Sanctuary Isle


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Two Slots Open

(Please, something unique and not a pest)

(Image - if possible)


Alias(es) if any:



Status: (Student, Staff, Islander)


Physical Description: (if image isn't sufficient)

Powers and Abilities

Weaknesses: (if any. Leave blank if none of note)

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:



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(fox and human form)

Saya Hayashi

Gender: Female

Age: 99 (appears to be 16)

Species: Kitsune

Powers and Abilities:

Has the ability to shift from a fox to a human. Also has inhuman strength, and speed. She can create illusions such as hallucinations and holographic images that can interact with the real world.

Weaknesses: (if any. Leave blank if none of note):

Will be weaker during a full moon, and can only stay in the form of a human for short amounts of time. She will also be weaker and slower in human form.

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:

Archery, sword-fighting, trekking, hiking, climbing trees.


Saya is at first quite a shy person and doesn't like to speak up in front of a large audience. However, once she learns to trust someone she soon turns into a very warm and bubbly person. Towards enemies she acts very innocent and weak at first and then uses this as an advantage when she attacks. She is quite sarcastic and likes telling dry jokes nobody usually understands. She tends to giggle a lot.


Saya was born in a small village in Japan. Her mother died while giving birth to her and her father abandoned her as small, assuming she would die on her own. However, Saya survived and fended for herself inside the woods for many years, living every day in her fox form. In fact, she wasn't even aware of her human form until recent times.

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Janice Rand

Alias(es) if any: None

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Status: Teacher, Librarian

Species: Human with mutation

Physical Description:

Height & Weight: 5’6” 130 lbs

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

- Feet have opposable thumbs

- Prehensile tail

- lengthened canines

- lengthened arms similar to that of a chimpanzee

Powers and Abilities

Janice is a sort of genetic throwback to Simian ancestry (Think of Beast from the X-Men - minus the blue fur, genius intellect, inhuman strength …)

- Feet have opposable thumbs

- Prehensile tail

- Discriminatory smell (not as good as some bloodhound, but able to sense emotional states), hearing up to 30 khz (cats reach 44 khz), good night vision, superhuman spatial awareness and depth perception (at shorter ranges)

- superhuman balance and agility

- lengthened canines

- heightened strength in arms and legs similar to that of a chimpanzee

Monkey Kung Fu (studying various sub styles), and some jiu jitsu. Post black belt. (She tends to learn physical skills very quickly.) She was taught be a Master Pu. Yep, that was really his name. And he did not take well to being made fun of about it.

Photographic Memory (must commit material to memory, not merely have seen something. For example she would probably forget that math reading unless she really needed to pass a test, but the opening pages of The Hobbit, no problem.)


- Poor farsightedness.

- Poor sprinting speeds

- Doesn’t swim and hates water (She has learned to swim, but she doesn’t float well, and she doesn’t little better than dog paddling - and still hates it.) Yes, this also means she avoids taking baths or showers and won't go out in the rain.

-HATES flying. She doesn’t mind the heights of being in trees. But flying? Oh she has flown many times - mostly with bush pilots. But a long flight? "Ohhh ... what are these little bottles?"

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:

- Jungle survival (studying toward genetics or zoology)

- Language Polyglot: French (Native language of the Congo), Swahili, Kikongo, Lingala, Tshiluba, Dutch, Belgian, Latin, old English, Gaelic, Greek, Norwegian, Japanese, Egyptian, Farsi, and Hebrew. She also reads and write musical notation, Sign Language, Tolkien languages (Elvish, dwarvish, etc), and Trekkie languages (Klingon, Vulcan, etc).

- Plays a pipe organ reasonably well. Superb singer.

- Typing, and various other office skills.

- Zoological park skills (feeding and care, creature habits)

She also knows a great deal more about weapons than a missionary ought to know. But then she had to work around militants in South Africa. He last mission took her to Lesotho of all places. None of this means she LIKES guns. Anything worse than a paintball gun she abhors. And she detests tasers, having been damn near killed by them.

- Baseball (she has an absolutely lethal pitching arm)


- Playful to a fault when not curled up around a book. The only thing to drag her away from the jungle, forest, or jungle gym (monkey bars) is the library. She detests reading via kindles and computers. She detests heavy metal or “noisy” music. Tends to simplify problems, even oversimplify them. Despite all the harsh treatment she has suffered, she still loves both people and Uniques. She doesn’t even hold a grudge against counterterrorist operative for trying to interrogate her.


