Samuel Colt (Amos)


New Member
Real Life Name: Samuel Soma

In-Game Name: Amos

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Half German-Half Irish

Appearance (More than four coherent sentences): Samuel, otherwise known in game as Amos, has rugged skin, dark eyes, and shaggy black hair. Amos decided to make his in game character as much of a cowboy as possible, so he has dual revolvers strapped to his waist (although he usually only uses one), and a rifle strapoed across his shoulder. His in game height is the same as his height in real life, 5'8, which he often gets teased for.

Amos wears a black pinstripe dress suit and slacks, with a black overcoat, and a hat with a badge pinned to it.

Reference Pic for Appearance (Optional, put link here):

Personality (More than four coherent sentences): Amos is a reckless, justice driven risk taker.  He'll fight for whatever he believes in, whether it's popular or not and even if no one is on that side.

Friends are the other thing that's most important to Amos. He'll allow you to smack talk him all you want, but as soon as you insult his friends, Amos will set you straight. 

He loves money and the adreanaline he gets from GGO, but it's not the reason he plays. 

Bio (More than four coherent sentences):

When Samuel was a kid, his dad would only come home from work once a week, on Sunday. On those Sundays his father, Joe, would come home with treats, drinks, and occasionally a new movie. On these dats they'd  go downstairs to watch a western movie together.

Samuel deeply enjoyed this time he had with his father, so much so that it was almost his life purpose. Whenever he felt sad or anxious, Samuel just thought..."X amount of days until Sunday, when I can watch movies with my dad..."

But eventually Joe died. it was at the start of Samuel's senior year in high school. Joe worked as a construction worker, and a drunk driver went off the road and rammed his father into a pile of steel they had at the site. His remains were so grotesque Samuel's family had to have a closed casket funeral.

But now that Joe is gone, Samuel is struggling to find purpose. So he decided to play GGO, and create a character based around all the cowboy movies his father and himself would watch.

Even though it's just a facade, GGO feels so real, that Samuel can nearly replicate being a cowboy, and that makes his father's death sting a whole lot less.

Weapons: (Primary, Secondary, Melee, Heavy Weapon (If the Heavy Arms skill is equipped.) Please be detailed in your description of your weapons. Just a bit.)

Primary: The Silver Mare (Rifle). The Silver Mare is a western style rifle designed to be able to balance between quick, close quarters combat, and being able to pull off longshots.  (though not at the range of a real sniper, despite The Silver Mare having a scope.)

The Silver Mare Holds six bullets in its cylinder firing chamber, and can fire as fast as Amos pulls the trigger, although the faster it is fired, the less accurate the shots become.

Secondary: Dual Wield Revolvers, Bonnie and Clyde.

Bonnie and Clyde are a set of revolvers that each have their own purpose.

Bonnie, the revolver for Amos' right hand, can fire off nearly automatic bursts of 6 shots, although they are wildly inaccurate and only good at a range of within 5 meters or so.

Clyde, the revolver for Amos' left hand, is meant to fill in his mid range gap. It is a powerful pistol with stopping power that fires at a moderate rate. 

Amos can dual wield these pistols, but usually chooses not to unless he has multiple opponets.


Reference Pic for Weapons (Optional, put link here): They're the weapons from the pic posted above.

AGI (Agility) - 5

VIT (Vitality) - 3

DEX (Dexterity) - 6

STR (Strength) - 1

LUC (Luck) - 10

SEN (Sense) - 5

Skill: Akimbo
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