

Hi there! I'm Eclipse. I'm cool. Love me. Please. I swear I'm not desperate. I'm just Canadian, and maybe a little bit of a geek.

Firstly, because this is a roleplaying site, I'll go over my experience with roleplaying. I've been roleplaying on and off for a few years now. Roleplaying serves as a medium for me to create and express, and for me to have fun with my unrelenting imagination. I'd consider myself an abstract thinker, which allows me to come up with some interesting plot points and characters. I would put this to use by writing a novel or something, but sadly, I'm too lazy for something like that. With roleplaying, however, I get to cooperate with others, which makes for a far more immersive experience. I tend to play more introverted characters, usually with a high capacity for thinking, though I can play any other type of character if needed. As for roleplay settings, I prefer either modern-realistic or fantasy. Special attention goes to roleplays with anime inspiration, though I'm certainly not reserved solely for anime-inspired play. You can expect at least 2 paragraphs per post from me when it comes to roleplays that interest me.

And now, me, because I'm totally an interesting person. As aforementioned, I am Canadian, into anime and other "geeky" things, and an abstract thinker. I love stimulating my mind with interesting concepts/theories, especially those pertaining to psychology and/or philosophy. I also enjoy problem solving, and connecting ideas in mystery stories. I like my anime, Vocaloid, Touhou, and visual novels, so my inner weeb is out there for the world to see. Yet despite all this, I'm still a cool cat. I appreciate music of all genres, and enjoy all but opera, leaning towards the genres of metal and electro. I even sing (if you can call my attempts at screeching singing) and can compose music.

I'm open-minded. I'm open to talking to anyone about anything. Thus, feel free to talk to me whenever you like. Or rather, please do. I'm a lonely person. *Sobs*
Welcome, good sir (or ma'am) Eclipse.

I'm SachiGrl. I loved the little chit chat about yourself. I truly hope you enjoy the site. Feel free to message me (whenever you're able) for casual talks or whatever RPs that come to your mind. You sound like someone worth RPing with ^.^
That would be "good sir Eclipse." :D

I'm happy to have gained your interest. I'll be sure to PM you eventually, when I'm able to.
Ahh, the eclipse. A reoccurring event with so many meanings. Anyway, welcome to RPNation! You're probably the first Canadian I've met (virtually) and I myself am an anime lover. I hope you enjoy your time on here and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask someone! Oh, and if you're interested in dark/horror themed roleplays, my Cult members are the people to find. ;)
Hello and welcome.

There are lots of fun RPs to play here, and lots more fun people to play with.

I know I'm a little late to the party but, Let me know if there is anything I can do to help ya get settled in.

Also drop me a line if you ever need an rp buddy or some one to chat with.

Thank you all for the welcomes! The community here is looking nice. :D

@Raphael I'm not an active dark/horror roleplayer, but if ever I do feel the need to get spooky, I'll definitely seek your cult out.

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