Janice was discovered by a Catholic mission in the heart of the Congo as a child. Her unique nature was immediately obvious. One of the first thoughts were of some unnatural union between human and ape. (This has since proven to be a false assumption.) To survive Janice had turned to theft. Baffled by the disappearance of food from the church a security camera was set up. The priest could scarcely believe his eyes at what he saw. But as it was his mission to bring the word of God to all good children he decided to tempt her with better food. It only half worked. It made her a regular visitor. The priest was patient.

The second opportunity came when he spotted Janice where she had snuck in and hidden during a service. She was singing right along with the congregation, but carefully to stay out of sight. She had a beautiful singing voice - almost angelic compared to most of his flock. He finally combined the two tactics. He prepared a nice meal on a day other than services and began playing the organ. It drew her in almost immediately.

The priest was careful not to try to block any escape. It took nearly a month, but he finally got her to sleep indoors. His first real success at getting her to try to read was teaching her a musical note and the words to a hymn. After that she was hooked.

What the priest did NOT know at the time was that Janice had been spending her time in the jungle sabotaging poacher traps. And as clever as she was, the poachers proved smarter. They set up cameras to watch their traps and caught her on video. Once they realized what they were dealing with they smelled opportunity. They waited and tried to hit her with a tranq dart. But they missed and had to track her with hounds. She led them right to the mission.

The poachers took the mission hostage in an effort to force her to surrender herself. This was a level of violence that Janice had never endured and had no idea how to fight. So she surrendered herself. This was how she learned the hard way just how cruel humans can be.

Unknown to her the priest had contacted old friends of his. He hadn’t always been a priest. It took them nearly three months to track Janice to a private collector of freaks of nature. She had completely withdrawn into herself and was on the verge of dying in captivity. It took the involvement of the priest to break her out of her state. She had thought he was dead. He almost had been. He had taken 6 bullets and still survived. He stayed long enough for her to recover. But it was no longer safe for her back in the Congo, so the Church found her a new home.

The priest went to meet the woman who had agreed to be Janice’s foster mother. The woman’s name was Moira Rand who ran a preserve for endangered species and had a personal estate with a library that Janice decided was heaven on Earth, one of those ones filled with shelves two stories high and had a ladder that moved around the room on a rail. Janice’s almost empathic senses (sense of smell) told her Moira was a decent human being.

Janice practically took over the library as “her” turf. Oh she wasn’t really possessive. But the place was a second home to her. The only other place she really enjoys is anywhere she can climb. The hardest part of integrating her was her social skills. Her manners were still those of a child when she first arrived. Fortunately she was an excellent student and Moira a patient teacher. When one of the hands commented on how she was like someone named Beast, she did some research. The X Man character Hank McCoy became a favorite. Her second favorite was Mystique.

When she was 17 Janice watched as hate group activity escalated. Moira’s jeep had its tires slashed for speaking out on civil rights. Fearing the worst for her foster mother if she remained, Janice asked for permission to join a Catholic mission as a volunteer - somewhere where she could dress in old world fashions. Moira gave her blessing and Janice began her career with plans to return to civilization periodically to see Moira.

A few months ago Janice was back to visit Moira and got herself caught up in attack of a hate group. Janice was overrun, and badly battered and would have become the subject of public ridicule, but she was rescued by a group of activists who turned the tables on the hate group and ridiculed them instead. Janice was taken back to the lair of the activists whom she soon learned were planning to escalate to guerilla warfare - or terrorism.

Well, guerilla or gorilla, she was no terrorist. These people were talking about burning a church that was preaching against teaching evolution. And while she had no love for such hatred. She struggled to sit up so she could speak out, but she was too badly hurt. Noone seemed to expect her to help in the raid - not that she would have. They went on about how other Freaks had been attacked - how their own families had turned against them in some cases.

Janice could certainly relate. Her own mother had been a chimpanzee - so far as she knew. At least that was who she grew up with before finding the Church. But this was wrong. So as soon as she was able to get away, she pulled out her phone and called emergency. As much as she was able before being interrupted she explained what was about to go down.

