

The Apple Queen
Apparently we aren't part of society. We're different. Scary. Monsters. We have been given many names, none of them we are too fond of. We all have been placed on our own little island, being watched by the highest powers of the US government, all because we each have some sort of gift, or power. A lot of our kind still lives in the real world, keeping their gifts a secret, but we've been trapped here, because we were discovered. The people who put us here called it a "Safe Place" for our kind to dwell. This is no sanctuary, it's a prison.

The Island::

Surrounded by some kind of forcefield that lets people in, but won't allow anyone out, unless of course you're one of those guards, they come and go as they please. In the middle of the island is a large building, this is where we all live. There is a cafeteria downstairs which is stocked with food, that no one is really hungry for. Along with two floors of dorms, but girls and guys can be on the same floor, there is really no rules when it comes to stuff like that.

Outside there is a beach, I mean duh, it's an island. Although you can only swim a few miles out, we've all tried, but the forcefield prevents us from going any further. There is an indoor pool, and hot tub, boats, rafts, jet skis, battle arena, basketball court, etc. Basically it's perfect, if we weren't trapped here. It's the governments way of saying, "Sorry, it's for the best."
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