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Realistic or Modern Santa Monica Home For Displaced Youth. (Open - Accepting ) [interest check]


Just some guy

This is a reboot of a Rp I did a long time ago though that should not discourage unfamiliar from joining as this will be a completely fresh start.

Welcome to Santa Monica Home for Displaced Youth. We know being here cant be easy for you and the circumstances of your arrival in this home are likely painful, However we are happy to have you and hope we can make your journey a bit easier while you are here. Whether you are just waiting to be reunited with your family or looking for a new place to one day call home we hope we can be a safe place for you during your transition period.

At the Santa Monica Home we are dedicated to providing a safe place for you to transition through whatever situation has brought you to us. We provide Counseling, Housing, and many amenities to help on your healing journey. (You even get a cupboard to stash some of your favorite snack… We will get them for you obviosly) While your with us we want you to fell safe and a part of our big family. The Santa Monica facility is proud to host up to 30 children at a time so we are sure you can find someone here to connect with.
We do have some rules that we expect everyone to abide by.
1) Curfew is 8:30 pm everyone is expected back inside the home by this time unless you have prior approval to be out later
2)You are not to leave the property without approval (this includes the beach out back) We try to make sure if you want to go do something you can but we need to know about it.
3)during the school year you must attend school unless you are sick.
4)fighting will not be tolerated.

Failure to abide by these rules will lead to disciplinary actions including. Loss of privileges, Chores, and in extreme cases removal from the home.
We hope you enjoy your time with us no matter how long that may be.
A few notes about the RP
This is not meant to nessisarilly be an accurate depiction of living in a group home in the foster care system. This is more meant to be an idealized situation where this home has all the funding to make these kids time here fun and safe. As well as staffed with people who make every effort to that end. However even in the context of this RP it is assumed that this home is an oddity crappy foster/ group homes still exists Santa Monica is just not one of them.

If you are interested just let me know I am looking forward to hearing from you and coming up with great ideas for this RP.​
This specificity is meant to be more of a mundane drama/slice of life sort of thing, but I mean, I’m interested to hear ideas
I do have an idea. Maybe it’s dangerous to be outside of the youth home after dark. Kind of adding a horror aspect to it.
Hmm i really was planning for this to be pretty average slice of life sort of stuff but i mean we could maybe think of another roleplay we could also try to start with some more horror elements it could even be similar to this but this one specifically i wasn’t really looking to add those sorts of elements.

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