

Creepy smile

This idea has been crawling in my head for some time now and I would like to know if there would be people interested in playing in such a setting.

The idea is to get an apocalyptic universe close to the Terminator and Screamers movies, or Xmen :the dark ages. Dirty, desperate, filled with threats and extremely deadly. Not exactly like Warhammer 40K, but almost.

The game would take place hundred of years after the disappearance of the Empress, and the background would include the following:

- the locust crusade failed

- the First and Forsaken Lion captured the Machine God and merged with him becoming a new strange Neverborn, conscious and extremely powerful.

- the Lion has then brought the Underworld forces under his heel and has marched Creation for decades, creating new necro machines in his wake every season, using the gem soul technology and the necro tech as well as the formidable creative impulse of the Machine God.

- the Demons have tried to return to Creation with the Green Sun Princes, but the Lion has stopped them and they now control the Blessed Isle, but are in a constant state of siege.

- most of Creation has turned into a shadowland under the actions of the Lion and his minions, the Deathlords

- Yu Shan has closed its gate and spirits and exalts privileges have been revoked.

- now a few resistants live in fortified cities, always on alert, struggling to survive and looking for a mean to reclaim their lost lands from the grasp of the necro machine god.

Exalts are now the war heroes everyone needs but are facing terrible situation every day as people die around them and sometime they can't do anything about it.

Level of technology available would be closer to the first age (stolen necro-tech constructs).

Haven't mapped anything yet, just checking for interests for this fall.
There is a bitter difference between waging war for power or land, and fighting for survival.

Most of the time, you do not win anything but another day living, but that's often better than what could have happenned if you had lost. :twisted:

Don't expect fights at every turn though, mainly because the more you will fight, the more you'll attract attention and the more necro machines will identify you as targets and will go after you... but as Kyle Reese once said "they're not too bright".

But yeah there will be mainly a "military" campaign.
Zombie apocalypse Exalted? Sounds fun.

Are we going to be limited in Exalt type? I'm assuming Renegade Abyssals would be ridiculous, considering their obstacles, but are there any other limitations? Everyone hates the Neverborn.
That would be techno zombie apocalypse :lol:

I failed to mention you will start with experienced PC (around 100 - 150+ xp).

Renegade abyssal are ok.

Distrusted, treated like crap, isolated because of the Resonnance, but valued elements in the war since only they can sometimes turn the table vs the necro machines / techno undead (namely necromancy and necrotech) and they are at ease in shadowlands and the underworld, serving as scouts and raiders. You'd be one of 5 tops and life is going suck big time.

Anything else (apart from alchemicals and infernals... obviously) would be ok.
I'll with hold my exalt and caste type until you start it going. Besides by fall I'm sure a new tickle my fancy idea will happen for a chara xD Like at the moment I'm in Sidy mode xD
It occurs to me that there are 100 Exalts who have it worse off than those 5 renegade Abyssals. Every one of the Fivescore Fellowship is going to be built as a Ronin. Their astrology is hampered beyond belief, and they won't have access to the extensive training that made them up to the level of other Exalts. That includes the martial arts network that they relied upon. And Connections? Fugheddaboutit.

DBs won't be doing so well either, all being Outcastes (or maybe Lookshyans will still be an option).

Why do both those options seem more attractive to me than usual when I know that I'll be extraordinarily useless if I pick one of them?
Warning, since all accesses would have been cut with Yu shan (a messy affair with deathknights in some carnival of meeting), siddies will necessarily be in semi ronin mode, since only the brave stupid and young would have chosen to be outside the doors of heaven when they closed.

