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Corisa was once a somewhat peaceful place. For centuries creatures lived together, growing and developing everything from technology to culture to the own evolution of their species. Millions existed in this plane. Eventually in the year of 135GBT magic was introduced into the world by a human male named Calius Swirit. Swirit went on a quest to reconnect with the Gods and Goddesses that people had begun to forget. Swirit traveled long and hard, facing danger both external and internal. Eventually he reached the highest peak of the tallest mountain Helena. There Swirit prayed for days. Seeing how devoted he was, the 9 Gods and Goddesses, called the Sacred Nine blessed him and Swirit became the first magic user in the world.

Over time Swirit began to teach others. Some had natural talent for it, others had to struggle. Some found they could not perform spells at all. But as every good thing that enters the world, bad things happened as well. Dark spell-casters rose up, trying to take control of the world. They threw the world into a state of chaos and ruin. Things seemed bleak but the Sacred Nine would not allow their creations to suffer because of their doing. They created soldiers called Angels, highly spiritual and magical beings that could not be corrupt. Their holy magic exterminated the dark spell-casters, but the world was still in ruin. Together 12 Angels rose up and purified the world, riding it of the destruction, causing them to burn up and totally wipe out their existence. The other Angels, now not needed, went into hiding and feel into a deep sleep.

That was over 2000 years ago. Today the world of Corisa is not a happy but it still thrives. Dark magic still exists, but is cloaked in secrecy. Few know of it's existence or know why the dark spell-casters have not strike back out yet. Some say they are searching for the slumbering Angels. Of course these are just a myth to most people. Still something bad is going down.

Not only dark lives on in the world, but with the advancing technology and science, dark and twisted science goes on. A company called Obss has been generically altering different species, focusing on the medium populated humans. Of course in the main facility on Terkol Island things are not going well. There was a break out ten years earlier where a few of their more dangerous test subjects broke free into the world. They are hidden, blended in with the rest of the world, though some find it hard to hid their identity or act like anyone "normal".

On the nearly desert country of Anasatia, there is a small town called Sanctuary, though it rarely lived up to it's name. Here amongst the nearly empty temple, the dingy, small bar, and the not always morally good citizens, there is a bar/housing called Sanare where the owner is a man who has his own mission and takes care of the places inhabitants. He knows something is wrong and that pretty soon the world will erupt into chaos once again. He gets a vision of strangers coming to Sanctuary and some of the inhabitants of Sanctuary. They will all be important in the coming war against the dark, evil spell-casters. And it seems that Sanctuary is not all it seems along with a few of the citizens. Rumors fly that the Angels are close by the small town. But is it true? And if it is, will it bring down the dark spell-casters on their head?

Time is running out and the world may repeat a history no one wants it to. Which side are you on?

I Claim Sanctuary! I'm interested i have a question about it if you get it started but I want to ask you in a PM, either on the Forum or through Chat, your choice.
This sounds pretty interesting, I wouldn't mind being part of this either, if the fun hasn't started yet.

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