Part of her felt like a traitor. But it was in light of this incident that she was contacted and asked, “Did she want to make a real difference?”


Earplug noise filters

Goggles with sports strap (to compensate for vision issues)

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(Image - none yet)


Alias(es) if any:

Gender: Male

Age: Perhaps a year old.

Status: Mascot?

Species: Dragon (genetic experiment)

Physical Description:

Height/Size: about the size of your average Golden Retriever, maybe a bit smaller

He is a small, young fledgling dragon about the size of your average Golden Retriever, maybe a bit smaller. He is clearly amphibious and still can’t fly. He has a spiny ridge, a pair of backswept horns, modestly webbed feet, nictating eyelids. His color changes on whim, ranging from chameleon tendencies, to becoming luminescent. And naturally he has a nice array of razor sharp teeth. His claws have been clipped short.

When discovered Growf will have some injuries. His neck has been burned. And it looks as though he got in a fight with some predator that took a chunk out of a hindquarter. Plus his wings have been broken.

Powers and Abilities

Think Godzilla, but scaled WAY down. His breath weapon is the equivalent of a taser or arc welder. But he can generate it in other parts of his body, most notable the spiny ridge. He regenerates swiftly, but this requires he eat. He is tele-empathic, capable of picking up surface thoughts of more empathic individuals. (This develops into a much more dangerous ability as an adult, but for now will help serve make him able to communicate with someone.) He has the other usual dragon abilities associated with wings, teeth and claws.

Weaknesses: (if any. Leave blank if none of note)

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:



He is extremely timid, quite afraid of humans and will be very difficult to coax out into the open. He will absolutely avoid larger humans.


Growf is an escaped genetic experiment that managed to stray all the way to Sanctuary Isle, blown in on a storm.


As you might see, he'll likely have to survive on small fish and mammals until he can heal up. He is extremely intelligent - smarter than humans (or he'd never have escaped. He does have a breath weapon - very similar to that used by Godzilla (scaled way down of course). For all intents it is about like an arc welder. (In his current state he's pretty depleted. But once healed up he'll hit like a taser.)

On the ground, an adult dragon stands at around four and a half meters tall at the shoulder, with three meters of neck length, four of tail, and three of torso. Hatchlings at birth are around half as tall as a human being, and in the first dozen years of life will grow extremely rapidly, achieving two thirds of their adult size during that time. They will continue to grow gradually until the age of fifty years or so, after which they will not get any larger. They reach their adult intellectual capacity at the age of fifty years as well, though by 12 years of age they are already able to out-reason and out-think most adult humans.

Name: Dokkaebi (Has no name)

Alias if any: Tock

Gender: Roughly Male

Age: 12, but biologically around 20's

Status: Student

Species: Dokkaebi (Korean incarnation of goblins)

Physical Description: His weapon is less of a staff and more of a mace. His orange horn is more pronounced. Otherwise, the picture is accurate. Also, surprisingly normal face besides the fanged mouth and the pointy ears and the orange skin and the OKAY HE DOESN'T LOOK NORMAL.

Powers and Abilities: His mace, which is called a "Bangmangy", (the "a" is pronounced like in "Hans") on top of being his main weapon, can summon any inanimate object he wants to where he strikes. However, this takes incredible amounts of concentration and energy, so Tock finds summoning things very unpleasant. Additionally, he does not conjure things out of thin air; the object needs to already have existed. Therefore, he essentially steals it, but it's stoppable. Secondly, the mask he has on can grant the wearer invisibility. However, you can detect with the other four senses and whatever extra senses you may have. Lastly, he is a talented wrestler and overall very agile.

Weaknesses: Tock, like most of his kind, is left-handed. This means that if you attack him from his right, he is most likely going to lose unless he turns his left side to you. Also, despite the trickster stereotype of his kind, his species is rather gullible. One of his kind said to a human, "I am afraid of blood." The human lied, "I am afraid of money." and spilled cow blood on the Dokkaebi, who promptly responded by pouring money into the human's house. The human, naturally, didn't mind. Tock is not different; he can easily trick you, but he's more easily tricked. Clarification on the stealing thing, Tock can't control where he's getting the things from. Also, you can stop your objects from being stolen by moving it out of the way. It's like the claw crane in an arcade. It's hard enough as it is to pick it up, if you move the damn thing, you aren't going to get anywhere.