EDIT: grah... own3d. :roll:

So, what would be the rules on making, say, an Immaculate monk? A Lookshy Terrestrial? These would both be severely affected by the setting.
cyl said:
Warning, since all accesses would have been cut with Yu shan (a messy affair with deathknights in some carnival of meeting), siddies will necessarily be in semi ronin mode, since only the brave stupid and young would have chosen to be outside the doors of heaven when they closed.
But that is what I think would be cool, in one hand a Ronin, cause he exalted outside of Yu Shan's shadow is forced to survive like the rest of them. He/she has no ties much less knowledge of the power his/her Exaltedness would have brought, and then of course the threat of not knowing what will happen when they press the spiders too far xD

Of course then the Sidy who stayed out of Yu Shan to help who he/she could because the bureaucracy and slowness of Yu Shan was just too much. (Crazy person that he/she is leaves to do what he/she can but has none of the power he/she could have had he/she waited xD )

Heh, the more I think of it, more I seem to like the idea of doing such a limited Sidy xD
Since I only got the basic book, my choices are rather limited anyway. Lets see, what character concept would fit this sort of game ?
Lookshy obviously would still stand as the main fortified position in the East with Halta, so Lookshyans are still ok.

Immaculate monks could be remnants of a long lost martial heritage perpetrated by the few siderals and the itinerant monks who survived decades of fighting / have been protected behind high walls to train recruits. Rare but not extinct.

Don't rush into anything yet for your characters, but if you have ideas / suggestions fire at will.

Post apocaliptic-exalted punches me straight to Hokuto No Ken meterial....

I'd love to give it a run.
xarvh said:
Post apocaliptic-exalted punches me straight to Hokuto No Ken meterial....

I'd love to give it a run.
That was one hell of a good reference... but it will be more dramatic than actually comic.
I'd love to play in this. I would've liked to play Infernal (enemy of my enemy) but I expect I'll go with a Changing Moon Lunar, if I can get in. Or maybe a renegade Abyssal. I do like the evil-flavoured exalt types.
I could allow Infernals (indeed, they are actually fighting for their land too...) but I'd have to digest the whole HC and the mechanisms first.
I'd also love to play, either solar or lunar, not sure on caste. Btw, how may slots are there going to be and what happened to the neverborn and Yozis?
Undetermined number of slot for the moment. I may make 2 teams if there are more than 10+ interested.

The yozis were screwed by the merging Lion/Auto and are still in Malfeas. Even the Ebon Dragon did not dare to get out when the time came, but he did sent his wife and all yozis send their minions on the Blessed Isle to establish a conflict free zone for their return, which is... well not for now since the Isle is on a permanent warring state, from the inside and on the outside.

The Neverborn have been put back to sleep by the Lion and HWHIT has been thrown into Oblivion.

I'm still working on the background atm.
I'd quite like to play a Malefactor with a Cecyline urge, or possibly a Defiler serving Ebon Dragon - although he wouldn't be a sorceror, though. since I haven't seen enough Infernal flavoured spells for my liking and don't have time to brew my own. Possibly a Helltechnician. Malefactors are still my favourites, though.
I have an interesting Solar Night Caste concept that for which this kind of game would be great. He might have to be an Eclipse though as it depends on how you rule things for Fate in your game with shadow lands covering almost everything. Regardless Eben Shadow MA would certainly play a part. The rest of the concept I want to keep 'secret' ;-)

I am assuming the Gethomane is one of the few surviving fortresses? What of White Wall, the Lap, ect?
I'm thinking of a Solar (dawn) mercenary commander. Sort of a Big Boss type guy. Like in portable ops. Leads by example. Earns loyaulty rather than demanding it. His troops would be survivors from regular armies and civilians irregulars found along the way. Has also a few elements of Cain's army in the novel Death or Glory.
Grey: I'd have to go through the infernal books to agree with one.

Thanos: too few people read fate now, and it is too perturbated by the dead and their actions to have a significant impact. That aside, I can't see why fate would interest a solar.

I'd have to check the actual fortification of Gethamane to set if it has survived or not, but Whitewall would probably be one of the few bastions of the resistance.

Not sure you'd want to face shadowland winters plus the necromachines though... :mrgreen:

Midboss: the situation is too desperate to consider heroic mercs. Either you're a fighter for the cause following or directing a chain of command, or you're a "selfish bastard" exploiting your strength and the situation to get paid to fulfill your missions whatever they may be (doing stuff for the resistance, or protecting a community).

But in this world... money wouldn't be what it used to but would still be extremely useful in some places.

These are going to be really really desperate times :|

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