Upon the Sea - A Tale of Emethia [REBOOT]


Procrastinating Perfectionist
Tales of Emethia is a book series (being) written by me, and basically this is one of them!

Band of Misfits

This tale takes place a great deal of time before the Great Death, and focuses on some of the first true heroes of Emethia. When the first Dark Evil begins to rise, it is up to them to stop them and become the champions they were meant to be.

(Link to this rp: [x] )

The Blood Moon

After the moon turns to red one night, and the sun never returns, the Evil beings who thrive in the night come out from their caves and plunder the land. The people hide away underground, but they can't stay hidden forever...

(Link to this rp: [x] )

Wormwood Boarding Home for Gifted Children

This tale takes place about a century following the Great Death, and it follows the adventures of a few young residents who seek to uncover the place's ancient secrets and stop the King, who has banished all magic.

(Link to this rp: [x] )

Upon the Sea

A new continent has been discovered! A group of explorers set off to discover secrets and find treasure, before someone else does. Though they might be getting a bit more than they bargained for..

(Current rp)

The Melora

The fabled Melora, seven magical stones that grant non-magic users magic abilities, have been missing for the past 500 years, and it's up to a group of childhood friends to find them again.

(Link to this rp: [x] )

The Mystic Child

It is the End Times. Rumor has it that the Mystic Child, the one who will save the world or destroy it, has been born. The Last King has seen something in you, and now you must find the Child before the Evil finds them first.

(Link to this rp: [x] )


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  • Have fun (*U*)

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