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies: Wrestling and close combat in general. Tock is extremely talented and devoted to wrestling, and will greet strangers with a wrestling match. If he's not wrestling, he is always trying to outsmart other people and pulls pranks all the time.

Personality: Tock is silly, and rarely takes things seriously. He is highly and constantly competitive.

Background: During the Korean War, there was a movement among some of the Guardian Humans to protect the native supernatural creatures. Tock's tribe of Dokkaebi was one of the communities living in the DMZ. When the humans of Korea placed minefields to stop defectors or enemy armies, many of the victims were Tock's tribe. Tock was one of the Dokkaebi in a legion of DMZ supernaturals, which was later annihilated in North Korea and never spoken of again. Tock and a few of the survivors tried to escape in a boat, and Tock was the only survivor from that voyage when he arrived at Sanctuary Isle.

Other: He speaks Korean and for some reason can kinda speak to birds. Of course. Also, Sanctorum
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Name: Daeyamo

Alias(es) if any: Day (Nickname)

Gender: Female

Age: Daeyamo lost count after a few hundred years. If she had to guess, she'd say she was 450. She could pass for a 20-23 year old female human.

Status: Student

Species: Insect-Pixie

Physical Description: Pixies aren't the size of Tinkerbell, what a silly thought that is. Actually, pixies could be several size, though their general 'comfort size' is around 2 feet tall, which is their smallest. They can grow to be around 6 feet tall at the highest. An Insect-Pixie is easily picked out among other pixie because of their large black eyes, where if you look closely, you could see faint golden, hexagonal outlines. Generally they see tens of thousands of images with these. Pixies also have wings, though Insect-Pixies' are translucent and veiny, and come in pairs of four, two on each side, similar to a dragonfly. They also have very tiny hairs which allow their light bodies to grasp almost any surface.

Daeyamo has shoulder length light green hair. Her face is smooth and tan, and if you stared long enough you'd notice a very faint green hue. Her nose is proportionally small, and slightly pointy, like her ears. No matter her size, if she were sitting, her wings would touch her chair, or the ground, or whatever she felt like sitting on, should they be folded downward. She wears the same dark blue dress every day. It's a magical cloth, so it doesn't stay dirty. It's mostly plain, with the exception of a white line starting from her left shoulder, swirling down to the opposite end, reaching to about her knees.

Powers and Abilities: She can change her size, though she always has a very light body. She could pass for a human female, though she'd need sunglasses and would have to wear something to hold her wings down.

She can fly, and because of her light body, she is fairly quick. Her life span is around a couple hundred thousand years.

She has some magic, though nothing that is made for permanent harm or killing. Mostly what she does is play with illusions. Outsiders call it 'joke' magic, because pixies are known for playing pranks.

Weaknesses: A fragile body, but no weaknesses like silver bullets. Anything that could kill a human could kill Daeyamo, most likely with greater ease.

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies: Hobbies include playing pranks and making light of any situation. She is skilled in illusion magic, greatly so. She could potentially use it to take over kingdoms, though she wouldn't know it, most pixies would never even think of something like that. Daeyamo is not evil by any means. In fact, she is pure hearted and will help others in need, though she would never pass up the chance for a harmless prank.

She grew up in a primitive, magic filled environment, and has only recently been brought to earth, so she knows nothing of humans and their ways upon arrival.

Personality: Jolly and carefree most of the time. Like most Pixies, you could never count on her during a period of war, she is too playful, and in fact, hates violence. She will help if asked, or if it's needed, and will most likely be able to help with anything you need, though you'll have to bear with the pranks, which can be annoying at times. She has an innocence about her, though she's seen her fair share of violence and tragedy.

Background: Raised among other pixies, mainly Insect-Pixies, she has all their innocent prank loving ways. Most of her life was wonderful, she lived out her days playing pranks of fellow Pixies, though Pixies are hard to play pranks on, so she would more often try to find another species to play with. Very recently, in fact, this very day, she had arrived on earth. Her planet was attack by a mysterious alien monster, and somehow its magic interacted with Daeyamo's in such a way that she was teleported across the universe to land on earth, where her journey begins.

