying a poison which deals damage over time.

- Sweet Intoxication – Gwen fires a round loaded with a slightly altered numbing poison at an ally. The poison temporarily disables their sensory system, making them incapable of feeling pain. Heals the target for a moderate amount, and causes them to take reduced damage for a short time.

- Death Blossom – Gwen fires a poisonous seed at her target. Upon impact, the seed begins to take root in its host and grow rapidly, using the target’s health and mana as an energy source. The seed leeches hp and mana from its target, and continues to grow, until it blooms into a beautiful, purple flower. Upon blooming, the flower releases a cloud of restorative spores towards Gwen’s allies, restoring health and mana over a period of time. The flower disappears after it has released its spores.

- Blood Venom – Gwen causes the blood of all people infected with any of her poisons to become venom. Allies affected by Blood Venom have a chance to deal extra poison damage on their attacks, and enemies affected by Blood Venom take additional poison damage from attacks which cause poison damage.





Equipped Items:

- Aconitum, the Envenomed Mouth (Wheelock Pistol) (This might sting a lot.)

- Aegis Pendant (A pendant with a tiny shield. The shield is embedded with a picture of a turtle.)

- Old Reliable (Shotgun) (Never lets you down.)

- Health Potion x6

- Mana Potion x4

- Tasty Pork Sandwich x2 (A very, very tasty pork sandwich.)

- Raw Boar Flank (The uncooked flank of a boar.)

- Boar Hide (The hide of a slain boar.)

- Weapon Repair Kit

- Partially Filled Map of Earldom (An incomplete map of the World. Maybe you could finish it?)

- Ghoul Bone x3 (The bone of a slain Ghoul. Creepy!)




- 1870 gold

- Magic Sword Replica (A fancy, but probably incorrect depiction of one of the Legendary Swords.)

Merc Guild:

- Formerly – Eternal Kingdom

- Currently – No affiliation

Game History:

Gwen is no newbie when it comes to MMOs, as she was stuck in one for almost two years. She doesn’t like to talk about it much though, which is unfortunate, because it’s all everyone in the real world ever wants to talk to her about; and that’s why she always turns to the virtual world – people online don’t know who she is, and so they won’t try to talk to her about it. She even made sure to make a different character after SAO, so that no one would be able to connect her with the event. (I plan on getting more in detail with this IC)

She also played GGO for a little while, but about a month ago, she began to grow bored of it. Remembering that a group of kids at her school’s Student Center mentioned how ‘awesome’ BEO was, Gwen figured it might be worth trying out.

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