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Multiple Settings Salvatore Boarding school for Supernatural Teenagers

The A-Train

New Member

Location New Hampshire
Weather: Sunny Afternoon

Somewhere in the middle of New Hampshire, there was a school that was separated from humanity and the supernatural community at large. The school was surrounded by a magical barrier that was formed from ancient magic. Only supernatural creatures could see the school and the supernatural children who were invited to study here. The school was kept in almost perfect condition thanks to the groundkeeper and funders. But do not be fooled by its appearance because it may look like a normal school, because it is not. The school trains supernatural teenagers to better survive in the world and against supernatural threats. There are many secrets hidden in this school and many adventures to be had.



Klaus eagerly awaited the arrivals to the school as he sat on the roof of the main building. He knew that John had sent out letters to the students that would be accepted to the school, would they show up? If needed, he could go into the human world to hunt them down but what fun would that be? He wanted them to discover the school for themselves and then he would swoop down and show them the ropes. It was like those old supernatural movies that he thought people still loved. He was looking forward to seeing the new students and their new abilities and how they would fare against the supernatural creatures of the world. The Salvatore school had some creatures locked up and used for training.

The vampire was excited to have new students at the school, since the school's last students died from a loose Chimera in the school. Pretty grim, but the supernatural world was no joke and would kill anyone. Klaus was nervous about having new students at the school because of the danger of supernatural creatures and the fact that they were hunted down by the queen of monsters and her followers. Hopefully they would not join the queen though and take over the world with her.

Luckily, Klaus had the legendary Winchester brothers to help him out with protecting the students and keeping them away from the queen's influence. But it would be easy since the students would likely be more susceptible to her.​

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