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~Name: Lyallee Foster

~Alias: Sometimes called Lyall by her friends

~Gender: Female

~Age: Looks 16-18. Really 128 in human years.

~Status: Student

~Species: Succubus

~Physical Description: Lyallee is 5 ft 6 in and has a toned body with muscle. Black long hair, red eyes that glow, and a natural tan with a black tattoo on shoulder and back.

~Powers and Abilities: Lyallee is a skilled fighter with her dagger, though she prefers not to fight unless necessary. Her special ability as a succubus is to seduce men or women, but she prefers men. She can seduce and calm them, make them trust her, and make them temporarily fall in love with her. She also has wings that give her the gift of flying. Lyallee's wings can't carry her higher than the clouds and cannot fly for more than an hour at a time.

~Weaknesses: Though she may not show it, Lyallee is very fearful. She is afraid of being alone forever and being hated. She also wants to be loved, not like the fake love she creates, but true love. To her this need of love is an act of weakness.

~Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies: She is skillful at seducing, of coarse, but she is also skillful at playing tricks on others for fun. But she knows the limit of play tricks on someone and she never crosses it. She is very clever and is actually a bit of a book nerd and has a need to learn history. Lyallee has a hobby of reading books and drawing sketches, though horrible at painting.

~ Personality:

Lyallee is a naturally curious girl. She has a need of knowing anything and everything. This makes her a great listener and a great student. She's clever and a problem solver with her quick thinking during and out of school. Lyallee likes to hang out with friends, relax, and have fun. She is trustworthy and loyal to her friends. Lyallee would do anything for her friends, though naturally a peaceful girl, she will fight for the ones she love. Though she is kind in general, Lyallee can have a mysterious dark side. She has a temper and a smart mouth. Lyallee is not dangerous or harmful though, she is a peaceful creature. All in all, Lyallee is a good person. If you become her friend, don't let her go.


Lyallee was raised by her mother, also a succubus, until she was 11. Her mother was killed by humans and Lyallee fled to the country side to hide. She prospered here for quite sometime and able to hide her young, small wings underneath a jacket. 53 years later and the hunters tracked her down and attacked. Lyallee was barely able to escape. She fought her way out and with the help of her wings, she flew to the nearest water port. She snuck onto a leaving boat headed Paris. The boat steered around the Bermuda Triangle in fear of the myths and scary stories of the Triangle. From there she snuck off the boat and flew to the island she had heard stories from her mother. Lyallee has been living on the island for 64 human years. She started out just working to get by, and now she is schooling. She lives in her own small beach home, and enjoys her time with friends.

~Other: Sanctorum

(With your permission, can I sign up a male character too?)

Lyallee Foster

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Zhaun de L’mar

Alias(es) if any:

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Status: Student

Species: Human, amphibious (Merman?)

Physical Description:

- He has yet to go through his growth spurts, so his current height is only 5’3”

- moderately webbed hands and feet, greater flexibility of back and major joints (swims at dolphin speeds)

- nictating eyelid

Powers and Abilities

Amphibious adaptation

- moderately webbed hands and feet, greater flexibility of back and major joints (swims at dolphin speeds)

- nictating eyelid, good low light vision

- hears into the ultrasonics, and can speak underwater in that range as well. Nowhere near the range of dolphins. But he understands some of their common clicks and whistles - mainly warnings of danger, announcements of food, and playfulness.

- Breathes oxygenated water well enough to sleep in it. Does NOT breathe chlorinated water. That would be toxic.

- Oxygen storage for deep dives of up to one hour duration

- thermal insulation against icy water

- vastly reduce effects from a number of sea toxins - like anemone, eel toxins, etc. Toxins fatal to land dwellers are irritants to him.


- Subject to dehydration (actually sleeps in a saltwater tank)

- severe acrophobia (though high altitude above the sea floor doesn’t bother him)

- Many land based toxins that are mere irritants to normal humans are much more dangerous to him. He carries a snake bite kit and epinephrine shots.

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:

- oceanography and ocean survival

- mythology surrounding ocean lore

- plus other skills associated with life around the sea


Having grown up in the sea, Zhan is understandably curious about the land, technology, wifi, cell phones, books, movies. He grew up in many ways a wild child, with no rules to live by except for survival. He never even started wearing a swimsuit until he met landlubbers - though he had one long, long ago as a young child. He is very, very bright, possibly near genius. But with his lack of education it is hard to tell. He has already learned to read in a matter of months, though he is still struggling to reach his own age level. (It is very probable his mother taught him the basics.)


