Same old, same old.


New Member

So honestly, I guess I haven't been on long enough on here to really say, but it seems as though there are a lot of cliche role plays. Especially when it comes to the non-anime sort. Like realistic, non-fantasy group. I personally am not a huge fan of anime (it's not that I don't like it, I just can't really get into it like most do) and to see that a good amount of lasting RP's on here are anime, is sort of a downer. I find that it's because a lot of the realistic non-anime RP's don't have much varieties in plot. A lot of them seem to be about camp, or beach houses, or high school. Have your same cliche characters (No depth, nothing very profound or interesting about their personality, experiences or story), along with the same cliche plot. Nothing with a good amount of plot. Nothing with a lot a depth. So I was hoping to change that, and someone would like to join me? Create an RP that has plot, depth. Something more than an average beach house, going to high school/college/boarding school type of thing. I was thinking a mystery. Something with a good plot. Anyone like to help out?

I ask this of anyone that would:

• Have Moderate RP experience. So someone who knows what they're doing.

• Someone who is capable of posting more than a paragraph in most to all posts. But someone who doesn't post three paragraphs for every post (it's fine for starters and when there is a lot going on, but seriously, no one wants to read three paragraphs every time you post).

• Someone who can be detailed with not only what their character is doing, but their thoughts as well.

• Someone who, obviously, wants an RP with depth, and a good plot, and doesn't want it to die out.

• Someone who uses figurative language or doesn't make their posts simple minded or uses simple words, phrases, and try to make it as creative as possible.

• Plays characters out well, and shows that each character is not only a character, but has their own personality, story, and will portray that personality, story, and experiences in an appropriate way (For example, I'd know when they don't do this if they put the oh-so cliche things for their character sheets such as: 'She's really nice, a bit shy and likes making new friends, and will totally open up to you if you give her chance' or those perfect characters that give absolutely no value to the RP whatsoever).

• And of course it'd be good if you were active on a regular basis, and don't just stop posting on RP's because you forget to check or get bored with it.

Please post below if you are interested. (:


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