Three Thousand Club
Welcome everyone, to the RP I have created known as Life Untold!
This RP is inspired by Sword Art Online, one of the single greatest manga/anime I have ever had the pleasure of immersing myself in. The RP takes the virtual reality MMORPG experience, coupled with in game dangers which translate to real world consequences concepts of SAO and expands upon them in various ways. One such way is that because the mind is such a powerful tool, when your character suffers serious injury in the game, when they leave the game they will feel the leftover pain of the injury in the real world. So if you are gored through the stomach in game, guess what your character will feel when they log out and come back to the real world?
Yep, they're going to feel as if they've been gored through the stomach. As Morpheus says in the Matrix, "Your mind makes it real."
The RP includes, but it not limited to, the following mechanics:
* A level system
* Stat based gameplay (including stat gains and alterations)
* Various weapons and classes for each weapon
* A Class Changing system
* An EXP system
* A fully realized combat system complete with buffs and ailments
* A basic list of Monsters you'll face
* A Monster Taming system
* A Floor system
* Party and Guild Systems
* Player Life Skills and Combat Skills
* A Quest system
* A Romance system
* Armor and Weaponry systems
* Currency
* Tools and Items
* Player Avatars (for in game)
* Mounts
* Laws of Physics (and how to bend them)
* Real World phenomenon in game
* In game NPC justice and governmental systems
* Player Character Reputation
Much of this information can be found on the RP's Mechanics page. If you want help finding anything or if you think you may not be understanding some of the information as it is presented, then please ask me and I'll be happy to help you understand. You can ask me as many questions as you'd like about the RP before, during, and (hopefully) after you are finished thinking about joining.
Obviously, this RP is going to be just as big as it sounds. If you click the link at the top of this page, you'll see just how big the RP is and how much information holds it all together.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, but I will be expecting a high level of dedication from all who join and will also hold everyone to a slightly higher standard of writing than most other GM's on this site.
I have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the English language and writing skills, and have created a rather tough Application Process which I am going to put everyone through as a method of testing how much you really want to be a part of the RP. This is the single largest and most detailed RP I have ever designed, and I must therefore push everyone who joins farther than they're used to in order to make sure the RP becomes the success I know it can be.
When you want to submit a character to the RP, I recommend that you plan them out meticulously on your own before submission. To make the process as easy for you, the role-player, as possible, I highly advise those who wish to join to consider creating their character on a document and save it to their desktop instead of trying to cram the entire character together in a day. Take your time, and be as thorough as you can possibly be.
The character skeleton can be found on the RP's 'Overview' page, which is linked at the top of this post. It's not exactly the easiest Character Skeleton in the world to fill out, let alone when you consider all the information which goes into the character designing process such as the class, weapon, stats, Spirit Weapon (if you want one), and more. But I am here to help you make your profile and will answer any questions which you have, no matter how many of them there are.
I love questions!
So if you are up to the challenge I have presented you with, then I encourage you to check the RP and see what it has to offer first hand by clicking the link at the top of this page. If you think you're up for it, then let me know in the OOC once you get there. If you need any help whatsoever with designing your profile or understanding some of the mechanics, just ask me and I'll give you all the help and advice you need to make it work.
Thank you for your time!
~ Kyero
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