Zhan barely remembers his mother and has no memories of a father. He guesses he was maybe 5-6 years old when his mother got herself caught in a fishing net while trying to cut a dolphin free. While it was tough trying to feed himself, he swam and lived off seaweed, raw fish, shellfish, arthropod (crabs, lobsters), octopus and squid.

He was “discovered” by a wealthy family (Ian and Sharon Davenport, and their daughter Erin) whose yacht had come under attack by criminals. Zhan doesn’t know if they were pirates, drug dealers or what. He only saw one shoot the father once - just to wound. He was about to kill the mother when Zhan got a running start and launched himself out of the water to ram the man on the speedboat they had come on, taking him overboard. Zhan bruised ribs in the process. The second time was harder and a much higher and longer jump. And there were two men. One got a lucky shot and hit Zhan before being slammed into.

The father using the distraction to kick the last man hard enough to throw his aim off as he tried to shoot Zhan, who at that point would probably have been nothing but a nuisance. The scuffle ended with the last man captured and the family safe - save for a non-fatal gunshot wound. Zhan’s wounds were more severe. One look at Zhan and the father had a good idea what he was looking at. Rather than taking the matter of Zhan up with the police he used his connections to get a representative from the school. (Anyone with the knowledge needed to save someone like Zhan would have done.)

Although he hardly knows them, the Davenports have assumed the role of foster parents. As an incentive to do well in school, Zhan has a small trust fund available to cover his education. And once he graduates, there will be enough for college and a meager life. (The Davenports do not spoil their daughter.)

-History at Sanctuary:

- They had to drug him for the flight. That took a fight and replacing half his stitches. And it is going to take the promise of going back into the sea to help him get back into a flying ANYthing.


Has a few gifts bestowed on him by the Davenports. Most notable is an Android tablet and a wristwatch, both "waterproofed"
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D'arn V'latrh - Daniel Vlast

Alias(es) if any: Dan (Short)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Status: Student

Species: Flawed Earth Elememtal - Gargoyle

Physical Description:

-Pale Skin

-6'1, 172 lbs

-compacted muscle

Powers and Abilities:

  • Inhumanly strong and fast in Gargoyle form. Has the ability to fly.
  • Absorbs rock or earth to heal himself.
  • Subconscious knowledge about earth and plant.
  • Can choose to only shift parts of his body into Gargoyle form:

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  • Seriously susceptible to water, especially in gargoyle form. Lose most of his power on rainy days and a few hours after bath. Sea water robs him completely of his power until several days later.
  • Scared of the ocean.
  • Can only stay in full Gargoyle form for maxium 40 minutes before overcome by instincts and lose control of himself. Time limit increases as he grows older.

Skills, Knowledge, and Hobbies:

  • Parkour
  • Very skilled at tracing and identifying types of rock, which is mostly useless on the island
  • Can sleep anywhere, anytime, under any condition
  • Believes Atlantis is real
  • Likes all kind of plants except cactus, because it's too watery.
  • Ironically enough, he likes swimming. So much that sometimes he risks being vulnerable just to get a good swim.
  • Doesn't like to switch into his full Gargoyle form too often, as he usually feel powerful and doesn't want to change back.

Personality: Thoughtful and wise beyond his years, Daniel still could not shake off the childishness and the teenage urges that sometimes come over him. He cares for others, and more importantly, what others think of him. Doing good deeds and being obidient, not because it's his nature but to keep up a good image in people's eyes, Daniel is quite selfish in truth. He doesn't believe in sharing but that you get what you work for, so he constantly find excuses to do exactly that, unless it's unavoidable.

Daniel is not a bad person at heart though. He would gladly help those who need it as long as it's important enough, like life-threatening or safety-involving troubles. Helping with homework, running errands, transporting messages and the like are definite nah-ah.


Daniel woke up in the heart of the Amazon jungle at the age of 11, not remember who he was, not remembering what he was. A mere infant in mind among the hardest and most rough environment in the world, he shouldn't have been able to survive, but he did. Driven solely by instinct even he didn't understand, Daniel managed to stay alive for 3 years on his own, subconsciously full of knowledge needed to avoid dangers. He was a natural inhabitant of the place, just as countless life forms around him. His powers manifested just as naturally, with him never knowing how special he really was.

Daniel stumbled upon a cave one day, where previously none had been. Having the curiosity of a child, he entered the cave and discovered the last thing he expected to find, his creator. Osidus V'latrh was dying of old age, thousands of years of an Earth Elemental's life time already passed. His time left, though short as it was, was enough to teach Daniel, only then figuring out his own name, the rudimentary of an Elemental's way, and about the world outside of the forest. He confessed to be Daniel's creator, who is not a true Elemental born of nature but conjured out of the very earth's magic in an attempt to recreate mother nature's work and playing god. The result was a intelligent being, perfect in mind and body but flawed in power, possessing only a fraction of god's work and having weaknesses where there should have been none. In one short year, Daniel learned to talk and write, learned about human and their ways, and most importantly, learned to hide his true form.

Osidus died and crumbled to dirt during their last lesson, before passing to Daniel the secret of the creation of life. Not that Daniel had wanted to know about it either way. Arrogant, thinking he had learned all there was to learn about the world, Daniel dared to venture farther than he was warned to go, and ran into the first group of human he had seen in his life. It was a group of European tourists. They brought him back to the town, and Daniel, curiosity ignited, followed willingly. His story was written in the local newspaper as: "Lost American boy survived alone in the Amazon jungle." There was no mistaking his body traits to be similar to those of white people, not Latin American or local tribes.

What he didn't know was that his creator, Osidus had contacted one of his friend right before he died. Turns out one among the group that found him was that friend, a Fire Elemental, who took him in and brought him into a secret and enclosed community of Elementals in Florida. The very person who took him in later called the Academy, and after a fight which resulted in two agents with black eyes, one with a huge bum on the back of her head and him drenching from head to toe in salt water, Daniel was in. Whatever they promised and said, he was still not comfortable being surrounded by the ocean.




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~Name: Anders Glenton

~Alias: //

~Gender: Male

~Age: looks about 22 or 23, but really 520.

~Status: Staff

~Species: Fire Spirit

~Physical Description: Anders is tall and built. Standing at 6 ft tall and defined muscles. He has dark brown hair, almost black, and brown eyes that can put you in a trance.

~Powers and Abilities:

As a fire spirit, Anders controlls fire. He can bend it to his will and it comes out of his body. He can engulf himself in fire and never be burned or harmed. He could be a dangerous enemy, but he is a good spirit and chooses not use his fire unless necessary.


Obviously, any form of water. Ice, liquid, rain, hail, gas, etc. Makes him weak. He cannot use his fire if he is in a body of water. He also has a fear of dying alone and being alone all his life.

~Skills, Knowledge, Hobbies:

Skills include anything involiving fire and wood carving. He creats furniture and decorations out of wood. He is also a great builder, he even built his house. Anders is a smart and clever man. He often over thinks things but good at solving problems. Hobbies include building and wood carving, but he also likes going into the town and hanging out. At the bar or just getting lunch, he's always up for a good time.


Anders is a care free and light soul. He is real down to earth and a guy that "goes with the flow". Anders is very kind and always lends a helping hand. These traits help him get friends easily. Friends are very important to Anders. He is trustful and loyal, he even devotes his life to his friends in fear of living alone. Anders can get lost in thought and have episodes where its like he is stuck in trance. This trance is where he is quiet and stares and is unable to stop staring until he snaps out it. Once out of the trance he fumbles for words and takes a minute to remember what is going on.


Anders has been on the Earth for a long time. He was born in Bulgaria and as a kid struggled with his powers. As a teen he learned to maintain his powers but still shielded himself from the world. As a young adult his father was killed by hunters. Anders fled the country and moved to the United States I fear of being killed. He lived in hiding until the Sanctuary was made during the great depression. He moved to the island secretly with the help of a few unnamed family members. Since he has moved to the island he went to school I the 1950s and can fully control his powers. He built himself a home and lives on island. He always goes out of his way to help the island and school anyway possible.

Other: Sanctorum <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/hotguy.jpeg.1c390993f7845a6d07f1d859526f890d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/hotguy.jpeg.1c390993f7845a6d07f1d859526f890d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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